Anita Lutsenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Coach, Diary of Slimming 2021



Anita Lutsenko teaches people to be slim and healthy. Ukrainian athlete, professional coach, it is among the best weight loss experts. The advice and experience of women helped the participants of the popular show "Weighed and happy" to believe in yourself, get rid of extra kilograms. In the service list of Ukrainka - the title champion in aerobics and fitness.

Childhood and youth

Lutsenko was born on March 11, 1984 in Kiev. The girl's family was distant from the sport. Father, Valery Yuryevich, was engaged in lawyer activities, mother, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, worked as an engineer-designer, interior design designer. Brother Anton took up legal business.

When the baby turned 4 years old, the parents gave the daughter to the artistic gymnastics section. Later, the young feature fell into the dance ensemble "Vinov". At the young age, the girl participated in sports competitions - on the territory of not only Ukraine, but also European countries.

Personal life

Personal life in the biography of the fitness coach turned out to be filled with amazing events. The first big love Anita called the novel Grisin. Young people found common interests in sports. Relationships launched 3 years, after which Lutsenko and former beloved remained friends.

In 2016, Lutsenko surprised fans with the news of pregnancy. The position of the woman became noticeable in the 7th month, and the baby Mia appeared on the last period. At first, Ukrainian hid information about the child's father, but later began to be able to share information in an interview. It turned out that the champion managed to marry a man named Alexander.

Acquaintance occurred in the Kiev cafe, and it was love at first sight. The girl immediately felt in a stranger looking at her, "of the very" prince. By the time Anita was in a relationship, but quickly ruined them. After learning of the future of my daughter's father, the athlete found an amazing fact.

It turned out that even before the acquaintance, she and Alexander with a difference in 4 days slept on one bed in a house on Goa. Lutsenko calls the elect "mixture" Richard Gira of the release of the film "Beauty" and your father. The husband was present in childbirth, the first took a mission on his hands, and then took an active part in child care.

Together with Alexander, the fitness coach decided that up to 3 years old daughter would be allowed to be allowed, and then parents will begin to raise the heir. In the meantime, the girl is swimming and traveling with mom and dad in different countries. Husband, unlike Gritzina's novel, far from the world of sports - he is engaged in Internet technologies.

For a long time, Anita fans believed that she was associated with the participant of the show "Weighed and happy" Nikolai Voshnov. In the first season, the coach performed as the mentor of the "big" man. However, Lutsenko, and her ward admitted that there was no romance between them.


From an early age, the future champion was engaged in aerobics. The first coaches of the girls performed Sergey Zyka and Olga Pacichic. After school, Ukrainian has studied at the National University of Physical Education and Sports.

Becoming a qualified fitness and pilates technician, the girl began to travel to various international conferences. In 2008, she was invited to work in the Kiev Fitness Center "Sofia". The effective methods of weight loss and maintenance developed by Lutsenko became aware of the wide audience.

The former gymnast was the welcome guest of many shows related to the theme of sports. In 2011, Amita's mentors came to the transfer "Weighted and happy", an analogue of the American project The Biggest Loser. The concept of the program is that people with overweight begin classes with professional instructors.

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In the conditions of tough discipline and diet "Big" people not only say goodbye to extra volumes, but also fight for the cash prize. According to the results of the first season, the team of the girl won a group of rivals engaged in Igor Obukhovsky. The audience had to do with the work of Anita in the project - she was invited to the next seasons of the program.

Since 2012, the coach began to lead the heading on the "STB" channel, where it was shared with the audience with advice on healthy nutrition and exercises to maintain the body in a tone. Popularity and the transfer "Deciding", in which, together with colleagues, Svetlana Fus, Marina Borjemskaya and others - the instructor led conversations about the importance of sports and charging in a person's life.

In 2014, Lutsenko launches the Diary of Slimming Diary project in the "All Bood" program. Together with the campaign participants, the coach performs exercise, gradually complicating them. The ethers received high ratings - the audience saw in video lessons a good motivation to bring themselves into shape.

The instructor has developed fitness complexes presented on the STB channel. Among them, "fat burning exercises", "flat belly in 5 minutes", which was especially useful for young mothers, "Yoga for the abdomen", "Morning hardcore", helping to develop joints. Releases are currently available on Yutiuba channels.

In 2018, Ukrainian participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars." In the project, her partner was a professional dancer Alexander Protsenko. The pair could not reach the final, which upset Anita, accustomed to win.

Anita Lutsenko now

In 2020, Lutsenko continues to acquaint the audience with proper nutrition and competent training. In the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, which forced many of the houses, the athlete launched a free Challenge # 14daysweet. The program provides for a complete refusal of sweet, fructose, alcohol and a strict diet.

For 2 weeks, the body dissipates from the artificial feeling of sweetness in the mouth, and at the same time the extra kilograms are also leaving, the quality of the skin and mood is improved. Every day a woman places a menu in which the optimal ratio of food value products and grams. In the account, the instructor lays out the photo of the recommended dishes.


  • "Weighed and happy"
  • "Deciding"
  • "Dancing with the Stars"

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