Igor Bobrin - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure, Coach 2021



The legendary figure skater Igor Bobrin became famous in solitary riding. An artistic athlete even in arbitrary programs showed a real performance on ice. His account has many awards and achievements.

Childhood and youth

The future figure skater was born late autumn, on November 14, 1953, in Leningrad. The boy brought up in the family of Mary Ilinichna and Anatoly Pavlovich Bobby. The Father went through the war, then he worked with the team of electricians. Mother worked with a mixer in the cinema. The family has already grown up the eldest son Vladimir. At the end of the school, Igor's brother became a sailor.

Like most children, Igor Bobrin often sharpened. At the seven age, the mother took the boy on the ice. The first coach of Little Igor became Tatiana Lovheiko. 5 years later, he began to train at Igor Borisovich Moskvin.

Figure skating

The path to the glory was long and difficult. The career biography of Igor Bobrin was not immediately.

The first successes in sports to the novice figure came in 1972. Eighteen-year-old Igor spoke at the USSR Championship in Minsk and stood on the third step of the pedestal. Then followed the autumn season. On the trade union competition of the USSR in Rostov, he again became the third. But the road to the team for the guy was closed while.

After 2 years, the selection on the main tournaments was held at the January Cup of the USSR. Then Bobrin again took the 3rd place. And in the next 1975, a young man did not get into the national team, but won the Spring Cup of the USSR.

Igor Bobrin paid attention to the fact that he created artistic images on ice. To the selection of the Olympics, he created at that time a progressive program and in Riga at the end of 1975 became the third. But Vladimir Kovalev took the European and international championship.

The breakthrough happened in the world championship in 1976, where he entered the top ten. A kind of handwriting of skiing was rated the jury and noticed the audience. But at the USSR Championship, Bobrin again rose to the third step of the pedestal.

In the same year, a famous indicative dance on ice "Sleeping Cowboy" was created, which was included in the Gold Fund of World Figure Skating. At a concert in honor of his 50-year-old anniversary, Bobrin in the final part was the "Cowboy".

In the coming season 1976-1977, a young man has achieved victory in the memory tournament Nikolai Panin. But at the stage of formation of the national team, he became the fifth and fourth. Therefore, instead of Bobrin, Konstantin Cocona took. The skater, in turn, completed the winning season at the USSR Cup.

The next tour of the competition began with the victory in Lipetsk. In December 1977, Bobrin became the third at the Moscow News. A month later, the top three closed the top three, after which he was taken to the Soviet national team. At the European tournament, the athlete entered the top five champions, the tenth place earned at the World Championships.

The next season of a young man, together with Igor Moskvin, began to train Yuri Ovchinnikov. Together they created a number to the music of Paganini. And again, Bobrin made an innovator, making jumps without visible training. At first it was in a novelty, but now world sports leaders cannot do without such techniques.

The initial Olympic stage put Bobrin on the second step of the pedestal. Then they followed the victory on the trade union championship and at the Panin Memory Tournament. In December 1980, a young athlete won the Moscow News Competition. The following became the owner of the silver medal at the USSR Championship.

At the European Championship, Bobrin finished the fourth, without reaching the pedestal slightly. The world championship brought the seventh place athlete. At the Spring Championship of the USSR, he secured a second victory. For Paganini, Bobrin received 5.9 points for artistry.

In the season of the eight-day, Bobrin entered the new coach Yury Ovchinnikov. At the autumn London tournament, the athlete closed the top five. Then followed a series of victories at the trade union championships, Panin's memory, "Moscow news".

The 1981 European Championship Igor Bobrin met without a coach, as Ovchinnikov was banned from departure from the country. An arbitrary program athlete performed without errors. It was seen that the execution of the program brings a young man. As a result, Bobrin became a champion.

At the World Championship, the athlete took third place. In 1981, Bobrin lost a victory in the Moscow News Tournament, but in a month the championship of the country dismantled, becoming the winner of the USSR championship.

At the World Championship, the Russian figure skater took the seventh line. After the competition, the athlete was invited to tour in Europe. But after the season is completed, the leadership advised Bobrin to leave the national team, because the decline in sports results did not contribute to success. What he did. At the age of 27, the figure skater left the big sport and with his head went to work at the Theater of Ice Miniature.

For the whole career, Bobrin performed many numbers. But the most memorable of them became the "parody of pair skating", "Prince and Beggar", "Comic Number", "Waiter".

In 1987, Igor Bobrin began to be filmed in the transfer of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Together with the Olympic champion of Natalia Linichuk and ballet Alla Pugacheva, he showed a complex of gymnastic exercises.

Personal life

For the first time Igor Bobrin was combined with a marriage with the figure skater Natalia Ovchinnikova. They met, engaged in the same group. Soon Natalia filed documents to the university and left the sport. In 1977, the family had the addition - the son of Maxim was born, who later became a surgeon.

In 1980, the athlete met Natalia Bestemyanova, whose partner at that time was Andrei Bukin. But it happened that on the lot on the demonstration performances they fell to ride together. Natalia was in love with Igor at that time. She once saw a young man on TV, and feelings appeared immediately. So there was the first date of the pair - on the ice. Igor, seeing Natalia, also fell in love.

The figure skater remembers:

"Once at the charges, someone from the guys snapped so that I found myself at Igor in the room. I was told: "Natasha, climb there, waiting for you." I do not expect a trick, come, and Igor there, I look at me confused. I flew like a cork out of a bottle ... ran in horror, in full confusion ... I repeat, I was terribly shy, a compacted girl. "

True, a few long months have passed until they started to meet.

The novel caused resentment from sports leadership and friends. Bobrin rushed between two cities. But in the end, left the family, designed a divorce with the first wife and played a wedding with Natalia in 1983. Bestayyanova emphasizes that she did not put forward any conditions to the future spouse, because he knew that the divorce would put a cross on a career and would make the union. The marriage was terminated by Bobrin's spouse on his own initiative.

Maxim was seriously worried about the gap of his parents, but he had excellent relations with his father. The athlete calls the second wife and son in their own lives in his life.

At first, Maxim did not get along with Natalia, but then became a frequent guest in the family. Photos from the home evenings they say that in the relationship of Natalia and Maxim's resentment behind. With the new spouse, Bobrin Children did not start.

In 2012, the personal life of Igor Bobrina reape himself attention. Woman named Veronika Pitkevich told that she was an extramarital daughter athlete. From the celebrity a public response did not follow.

New details of the family life Igor Bobrin were disclosed in 2020. His spouse Natalia became a guest of the transmission "secret to a million" with Leroy Kudryavtseva. In a frank interview, she told how her novel was started and developed. At first, the woman was ready to be even in the role of mistress, so strong were her feelings for Babin. But after a while, the man left the family.

This year, the spouses celebrate 37 years of living together. Igor Bobrin is happy in marriage. In the house he is the head of the family, the wife supports it in all decisions. Now quarrels between spouses are rare. But in the youth, Natalia and Igor often spared on domestic issues.

Despite their age, the figure skater is in excellent physical form and has good health. With the growth of 1.75 m, his optimal weight.

Igor Bobrin now

Now Igor Bobrin is the main director of the theater on ice. He does not sit on the spot for a minute, puts new programs and goes with touring worldwide.

In 2019, the theater troupe actively toured. She gave ideas on ice in Russia in Kemerovo, in China in Taiyuan and Belarus in Minsk. January 2020 began with performances in South Korea, where Russian skaters love and always wait.


  • 1972 - Championship of the USSR, 3rd place
  • 1976 - USSR Championship, 3rd place
  • 1978 - USSR Championship, 1st place
  • 1979 - USSR Championship, 2nd place
  • 1980 - USSR Championship, 1st place
  • 1981 - World Cup, 3rd place
  • 1981 - European Championship, 1st place
  • 1982 - European Championship, 3rd place
  • 1982 - Championship of the USSR, 1st place
  • 1983 - Championship of the USSR, 2nd place
  • 2002 - Honored Coach of Russia

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