Alexey Kovalkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Nutritionist 2021



Alexey Kovalkov is a professional who knows how competently and without harm to health to reset overweight. The doctor of medical sciences developed its own weight loss techniques, wrote a lot of books about how to be slim and satisfied with life. Forbes ratings are one of the three most popular nutritionists of Moscow.

Childhood and youth

About the children's and youth years in the biography of the doctor, about parents there are no information in the open access. It is known that Alexey Vladimirovich was born on April 19, 1962. After school, he was educated at a medical institute. N. I. Pirogova.

Personal life

About the personal life nutritionist periodically tells in an interview. With the future wife, the guy met, learning in the university. After the wedding, a son appeared at the pair. The Kovalkov family does not live in a "strict post" - there are cola, fish, pizza, popcorn in the menu.


The career of the Moscow doctor-nutritionist began with his own attempts to lose weight. In his youth, Alexei was not overweight. The guy returned from the army slim, muscular, with the 46th size of clothing. However, everything changed when he entered the Medical Institute. Then during the day of Kovalkov was fed by cupcakes and buns, because the brain needed glucose.

And after study, coming in the evening home, with a young wife, he prepared fried potatoes and store cutlets. This led to the fact that in the near future the future nutritionist crushed out and began to weigh 150 kg.

With such a mass, Alexey lived for several years: he did not have to lose weight. This condition was a danger to health: Alexey began to develop fatty dystrophy, the obesity of the heart bag and other pathologies began to develop.

A man not only barely placed in his own car, but hardly climbed into the 2nd floor, tormented with shortness of breath and heartbeat. Saving at that time for Kovalkova became an invitation to the States where a young specialist not only engaged in medical practice, but also learned about scientific nutrition.

Alexey Kovalkov before and after weight loss

Moskvich managed to understand the reasons for the appearance of overweight, began to lose weight himself, and then - to share knowledge with those who needed help. The main task of the doctor, according to Alexey, was the study of hormonal background and biochemical processes occurring inside a person. It helps to determine the source point with which obesity begins.

For 7 months, the doctor lost 80 kg. Based on this experience, he developed the author's program. In 2010, the nutritionist opened a clinic in the capital, which was treated by many stars of Russian show business, politicians, athletes. Then the first book "Victory over weight was released. Method of Dr. Kovalkova. " The work was considered the role of physical education, the influence of products on the body and other issues.

Patients of the Center are a complete medical examination. It often finds out that the cause of obesity becomes tumors, hormonal failures, lack of vitamin D. Medical history allows corpulent people to get rid of the problem in a short time. Earning among patients a reputation of a professional, Alexey Vladimirovich became the desired guest of television and radio broadcasts.

So, the doctor made a consultant in the programs of the "habitat", "test purchase", "taste of life", "Morning Russia" on the central canals ("Russia", NTV). In addition, he led the headings "Kilograms of Fate", "Quality Sign" on the Radio Station "Mayak" and others. Together with Maria, a Kulikova man became a TV presenter show "Good doctor". Soon the author's program of Kovalkova "Family Size" appeared on the domestic channel.

Here participants were people who wanted to get rid of extra kilograms. The audience could observe how the nutritionist technique works - the project's heroes really loose, adhering to the advice of the doctor. The copyright projects "return my body", "Food according to the rules and without" is also popular.

Moskvich himself seriously refers to the competence of specialists offering the public its own weight correction development. This is especially true of those who totals diet and excessive physical exertion for fat burning. Alexey has repeatedly emphasized that diet is harmful to humanity. In his clinic, there were patients who were rehabilitated after the wrong "dietary" regime.

The doctor advises not to arrange frequent unloading days, and also emphasizes the falsity of fashionable detox programs aimed at purifying the body at the "cellular level". Using scientific terminology, the doctor reports that the cell cannot be cleaned, and the fact that advertising describes can be done using traditional laxatives.

The main enemy of nutritionists and all mankind Alexey Vladimirovich, being a member of the expert council of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Healthcare, calls sugar. The man even offered to introduce excise taxes to this product, but his proposal remainsless.

According to the nutritionist, this happened because diabetes - a branch beneficial to the economy. Sale insulin specialist compares with drug sales. According to the counts of a scientist, in the year Moskvich consumes 70 kg of sugar, which leads to serious pathologies of the pancreas. Another "drug" specialist sees salt.

Nevertheless, Kovalkov does not call people to the complete abandonment of delicious food and, walking with her son in a cinema, bows the bottle of cola. The main thing is how the doctor says, not to introduce the use of "yummy" into the system. The same applies to red wine, pizza and other products in the menu.

The doctor will divert the myths that after 18:00 dinner is not desirable. Alexey argues that the feeling of hunger contributes to the processing of carbohydrates and proteins in fats. In its developments there are diet, allowing specially eating in the evening. Each case is individual.

Alexey Kovalkov now

In 2020, the nutritionist continues to participate in programs, give interviews, lecture. The man also began to appear on the canals in Yutubeub. In particular, became a guest in the project of Irina Shikhman "And to talk? ..". In addition, the doctor leads "Instagram", where it is divided with subscribers of photo and information on the activities of the clinic during the proliferation of coronavirus.

In an interview with the radio station "Silver Rain", Alexey Vladimirovich spoke about the importance of proteins in a person's diet, balanced nutrition, and also expressed an opinion on the products that were supposedly the first sources of COVID-19. Kovalkov stressed that during the epidemic masks are useless: only the respirator can save from the virus.

Now, on its own Yutiub-Channel, the nutritionist leads the transfer "there or not", and also shares tips on the official website.


  • 2010 - "Victory over weight. Method of Dr. Kovalkova "
  • 2012 - "Lose weight with the mind! Method of Dr. Kovalkova "
  • 2013 - "Lose weight interesting. Recipes of tasty and healthy life "
  • 2014 - "minus size. New Safe Express Diet "
  • 2015 - "Diet for gourmet. Food plan from Dr. Kovalkova "
  • 2019 - "Methods of Dr. Kovalkov in matters and answers"

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