Rare celebrity patronymic: 2020, Russian, parents, father, meaning


By behalf of and patronymic in the creative environment, contact not accepted. It's a pity. Some stars passport data would confirm that the unusual name, the higher the chance to raise talented heirs. The rare patrimonies of celebrities and fathers who helped stand up, - in the material 24cm.

1. Valery Syutkin

The ex-vocalist of the group "Bravo" is called the passport Valery Miladovich Sutkin. The rare name of the Mold chose the grandmother of the musician, who called the son, when he saw that a pretty child was born. The name has Arabic and Slavic roots, and in the literal meaning is interpreted as "cute and rude". Pope of the future "Pijon" graduated from the Military Engineering Academy and taught in it all his life.

2. Andrei Zabludovsky

Member of the Bit Quartet "Secret" Andrei Zabludovsky with pride is the middle name of Izilyevich. Under the name of the Father of the celebrity, Ilielan Zabludovsky, who served in the Great Drama Theater. G. A. Tovstonogov, hiding a revolutionary context. "Perform the covenants of Ilyich," the sonorous isois calls.

3. Ivan Oganesyan

The stars of the TV series Nyukhach and the "Law and Order" of Ivan Johnridovich Oganenyan's father were so called in Armenian traditions - with the proportion of originality and in honor of the American journalist John Reed. Johnrid Oganesyan became an opera singer, and the heir's parents were brought up in musical traditions. But, Razurov, Ivan realized what the dramatic direction like, and was transferred to the music faculty to the actors.

4. Elena Tsaplakova

The director and actress Elena Tychakovkova to the patrony of October refers to calmly. Previously, the names October and Octobrine in honor of the October Revolution were common. Mom called her husband affectionately by Okoy, and the children's jokes perceived the future star with joy, because the passport data could be sophisticated. Later, in an interview, Elena said that thanks to his father, it turned out to be internally prepared for directorial work.

5. Valery Nost.

Full Valery Noste was the son of Benedict of the skew, which comes from Poland. Later, the surname mistakenly turned into recognizable spout. And although the engineer Benedict Nose was far from creativity, it did not prevent him from becoming the founder of the dynasty of the actors, which and in 2020 he pleases the audience with new projects.

6. Valdis Pelsh

Rare celebrity patrimonies are consonant with modern names. Valdis Eizhovich Pelsh Rod from Riga. The name of the Father Celebrity in Latvia sounds like Ereghenias, is not considered rare and interpreted as Eugene in Russia.

Celebrity dad worked as a journalist and leading on the radio. Creative genes were inherited and son who won spectator sympathy as a TV presenter with a rare for the Russian audience.

7. Anastasia Melnikova

Actress Anastasia Rurikovna Melnikova - a representative of the medical dynasty and is also part of the selection of "rare patrimonies of celebrities." Rurik Alexandrovich was an oncologist with a princely name and world fame. Anastasia admits that there were nobles and wealthy merchants in the family, but why the choice fell on such an unusual name - does not specify.

And although Melnikova does not apply to the Dynasty of Rurikovichi, the name of the star is proud and closes the selection of representatives of show business, to whom fathers presented not only genes, but also rare patronymic.

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