Series "My boy" (2019): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


On September 26, 2020, the audience of the channel "Russia-1" saw the series "My boy" production of Ukraine. The multi-sieuled film affects maternity issues and faith in a miracle contrary to circumstances. Actors and roles, as well as interesting facts from the set - in the material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the story of the Zorin family. Asya and Gennady are happy in marriage. Couple brings up a 4-year-old son Antoshka. Overnasy, fate presents a terrible surprise: a child dies in a fire. Life for the killed Mother's grief loses its meaning, and the idea of ​​the life of suicide is spinning in the head.

However, after a meeting with the firefighter, Nikolai in the consciousness of the woman was happily a hope for the best. The man's stewed house told that the body of the child was not found, but only a cross found on the ashes. Casting for the idea that Antoshka is alive, Asya begins to search for a son. It helps in an independent investigation Fire Nikolai, who knows what it is - to lose a child. Will their parents find or not - will tell the series "My boy".


  • Irina Tarannik - Asya Zorina, who lost a 4-year-old son in a fire. Mother killed by grief is ready to make an irreparable act and part with life. A random meeting with the firefighter Nikolai gives hope that the child is alive, and the maternal heart suggested where to start searches. The first noticeable work in the filmography of the actress was the main character in the Mine project. Blown love. " Later in the creative biography of the performer were roles in the TV series "Furtseva" and "Curious Varvara".
  • Prokhor Dubravin - Gennady Zorin, journalist and husband Asi. A man doubts that his wife will find a son. In addition, the behavior of a woman suggests that she is mentally unhealthy. Spectator love Actor won roles in the series "Do not be born beautiful", "Captain Gordeyev", "Year in Tuscany".
  • Yulia Yurchenko - Ale, the best friend Asi, who does not believe that the child is alive, and glances with envy in the direction of Gennady, wanting to lead a husband from the family. The star of the series is known to work in such multiserial projects as "University. New dormitory "and" Last Magician ".
  • Igor Rubashin - Fireman Nikolai, who told Ace an important information for her. The artist is known as the lead in the Multiserful Melodrame "Ask Autumn." In 2020, the premiere of 3 meloders with the participation of celebrities took place.
  • Olesya Vlasova - Daria, the former wife of Nicholas, the feelings of which were not cooled. The actress to the Russian viewer was remembered on the Master Series "Female Doctor", where Elizabeth Filatova fulfilled the role. Later, in the filmography of the artist, there was participation in the series "Ambulance" and in the Series of Sidorenko-Sidorenko "- adaptation of the Russian project in the 82th series" Ivanov-Ivanov ".
  • Mikhail Lemishko - Anton, Son Asi and Genes. In the filmography of a young artist 3 project. And the creative debut of the artist took place in 2016 in the multi-sieu film "Forget me, Mom!".
  • Tatyana Sklyar - Tatiana, Darya and Nicholas daughter. In the filmography of 14-year-old actresses participation in 8 filmmakers. The debut in the cinema took place in 2018 with the series "Deception Himself". The audience remembered the young performer also on roles in such multiserious projects as "clover of desires" and "hide and seek."

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the series - April 27, 2019 on the Ukraine TV channel.

2. The director of the project was Alexander Parkhomenko, famous for the TV series "Female Doctor" and "One Lies for Two".

3. The author of the scenario was given by Jan Romanenko, who received recognition after the series "Where the rains leave", "from Siberia with love", "on different shores".

4. The audiences noted that the plot of the series was largely consonant with a foreign film "disappeared a little girl", based on real events, where he tells about a child who allegedly died in a fire.

5. Judging by the reviews of the audience, the series "My boy" found a response from them, some remembered the maternal heart, seeing further and feeling better. The work of the major roles and dynamism of the plot was also noted. But in the actor, Igor Rubashkin saw the charisma of the negative character, which was weakly knitted with the positive hero of the multi-sized film.

The series "My boy" - a trailer:

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