Aurelia Schwarzenegger - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, mother of Arnold Schwarzenegger



If the Meril of the success of the man is considered the born son, a built house and planted tree, then in order for women's fate to succeed, often quite considerable motherhood. In this case, Aurelia Schwarzenegger can be called happy: she gave birth and raised his son, which grew up in a movie star name, built a political career and became a cumier of millions.

Childhood and youth

About the biography of his mother Arnold Schwarzenegger told in the book "Remember everything. My incredibly truthful story. " From there, it is known that she was a large and strong woman inborn a housewife and an avid cat. Aurelia Krynni was born on July 29, 1922 in the Austrian Glognice. In the youth, the girl had to survive wartime, which imposed a print on the way of life and character.

The mother of Iron Arnie was brought up in a working family in the region, where most residents were engaged in the steel industry. The girl since childhood got used to work much and diligently, while not devoid of musical talent. Aurelia loved to play cytre and sing, which was useful for her later when raising children who remembered her lullaby for life.

Aurelia Schwarzenegger in youth with her husband

Arnold recalled that the mother was obsessed with cleanliness and order, steadily observed discipline, getting up early in the morning. The hostess has always been shilled in the floor, the underwear has been smoothed to sharp as a razor, folds, and clothes in the cabinets hanging out with pedantic accuracy. Upon returning from the work of the husband strictly waited for a covering table with freshly prepared dishes.

Schwarzenegger with pleasure grown vegetables and fruits in the backyard, where the garden broke. The woman was also engaged in harvesting and preservation of the harvest. At the same time, she possessed literacy and abilities to mathematics, but did not have time to show them, because he decided that her vocation was to be a wife and mother. She applied his talent, engaged in accounts and economic expenses, which she had perfectly. Aurelia managed to work on the distribution of food in the city hall, but after marriage about the career did not have thought.

Personal life

Aurelia married when she was not yet 20 years old. The girl was crazy about men in shape, and the first chosen was the military who died at the front 8 months after the wedding. The young widow noted Gustav Schwarzenegger from the work offices window and immediately fell in love. Static, courageous, with a military gauge and in the gendarm uniform, he conquered her heart, despite the 15-year-old difference in age.Embed from getty images

The wedding was played in 1945, when Aurelia was 23 years old, and Gustavu is 38 years old. The couple moved to the village of Tal, where the husband served as inspector. They allocated the 2nd floor in the stone house of the forester, where in 1946 a woman gave birth to the firstborn Mainhard Schwarzenegger. On July 30, 1947, the spouses appeared the second Arnold boy.

The family lived difficult and not born that it did not prevent them from feeling happy. According to the memories of the actor, the parents passionately love each other. At the same time, on Friday evening, Gustav traditionally returned home drunk and knew anger on his wife through a swearing. However, together with the intoxication, the rage of him went to no, and the man turned into a gentle and caring husband again, who gave her beloved lovely gifts and gently hugged at any convenient case.

He remained strict and in matters of education did not neglect the belt. Schwarzeneggers were religious - every Sunday, the whole family was visited by the Catholic Mass, and the children even played at home "in the priest". The brothers grew by friendly that they did not exclude rivalry between them. They loved to play sports that for Arnold soon turned into passion.

Aurelia experienced worrying about the fact that the walls in the son of the son are enjoyed by posters with semi-naked mans of bodybuilders, while all the normal teenagers were interested in girls. The woman hoped that the mechanic, a firewall or a policeman would grow from Arnold. However, the younger Schwarzenegger was waiting for another fate.

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After the departure of Mr. Olimpia, Aurelia flew to visit him every year, where she gladly lived in the winter months, engaged in the economy and grandchildren, who were already Americans by nationality. Catherine, Christina, Patrick and Christopher were born from Schwarzenegger in marriage with Maria Shriver.

The mother's mother's mother-in-law did not care in the daughter-in-law, pinched grandchildren and acquired in Hollywood with his circle of communication. Often, the woman appeared on the set, following the work of the Son, which was proud of. By the time her firstborn Mainhard was no longer alive: he died on May 20, 1971 in a car accident due to drunk driving. Husband Gustav died a year later as a result of a heart attack. After that, Arnold occupied the main place in the personal life of Aurelia and his family.


Aurelia lived a long life. After the death of her husband, a woman often walked on his grave in Waitsa, where he led unhurried conversations with the late talk, trusting him the news and the mystery of the soul. It was not an exception and on August 2, 1998, when she went to the cemetery on a hot summer day, but, having reached the tombstone of the spouse, fell. 76-year-old Schwarzenegger was taken to the hospital, but she failed to save her. The cause of death was a heart attack.

The funeral of Aurelia arranged Arnold from America with his wife. The man was glad that he had managed to establish good and trusting relationships with his mother, time had time to understand the importance of the family.

The actor with pain recalled how mother was out of his strength, taking care of them with his brother in difficult times. In the photo of those years, she looks thin and emaciated. Therefore, putting on your feet, the son tried to provide a woman with a comfortable and carefree life. The artist gave her attention, care, however, to move to Los Angeles Aurelia refused. They buried her in Austria, next to her husband, to which she was hotly tied to the last day.

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