Aloiezia Mogarych (character) - photo, "Master and Margarita", role in the fate of the master, image, betrayal


Character History

Alisia Mogarych (emphasis on the last syllable) - the secondary character of Roman Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". A man seems to be a journalist, a smarter man, rubs into confidence in the main hero and occupies his apartment.

History of character creation

Roman Bulgakova was published only in 1966. A significant role is that the work of Mikhail Afanasyevich reached the reader belongs to his second wife. She performed the last desire of her husband and retained the manuscript, despite the difficult times.

On the pages of this book, a lot of philosophical topics and reflections about life, including the difficult situation between the artist and the authorities, are considered. The narration is permeated by mysticism, humor and the habit of satira, which, in fact, was the cause of refusal to publish for two decades.

The history of the creation of the work of dramatic and complex. "Romance" Bulgakova reflects the established worldview of the author, his reasoning is not only about the meaning of life, but also about the place of man in it. On the death of the body and eternity of the soul, the endless struggle of good and evil, which is carried out in the moral world.

One of the first to read the manuscript Soviet literary critic Pavel Sergeevich Popov. He also prejudice to the novel with a difficult fate, considering that the text is geniant, but unacceptable for contemporaries. A close friend of Bulgakov also considered that the work will publish no earlier than in half a century.

In many ways, he turned out to be right, although the dignified period was halved. Nevertheless, the text has repeatedly been processed, the entire chapters and descriptions of events were drawn out of it. In such a crippled form, "Masters and Margarita" were published in 1966. In the format in which today the reader can familiarize himself with the novel, he appeared in the ultimate, 7th edition of 1990.

The prototype of Aloizia Mogarycha made a playwright and one of the friends of the writer - Sergey Aleksandrovich Yermolinsky. Dating between them happened through Maria Cimishikan.

Mikhail Afanasyevich's wife, Mikhail Afanasyevich, did not like the groom. The period of the bombarded friendship coincided with the unfolding campaign against the writer. One of the other was canceled by his plays, which was strongly knocked out of the Kola Bulgakov. Yermolinsky was quite sled in the literature and asked with curiosity a new acquaintance about his novel.

The author himself in a letter to Paul Sergeyevich Popov complained that the environment consults him with the words: "Nothing, after your death everything will be printed." Then the image of the aliasis of Mogarych was only originated, embodying the fatigue of the writer from communicating with such "comforters." But the specific characteristics of the character have developed into a single concept later.

Bulgakov displaced the attitude of his wife, Love Belozerskaya in a traitor-journalist, to Yermolinsky. She hated Sergey Aleksandrovich, considering a man two-day and mean.

The first appearance of the character occurs in the 13th chapter. The master tells Ivan the homeless about his manuscript. As well as about the article of Mstislava Lavrovich, sharply responding about the man who tried to "drag" an excerpt from the novel to print.

Then hero switches to the story about how he appeared a friend. They are alone by Mogarych. About his role in the fate of the master becomes known further, and this story about the meanness and inevitable punishment is the same caricature on the relationship of Bulgakov to "Comforters".

Image and biography Alozia Mogarych

About the appearance of the character has to be judged from the quote of the master himself. So, he responded about the new one in the following words: "The external thing knows what they look like." Such a solvent portrait immediately produces repulsive impression. Nevertheless, a familiar quickly becomes a writer's house.

The first meeting occurred by chance. Aloyosis removes the room next door to the main character. In the future, often complains of cramped conditions, having envy at the dwelling of the Master.

Mogarych reports that he holds the position of journalist. Upon learning of the written novel, it is vividly interested in its content. In a short time, it reads the manuscript from the crust to the crust and makes a review that miraculously coincides with the author's opinion.

This friendship immediately did not like the Master's companion, which I did not fail. However, the writer adhered to a different point of view. He was sure that he met a man of a great mind, because the aliases with ease gave an explanation on any topic. This admired the main character, and he asked everything new questions.

In addition, the masters attracted the passion of a man to literature. Meanwhile, he did not denote that Mogarych is a surprise man. And the existence in his personality of a certain box Pandora attracted and intrigued.

Friendship lasted not so long, and soon the vices of the journalist got out. Envy - this feeling eaten the alcohol every time he visited the writer. And having learned that because of the published romance, the novel is threatened to punish, found a way to pump a friend.

He made a denunciation on the masters, because of what he was in a crazy house. It is not surprising that the hero, like Judas, received a reward. After evicting the author of the forbidden literature from the apartment of Aloyosis, the lightning room took it.

The payroll of the baseman. The traitor appeared before Woland and Azazello, shaking from fear and something mumbling about a baked bath and vitrios. The reaction was rapid, although without tragic consequences. Mogarych woke up in a train without a pants. Clothes journalist managed to buy from the conductor, and soon the hero has already returned home and got a job for Roman.

Alisia Mogarych in films

In 2005, the series was released on the Russian TV channel, based on the "Master and Margarita" novel, with the name of the same name. The director of the picture, Vladimir Bortko, set himself a task fully and adequately shifting the contents of the book on the movie language.

In earlier shields, the traitor was ignored by the authors. And in the new version - the film Yuri Kara - the scene with mogany is cut out.

Vladimir Bortko stubbornly followed the original and perfectly demonstrated Moscow of the 1930s. Replices, verbal descriptions of characters, the main storylines also reflected in the series.

The role of Aloyolya played Gennady Bogachev. Considering that in the novel, the writer did not pay the attention of the appearance of the hero, the director had the opportunity to show the initiative in this regard.

As a result, the viewers saw a complete man of medium height with a disheveled and liquid chapel. In the scene, where Woland calls the traitor to himself, the actor talentedly demonstrated the fear of his hero, shaking and sweating in anticipation of payback.


"I attached a bath, one whitewashed ... vitrior ..."

Interesting Facts

  • According to one of the versions, the Bulgakov called the character by Aloise, borrowing a rare name from the Polish caretaker of the Count Valery Gichovsky County from the "heat-color" novel by Alexander Amphitheatrov.
  • The meaning of the name translated from the Oldernesec - "wise".
  • After a shameful punishment, Mogarych settled by the administrator variety and no longer engaged in fraud.


  • 1966 - "Master and Margarita"


  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"

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