Series "Psych" (2020): Release date, actors, roles,


On November 5, 2020, the series "Psych" director Fyodor Bondarchuk was shown in the online service The drama tells about the problems of the middle-aged crisis, which overtook a successful psychotherapist. The acting and interesting facts of the series - in the material 24cm.


Oleg - a successful metropolitan psychotherapist. His day is scheduled to minutes, and customers are Moscow Elite. But appearance is deceptive. In the soul of a professional lives disappointment and insecurity. Having stirs the 40-year-old frontier, the man realized that personal life was not arranged, the wife disappeared a year ago, and a joint residence with a retirement was only destroying self-esteem. Oleg is tormented by irritation and aggression.

Everything changes when he has to communicate with victims of tragedy, car accident, violence. Sessions with victims help to figure out and in their problems too. But is there a psychotherapist, who suffers from drug addiction, to assist in need?


  • Konstantin Bogomolov - Oleg, a successful psychotherapist. It is annoyed by rich customers, and drug addiction provokes aggression. Adds the suffering crisis of age and loss of his wife. The series "Psycho" is the first major role in the actor's actor's career. Celebrity is more known as the director of the "Content" and "good man" director.
  • Rosa Hayrullina - Kira, Mom Oleg, worried about the soul state of the son. The actress is familiar on the work in the series "Zulikha opens eyes" and "whirlpool", as well as the film "Creator". In 2021, the Master Series of the Parma Heart with celebrity will be released.
  • Oleg Menshikov - Igor, Colleague Oleg, who is trying to help in the current situation. The Contractor created noticeable images in the "Invasion" and "Gogol" films. Terrible revenge.
  • Igor Vernik - Artem, Patient Oleg. The series "Beetles", "Kitchen", "Fizuk" were noticeable in the actor film. In 2021, 3 projects with celebrities are preparing for display.
  • Marina Aleksandrov - Sasha, Patient Oleg, who mired in the self-deception web. The actress is known for the detective cycle about Major Cherkasov, where he performed the role of Sony Timofeeva. The work was also noticeable in the series "Catherine. Take off, "where he played Empress Catherine II.
  • Alexander Gorkilin - Kostya. The actor is known for the works in the drama "Has anyone seen my girl?" And the series "Daddy's daughter". Since 2019, the Contractor participates in the Master Series of the USA "Hanna".
  • Anna Chipovskaya - Lena. The actress is known for the TV series "Thaw", as well as the Filmalman "Christmas Tree 3". In 2020, the filmography of the performer became richer at 7 film collections, among which the multi-sieuled project "locked up" and the comedy "Kandra".

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the project - November 5, 2020. The shooting started in early October 2019, but for 3 months were suspended due to quarantine events.

2. The screenwriter of the series was the spouse of the director, Paulina Andreeva, which in 2019 graduated from the scenario branch of the film school.

3. In an interview, Fyodor Bondarchuk admitted that he somehow asked his spouse that she came up with a series about a psychotherapist, and a mantis would be in the lead role. And Paulina easily gave out three sheet text. And according to colleagues on the shooting area, the director of the "Content" did not try to make his edits and did not interfere with the work of the director.

4. Specially for filming suspended the demolition of the building on the Volokolamsk highway. It so happened that the film crew became the last one who saw the construction.

5. Location was the Park "Charity". The audience will also see episodes filmed in the Architecture Museum on Vozdvizhenka.

6. The Son of Director - Sergey Bondarchuk became the producer of the project.

7. In one of the episodes, the audience will see a field with helicopters, which, according to the creators, should be impressed by the scope and scope.

8. The series "Psych" allowed the theater partners to Rose Heirullina and Konstantin Bogomolov to meet on the film's set, whose visual expectation rating is 89%.

The series "Psych" - Trailer:

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