Series "First Department" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, NTV


NTV television channel, famous for its own projects of criminal orientation, suggested fans a new multi-seater detective - TV series "First Department", the release date of the first series of which was on November 16, 2020.

On the plot of the show, filmed by the director Denis Neumande and the narrative of the unforgettable weekdays of the Investigative Committee, related to the film interesting facts, as well as on actors who performed the main roles - in the material 24cm.


Sometimes it happens that too positive reputation is not good. Especially when a probable increase in the near future, which would give any career player, not included in plans. After all, then you will have to tie with your favorite work "in the field" and sitting in the office for a massive table, jerking into the piles of all sorts of papers, to deal with any high boss.

Here, in such a situation, the investigator Yuri Bragin, who returned from a long business trip and learned that his mentor and the current leader was going to retire. The liberated chair of the head with a distant zero probability will be offered by Bragin as the most noted employee. But the cabinet work is not for the hero who is accustomed to the "living" operations, who has never had a careerist, but always put the law of serving the law.

Actors and roles

The role of the roles in the series performed the following actors:

  • Ivan Kolesnikov - Yuri Bragin, an experienced investigator of the first investigative department, which is listed on a good account in the first GSU management in St. Petersburg. Get used first to rely on your own intellectual abilities and actively use deduction. It is not inclined to violence in work, but if necessary, it is capable of nearing the enemy and through the use of coarse physical strength or weapons.
  • Sergey Zharkov - Mikhail Shibanov, operative of the investigative department. Friend and partner Yuri Bragin, invariably accompanying a friend during investigations, although there are exceptions to the rules. Despite the ability to suspend and reasonable thinking, it prefers to rely on gross power. For this reason, in a pair with Bragin, it is shibanov, as a rule, plays the role of "heavy artillery".
  • Ilya Shakunov - Vadim Maltsev, head of the first investigative department on particularly important cases of SK St. Petersburg, the head and mentor Yuri Bragin. She is preparing to leave the referred position due to retirement. Among the candidates for the release of the post, the most likely, by virtue of professional qualities and merit, is seen by the investigator Bragin. However, the latter does not show due zeal in the meaningful question, preferring the "field" work.

Also in the series were filmed : Elena Vjavakina, Rodion Rudakov, Anton Chernov, Anna Shadrina and Sergey Intyakov in the role of Sergey Shevtsov.

Interesting Facts

1. Cinematographers, who shot the "First Department" series, was actively helped by consultations of existing employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Work with representatives of the structure was not limited to discussing the standards of sewing the corresponding form for actors. Also investigators allowed the project scripts to borrow individual elements from real affairs for greater reliability of what is happening on the screen.

2. According to the artist, the leading role of Ivan Kolesnikov, Yuri Bragin is a collective image that includes certain traits of the mass of famous character-detective characters. Of course, it did not cost this "Solunka" and without such glanced names, as created by Agata Christie Erkul Poirot and his "fellow on crude mastery" Sherlock Holmes, who invented Arthur Conan Doyle.

3. Among the locations in which the series "First Department" was filmed, the mass of architectural monuments of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region was noted. Including the building of the main investigative department of the RF IC, located on the embankment of the car wash river. Representatives of the Investigative Committee opened the doors of their main "monastery" for the film crew, wanting not only to show the operation of the organs from the inside, but also to turn the historic building into the business card of the structure.

4. According to the recognition of the actors, the TV series "First Department" was for them a no less exciting and fascinating project than to be promised for TV viewers. After all, even the leading roles did not know what would happen in the series, "they were given scenarios for the next two series than and limited. And the artists remained to assume themselves, in which direction the exciting plot will go next time.

Series "First Department" - Trailer:

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