Igor Casilov - biography, personal life, photos, news, sings, Sergey Chvanov, height, songs 2021



Igor Casilov - Artist of pop, humorist and TV host. The participant of the star duet "New Russian grandmothers" is more known to the public in the image of Claudia Ivanovna Flower. The actors rarely recognize without a grima, but with the arrival of popularity it only plays him to his hand.

Childhood and youth

Igor Vladimirovich Kasililov was born on May 31, 1966 in Tolyatti. In the family, no one had a relationship to creative professions, and Casilov himself did not assume that his biography would be associated with the scene. Personal life of the boy's parents did not work out. They divorced, and Igor and sister had to choose with whom to stay. As a result, the son brought up his father, a worker.

Creative deposits manifested themselves at the young men in childhood. At school, Igor often became a member of amateur and theatrical productions. Having received a certificate, Casilov became a student of a Polytechnic University, but did not feel the tendency to science. But the local KVN team immediately attracted the attention of a charismatic guy.

Getting higher education for a while interrupted the service in the army. The young man was called in the ranks of the rocket troops and went to Kazakhstan. Having gave the debt home, he returned home and continued his studies at the university.

Humor and creativity

Studying on theatrical courses of Guitis, Igor met Sergey Chwanov, a student scene artist. The new buddy was also fond of humoring. Sergey was the actor the "Wheel" theater, as well as the future spouse Casilov. Having completed training, Igor worked on this scene. On the stage of the theater, he was realized as an artist of roles and director. Subsequently, Igor Casilov graduated from Peter Fomenko's theater courses.

The start of the new stage in the career of the artist fell in the 1990s. Together with the partner Sergey Chwanov, he conducted the transfer of "dessert" on one of the Togliatti TV channels. Duet also managed to cooperate with the humorist Igor Galnikov. Men were filmed in the "Both!" Program, for which it periodically came to the capital. Artists had to perform in the role of entertainer from more famous colleagues.

Images of two old women, long-time friendly, were born at the institute. At first, the actors seemed not very comfortable to perform in female outfits, but, having gone into the role, they were accustomed. In an interview, Igor even noticed that thanks to the image began to understand women better than men. Duet debut took place on Samara television, and then on the air of the radio station "August" in Togliatti.

The first appearances of "grandmothers" took place within the framework of other people's esters. In 1999, the couple received an invitation to cooperate with Evgeny Petrosyan in the transmission "Curve Mirror". In the same period, the artists gave the first "Solnik" in the Moscow State Treasury Theater.

The duet liked the viewer and after the time was already the guest of the Anshan. Zador and wit's wit were invariably attracted thousands of television viewers and guests of pop villages. "New Russian grandmothers" began to attend creative evenings, performed on popular TV shows and expanded the audience of fans.

In 2009, "grandmothers" ceased cooperation with Evgeny Petrosyan. They became leading Saturday evening on the channel "Russia-1", and in 2015, they performed the transfer of "Merry Street" by persons.

In the same 2015, Igor Casilov tried the strength in the literary sphere. Together with Andrei Belyanin's partner, he released a book called "Gavrews and beautiful." Before that, the artist has already collaborated with fantasy author to the cinema. Belyanin wrote a script for the film "Cossack Tale", in which Igor played Babu Yagu.

Personal life

The first love artist met in his youth, being a student. The parent girl of the University Flood Natalia Raztova became the elected elected of Igor Casilov. She did not experience mutual sympathy for the novice humorist, and it turned out to be a big disappointment for a young man. By the time of his return from the army, Natalia had already married.

Leaving hope for a serious relationship, Casilov used the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, but not immersed in the device of personal life. It continued until a fateful acquaintance with the actress "Wheel" by Elena Nazarenko. She became an artist's wife and exchanged leading roles on dramatic layouts for family comfort and the upbringing of the son of Hydra. The appearance of other children did not plan. Now the family lives in Moscow and supports the mother of the actor.

Casilov prefers not to advertise the details of his everyday life, so it will not post a photo in "Instagram" and does not post publications in other social networks.

Igor Casilov now

News from the duet "New Russian grandmothers" recently becomes less and less. Charter from the usual images, Chwanov and Casilov decided to discover new creative opportunities and realize ambitious ideas.

In 2020, Igor Casilov went on stage not only as a participant in a pop duet, but also as an independent artist. He spoke with the entrepreneurial performances "Two in the elevator, not counting tequila" and "love @ love." In collaboration with Andrei Belyanin Casilov continues to work on the Gavrews and beautiful book series.

In the 2nd season of the show "Mask" the jury, under the leadership of the People's Artist of Russia Philip Kirkorov, tried to guess performers hiding under unusual costumes. Judges, like the audience, repeatedly admired the performance of the nevaleshki. In the 3rd issue, the character performed Rock Caver to Nyushi's track "alone". The very fact that the children's toy sings in the style of Grounding, became a surprise.

When speaking with a song from the film "Ghost Hunters", the vocalist's voice was more recognizable. The jury agreed with the opinion of the public that the humorist Igor Casilov may be under the suit. Tips that give the participants themselves, such as statements about ownership of the rights to the management of a toy train and sports, possibly boxing, rather confuse, rather than bring to the rays.

Now the artist continues to play on stage. In February and March 2021, Casilov performed in the "Choknoye" and "You will be", in the play "Third Extra" on the play "Guys and Cabbage" A. Korovkina at the actor the main role.

TV project

  • "Joke for a joke"
  • "False mirror"
  • "Menthopanorama"
  • "Blue light on a shabolovka"
  • Festival of humor "Jurmala"
  • "Yumorina"
  • Izmailovsky Park
  • "New Year's Parade Stars"
  • "This is funny"
  • "Merry Street"

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