Show "Voice": Season 9, 7 Release of November 20, 2020, teams, participants, performances, fights


On November 20, 2020, the "Fights" stage began on the first channel in the 9th season of the show "Voice". Mentors of Polina Gagarin, Basta, Valery Syutkin and Sergey Shnurov divided their performers for duets. Each pair will have a joint song to be fulfilled, and according to the result, only one of them will be able to continue on the project. Supported performers permanent leading Dmitry Nagiyev.

Which of the participants could stay in the show - in the revision review 24cm.

Team cord

Sergey Shnurov noted that he loves aggressive female vocals, so he chose Maria Rusakov. And hearing Anna Alexandrov, he realized that the girl was able to work with the arrangement.

The performers went to the scene from the song Philip Kirkorov "Flying, Cloud". Mentors and viewers remained delighted with an incendiary speech of vocalist.

"I really liked it, festively, easy, risky even sometimes with choreography," Basta noted.

"It remains with me Maria ", - made his verdict of cords.

Duet Jean Milimerova and Evgenia Panchekhina made a folk Italian song Bella Ciao, which sounded in the Spanish TV series "Paper House". They accompanied his speech by cheerful dancing.

"Class, class ... everything turned out well ... At the guitarist," Basta joked.

From this duet in the Shadro team remained Jean Milimerov.

Bogdan Kiyashko and Olga Dianova, according to the cord, somehow synchronously and warmly smile. During the speech, vocalists not only performed the song "White Roses" Yuri Shatunov, but also had a guaitual on their piano.

"The feeling was that the glass ball shook, and there was such a composition ... everything was wonderful," Basta praised.

Continue your path on the project will Bogdan Kiyashko.

Team Sutkin

"This duet, classic and rock and roll, are in parallel to each other," Suren Platonov and Ksenosis of Valery Sutkin spoke about his participants.

Vocalists decided to imagine the song "My view was chained to you" on the scene. Ksenia looked at the scene much more vigorous than Suren, and that even slightly scared her incendiary dances.

"Valery joined intact, and it turned out," Gagarin performers praised.

In the team Syutkin delayed Suren Platonov.

Dmitry Hungarian and Oleg Sherin in Duet performed the composition "I transformed". Basta noted that he was under an incredible impression, he especially liked Hungarian. Polina noted that Sherin was also not bad.

"I had enough of everything, I did not even expect such a production from Valery ... it seemed to me that such a number was supposed to do." I noticed the cords.

Further went Dmitry Vengerov.

Alexey Lysenko and Elene Ninidze chose the song "Twilight" VIA "Singing guitars". Basta noted that he liked everything, and thanked the mentor for the room.

"To be honest, in the past speech it seemed to me that you, Valery, ate a molding tablet ... But no, here you showed yourself. Here admit, guys that you heard this song for the first time, and Syutkin has grown on it, "the cords commented on it.

Elene Ninidze I managed to go further and stay in the team Sutkin.

Team Basta

The first in the duel from the Bad team collided Vasily Book and Christina Svetlynaya. Vocalists prepared the composition "The only My" Philip Kirkorov.

"Christina was very convincing, luxurious, touching, I believed," Polyna's Girl delivered.

"I did not expect such an official," the cords noted.

Basta noted that he did everything, but he continued his way in his team only Vasily Book.

Maxim Kokovin and Alexandra Budnikova chose the song "Spring" of the group "Friday".

"Thanks for the beautiful room ... For me, the voice of Alexandra was a wax, although Max did everything wonderful," praised Southkin's speakers.

"I didn't like the room at all ... What did you want to convey to each other? Why was so many words addressed to each other? I would not chose anyone, "the cords remained dissatisfied. He did not understand what the attitude of this speech relates to the "voice," noted that the performers almost "rolled into favorite rap Basta."

Still, Vasily did not listen to his words and chose Alexander Budnikova.

Among the participants of the first fights from the Basta team were Alexander Barsdeva and Elizabeth Puris. The girls decided to execute the song "Clear the heart so easy" Miley Cyrus. Polina noted an amazing combination of votes and noticed that she really likes this composition.

"I was confused by costumes ..." - stated the cords. According to him, they do not go to the girls at all, but the speech itself liked.

"A trip to me will continue to travel Elizabeth Puris ", I made my choice of Basta.

Team Polina Gagarina

Christina Korolkova and John Kofopoulos from the Gagarina team chose the song The Time of My Life, performed earlier by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes as a final song to the film "Dirt dancing".

"Well, such to say good to your address ... I'm when I read in annotations, that there will be a song from the movie" Dirty Dancing ", I was hoping to see and dirt and dancing. But I did not see any other. I saw two charming people who smile together, they dance quite ridiculously, but they sing not bad, for the team Polina ... And so in general, the number is cool, I liked, "I commented on the speech of the cords.

Your path in the team of Gagarina continued Christina Kolikova.

Daniil Dudina Duet and Yana Gabbasova prepared the composition of the "Bird" of the group "Zvetchi".

"So you approach, the voices merge, organic number," the vocalists of Sutkin praised.

Polina Gagarina noted that it was very hard for her choice. Nevertheless, the decision was to sound, and the mentor did on Jan Gabbasova.

Radi Hunko Torres and the Mountains of Spain, according to Gagarina, very energetic. Vocalists not only performed the SHE'S A Maniac song, but also showed a very incendiary dance.

"Such guys can open the door of the coupe in the train ... If you are objective, I do not know what to say at all," Sutkin spoke, expressing delight.

The team of Gagarina remained Mountains Spain.

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