Anfisa Kozyreva (character) - Photo, "Ugryum River", author, film, series, actress


Character History

Anfisa Kozyreva is a tragic character of the work of the "Ugryum-River" of the Soviet writer Vyacheslav Shishkov. The young widow, who attracted the merchant Peter Gromov, praised the passion for his son Prokhor. Unhappy love, the desire to achieve her any ways - all this led a woman to sudden death.

History of character creation

The nature of Siberia plays a big role in the work of Vyacheslav Shishkov. And this is not by chance: according to the author, this place has made him a writer. He spent a big half of his life in the northern edges of working issues. They also studied the flavor of the local people, his story and characteristic features.

Family Saga "Ugryum River" has become the main thing about his life. Shishkov wrote a novel for a decade with interruptions. Sometimes even re-reading his creation from the very beginning, forgetting the plot. The first part of the work was published in 1928.

In numerous expeditions, Vyacheslav Yakovlevich communicated with the convicts, tramps, non-resident and original Siberians - these images were deposited in his memory, and after found their place in the books: "Black Hour", "Purga", "Taiga Wolf" and others.

In 1911, the writer goes to the Lower Tungusk. Here he meets the inhabitants of Taiga villages, famous for the lifestableness and strength of the Spirit. It was the above-mentioned river that became a prototype of a fictional sulfur river. However, some heroes of the novel also rose from the actual prototypes.

For example, the family of thunder, or rather, the biography of the three generations was founded on the legend of the famous genus Matonina. Criminal activities of ancestors, gold mines, wealth and other unsightly facts - all these circumstances were reflected in the Roman Shishkov.

A huge number of actors and many plot lines allow you to consider a family Saga in a variety of aspects. The work is the chronicle of the Siberian people and the parable of what for all sooner or later will have to pay. In addition, it is an instructive legend about the destructive influence of money and power. And, of course, about the gold fever who covered Russia.

Shishkov found a place in the novel and for love intrigues. Among all feminine characters, Nina Kupriyanov is allocated - the faithful spouse of Prokhor, ready to sacrifice himself from Christian motives. Another heroine is Marya, Peter's wife. She also did not reread her husband, even despite the suspicion of Ajulter and the fact of beatings.

Another bright figure in the narration - Anfisa Kozyreva. Beautiful, tricky and passionate woman launches the cycle of tragic work. And even though her life breaks enough quickly, the image of a dead heroine does not leave the pages of the book, continuing to torment her killer.

Image and biography Anfisa Czyreva

The reader meets the character on the festival of Peter Gromova, arranged in honor of his wife Marya. Interestingly, the owner of the house told the spouse that it was not so much spent for her, but "from Anbia".

Basically all guests are family people. And only anfisa Petrovna Kozyrev was standing out among the others. The young widow had once served the grandfather's grandmother, and after married. True, her marriage with Antipa Degtyarev lasted a week - a newly new husband died for an unknown reason.

Kozyreva decided to leave the name of the name and tried to forget this short episode in life.

Men, giving a woman with excessive attention near the widow. Anfisa responded to any encroachment of anfisa, not considering anyone as a candidate for his hand and heart.

However, courting from the rich merchant took and even allowed Peter to start building a new house to her in return for the old shelter. And when he sent his son to the Ugryum River, felt that it was not indifferent to a young man.

When Prokhor returned home, I immediately realized that the father likes anfisa. There are fierce conflicts about this. However, despite the sincere hatred, the presence of the bride of Nina and the desire to be bought for the mother, the young man fell victim to the beauty of the young widow.

Between the characters there was a short novel. The girl dreamed that the Prokhor would certainly marry her, because she felt crazy love to the guy. All other men were only annoyed, especially Peter.

But Gromov-younger had completely different plans. He was going to be combined with a marriage with Nina - the daughter of Richkaya Yakova Kupriyanov, who met on the journey. Anfisa was for him some turbidity. Moreover, the wines before the mother prevail, and the hatred for the father-alcoholic grew.

It was understood that the enviable bridegroom "floats" to Nina, Kozyreva decided to blackmail: threatened that he would provide evidence, implanting the criminal cases of Grandfather Danili. The benefit that herself had collected compromising during his work.

Peter was very frightened - he was agreed to rewrite property to Kozyrev, divorce and live with her in legal marriage. But this girl turned out to be little, she needed a prokhor.

The situation was glowed, the young man understood that he got into the trap. The news of the sudden death of anfisa scattered around the city. And suspicion fell on the family of thunder, because everyone knew about the intrigues. However, possible evidence was destroyed - soon the built-in house of Kozyreva burned.

At Court, Prokhor Gromov accused of killing his faithful assistant - a man, thanks to which survived on the journey to the Gulm river, Circles Ibrahim. But by the end of the novel it becomes clear that the anfisa was killed just like that of the young man.

However, the image of a shot-down mistress did not give a young man to live quietly. Thunder-junior, like his father, began to go crazy, and in the nightmares he was Kozyreva and Ibrahim - involuntary witnesses of the fall.

Anfisa Kozyreva in films

The tragic fate of the Heroine "Gulm-River" was talentedly demonstrated actress Lyudmila Chursin in the film by 1968. A beautiful woman who is able to drive with any man's crazy - such a heroine appeared in the ribbon. Picture Yaropolk Lapshin was appreciated by critics and is considered the hit of Soviet cinema.

After half a century after the film, filmed based on the novel Vyacheslav Shishkov, on request of the first channel "Russian project" took up work on the new series. Shooting started in 2019, and director Yuri Moroz thought about free interpretation of the book.

In the new movie, the role of the fatal beauty will reveal a talented Julia Peresilde. Spectators for this fact are ambiguous. Shooting the feature in the characteristic of the heroine is some sorty. Such quality character causes a kind of dissonance with appearance of the actress. Although the recently released film "Battle for Sevastopol" with her in the lead role demonstrated the ability of Julia to reincarnate on the screen.

But the reproof itself is responding enthusiast to the project. In his interview, the performer stressed that he was glad to the selected director locations. Most scenes were filmed in the fresh air near Yekaterinburg, in Suzdal and Minsk. For the sake of this role, the actress replaced the hairstyle and withstand the tests in the form of harsh and changeable Ural weather.

Moreover, this time she fell a chance to work with other stars of Russian cinema - Alexander Baluyev and Alexander Gorbatov. The creators of the new film promise to show the Roman Shishkov in the new plane, develop love lines and even add a mystical component in the narration.

Interesting Facts

  • Lyudmila Chursina received a Vasiliev Brothers Award for his role in the Soviet film simulation.
  • The literary heroine, according to the quotation from the book, "Twenty-second Bed is coming."
  • Relations between Anfisa and Prokhorom stopped Ibrahim - Circass was burned by letters, which they wrote to each other, being in separation.


"Ugless boy, Pretty, Mil Friend. You left, and my hearthushko fed like a bird, when the bird is wasting a hawk. "" So hunting to you, a fool, for a cautious thing? From wealth? Petya, eh? Where do you kill! Bull you are hung. "" I have a calf. A draw of a lovelist, Petya, I was not, and I will not eat yours. "


  • 1928 - "Ugryum River"


  • 1968 - "Ugryum River"
  • 2020 - "Ugryum River"

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