Ice Jack (Jack Frost) - Photo, Character, Cartoons, Keepers of Dreams, Elsa


Character History

Ice Jack (Jack Frost) - folklore hero of Scandinavian origin. Winter Spirit was depicted with an old man or a middle-aged man, while in the cartoon "Keepers of dreams" appeared a merchant with a confusing fate.

History of character creation

In the distant times, they were frightened by children if they forgot to wear a hat in the bubble frost. It was believed that the lord of the cold was able to freeze the ears. In England, his name was Jack Frost or an old man in winter.

The origins of the origin of the spirit lead to Scandinavian mythology. There he was responsible for winter weather and personified this cold season. To amused, painted windows in houses wonderful patterns.

The Slavs had an analogue of this deity - the Lord of Frost Karachun. The malicious essence froze everyone who dares to go outside in light clothes. She was charged with the emergence of a lobule.

In the Scandinavian folklore, the hero wore the name of Joculus Frost. There, in the territory of ice and cold, an amazing legend of him was born.

Image and biography of ice jack

Initially, this mythological person was personification of cold and jellies. As it should be the elements, the winter spirit did not possess emotions and feelings, although he received a human image. One way or another, he did not know anything about human ideas.

Jack was neither hostile or friendly. In the culture of Scandinavia, there is a connection with the frost and yokul, the sons of Kari - the god of the North Wind. Over time, he began to perceive otherwise and endowed broad authority. He became the leader, even the king of winter creatures.

Often the image of the hero was identified with the father of winter. And sometimes endowed the qualities of the villain, which threatens what it freezes the earth. It is not surprising that such a colorful character penetrated fantastic literature, comics and video games.

However, not always Jack personified evil and cold. One of the old legends indicates the opposite. The legend says that he was God and confronted Loki - the Lord of Fire. Once Frost saw a wonderful girl and fell in love.

The spirit was so wasxicated by the beauty of the earthly resident, which decided to become mortal and be near her. With such a request came to his own father. The parent tried to dissuade the Son from a dubious venture, operating that he would lose the magic forces.

But Jack is not scarecrow. The feelings were eclipsed by reason, and the hero was ready to become an ordinary person. So it happened. But happiness lasted for a short time. His beloved was in mortal danger, and only magic could be saved.

Then Frost returned to his father and asked him to turn him in the Spirit. He again gained the ability and saved the girl. And after remained in the usual status, because the second time to turn mortal it is impossible.

Since then, the character walked in an insensible and evil. Nevertheless, the love and dreams of earthly life continued to live in his heart.

Ice Jack in movies

In Russia, the image of this mythological character is close to Santa Claus. An interesting fact: the Soviet film "Morozko", published in 1964, in Western rental was transferred as Jack Frost. Under the same name, two more pictures were released - the cartoon 1979 and horror of 1996.

The curious interpretation of the lord of the jewelry and blizzards happened in the family film "Jack Frost". In the plot, the main character of the musician does not have time to come to the match to his son. Upset, he returns home, but falls into a blizzard.

An accident occurs, and the man dies. However, the Spirit does not find calm because of his son and remains on Earth. And then reincarnated in a snowman to talk to the child and pour for forgiveness.

The folk character also used in Marvel comics. His creators - Stan Li and Parnight Michael Infantino - presented the hero in 1940, when the company was still called Timely Comics.

A completely new characteristic of the Winter Spirit is obliged to the animation film "Dream Keepers" of 2012. In this project, the creators presented the revised version of the character by making it a teenager-merry, adoring children and dreaming of becoming visible.

However, the rest of the pictures were honored with the revision, in which references to the ancient legends are detected.

According to the plot of Ice Jack, whose age is at least 300 years old, does not remember anything about his own biography - neither the date of birth, no one coming from. His favorite occupation is to play with the guys on the street. He skillfully throws snowballs, draws patterns on the windows, covers the roads of ice. But, unfortunately, children do not see him.

Once a teenager causes Santa Claus himself. The Supreme Winter Wizard says that Lunolic prescribed a young man's guarantee of dreams. And now he has a mission - to defeat Homeshnik (Bugmen) and preserve the children's faith in mythological heroes.

Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Sandy Man, Easter Bunny - All these characters fairy tales and legends were on the verge of extinction. The human faith is fumbled in them, and when the last child will cease to think about them, the heroes will be cranked from the face of the earth.

And then Homeshnik will gain unprecedented force by spreading evil and darkness everywhere. Ice Jack does not understand why such a responsibility lay on his shoulders. However, with the courage inherent in him and courage challenges a powerful pest.

In the course of the development of the plot, the hero learns who he really is. Surprise, the young man remembers that he was a boy and grew up with the younger sister. During the winter walk on the pond, the girl fell under the ice. The elder brother saved her, but he drove himself.

Lunolic, appreciating the courage of a young man, decided to resurrect a teenager and put out the magical force. That was concluded in the staff - with his help, Frost did all those things that the guys were so mixed up.

But at the same time, the staff is also a dangerous weapon. Although in history with Homeshnik, it did not become the main thing. Win the god of nightmares managed with the help of fun and laughter.

Jack convinced the children in the fact that their favorite heroes, about which those read fairy tales and heard from their parents, there really exist. And then each of the wizards managed to return the power back. Bugmen tried to inspire the guys again, but they just laughed. As a result, Homeshnik attacked their own nightmares in the form of black horses and pulled into the dungeon.

Frost was appointed Guardian fun. He finally understood his destination, became visible and got faithful friends.

Such a description of the hero in the cartoon turned out to be completely new. Folklore character and today is associated with a good and friendly spirit, drawing patterns on the windows and causing children's laughter.

Interesting Facts

  • Despite the fact that Ice Jack and Elsa belong to different film studios, the fans of them covered together. In numerous fan arts, they are depicted in love with a couple.
  • Animators, drawing the main character of the "Guardians of Dreams", argued that his appearance corresponds to the 18-year-old young man. But the actor Christopher Whitelo Pine, who voiced the young keeper, was 32 years old at that time.
  • In Russian dubbing, Timur Rodriguez became the voice of the Winter Spirit.
  • Jack Frost - such a name has taken a rock band from Australia.


"Darkness is the first thing that remains in my memory. I was dark and cold ... And I was afraid. And then, then I saw the moon. "" How did I get there? What was prepared for me by destiny? It is still unknown ... And I doubt that someday I can find out. "" Everything is over, Homeshnik, hiding anymore. "" My name is Ice Jack, and I am a keeper. How did I find out about it? The moon said. "


  • 1991 - "Grim Reaper"
  • 1996 - "Santa Khryakak"
  • 2008 - "History with a cemetery"


  • 1998 - Jack Frost
  • 2006 - "Santa Claus contract 3: Klaus's flight"
  • 2012 - "Dream Keepers"

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