Edith Piaf: biography, personal life, 2020, songs, death, in youth, film, family


The charming and inimitable voice of the performer is an equally significant symbol of France than built by Gustava Eifel at the end of the XIX century tower. The singer legend was still in life, so remained after decades after his death, which became the tragedy for millions of fans of her talent.

December 19, 2020 turned 105 years since the day Edith Piaf was born. On the remarkable details of the personal life and the confusing biography of celebrities - in the material 24cm.

1. Secret named and mystery of birth

The present name of the performer is Edith Giovanna Gassoon. The famous pseudonym an artist received from the first man who looked at the street singer's non-odd talent - the host cabaret "PRAINIS" Louis Leple. The latter found that the nickname of the sparrows is best suited to a low fragile girl, and really hardly resembling an eternally disheveled bird.

The legend is common that Edith Piaf appeared on the street. Allegedly, she was taken not by physicians, because the ambulance carrier did not have time to arrive on the call, but the police found themselves nearby. But afterwards the hot fan of the talent of the celebrity Bernard Marshua, after the death of the idol, who opened the Museum of Memory in her apartment, argued that in the reality of such emergency gods was not - the mother of the stars managed to deliver to the maternity branch.

2. Miracle of insight

Shortly after birth, Edith Piaf began to develop eye disease - keratitis. Until the six-year-old, the girl remained blind - washing with a special solution in the spring water, the situation was not corrected.

There is a legend that the grandmother along the father's line took the girl to the place of resting the Holy Teresa from Lizier. A week after visiting the popular Places of Place Edith Sezzlane.

However, according to the Creator of the Museum of the Museum, Edith Piaf, in this beautiful legend there is enough fiction - Bernard Marshaua stated that the vision of the singer was saved by ordinary doctors. And to the grave of Holy, her grandmother visited after, in order to raise gratitude for the deliverance of granddaughter from the ailment.

3. "Thoughtful" Grandma or Public House

The first half of the childhood of the future performer is difficult to call happy. Mother preferred to pass the care of Edith on his grandmother's shoulders. The latter with difficulty was able to be called a reference nanny. It is not indifferent to alcohol and granddaughter in the nipple often instead of milk poured wine. So that the child calms down and prevented her to do it.

When the father returned from the war, then the daughter found in a very poor condition. And I decided to instruct the child with the concerns of my own mother who held the house of tolerance in Normandy. In the face of the grandmother on the father's line and those who worked in her institution of girls, Edith, first met people who truly taking care of her.

4. Deceive impression

Despite the fact that Edith Piaf became famous mainly thanks to the compositions of sad and sad, in his life, she was the complete opposite of that tragic heroine, which one appeared before the listeners on stage. Naughty and cheerful, loving entertainment and absolutely happy - since she managed to get out of the streets to scene, every speech was given to Piaf Joy.

By the way, in Youth, Edith tried to perform and funny songs, but they did not use much popularity.

5. "Killer!"

Edith Piaf was a suspect in the case of the murder of the owner of the railway cabaret Louis Leple, who drew attention to the street singer and invited to speak in his institution.

The cause of suspicion of involvement of Edith Piaf to the death of her benefactor was the fact that Slaply visited the girl some amount of money. Sufficient in the press in the press the story is inflated, turning the loved guard of the public in the greedy to the nazi monster.

Some visitors to Cabaret, where the actress continued to perform, seriously reacted to the newspaper duck. And Piaf had to go on stage for some time under the cries of the "killer!". Fortunately, soon the suspicion of the singer was removed.

6. "soldering iron"

The celebrity helped the career of many famous performers. Among them - Yves Montan, Edward Konstantinovsky, Charles Aznavour. Moreover, the latter was almost the only one, relations with whom Edith Piaf was limited to exclusively professional cooperation, not passing into an intimate plane.

In all his protege, Piaff was invested as creatively, speaking as the author of songs and mentor, and financially, buying outfits for performances and taking concomitant expenses. It did not in this regard, the exception and Charles of Aznavour, who singer paid the operation to change the shape of the nasal. The performer did not like the "soldering iron" from nature.

7. On love fronts

For his saturated life, repeatedly illuminated in documentary films and biographical books, Edith Piaf managed to raise the mass of novels - windy and in love, she easily started new cavaliers, throwing already bored.

But the main passion of her passion was forever Boxer Marcel Surdan remained. Although the latter had a wife, Piaf banned the lover to leave the family - did not want the children of her beloved to grow without a father. Unfortunately, the athlete died - the plane in which he flew, crashed.

No less sadly than with men, things were made by Piaf and with children. From the first husband, Edith at the age of 17 gave birth to a daughter named Marcel. However, the girl sick with tuberculosis meningitis and died in July 1935. The second time the artist became pregnant in 1938, but again everything ended tragically - the baby died in the womb. More to have children Edith Piaf could no longer.

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