TV series "Topi" (2021): Release date, actors, roles, film engines HD


The premiere of the TV series "Topi" took place on January 28, 2021 on the online service "Kinopoisk HD". Picture expectation rating amounted to 97%. The heroes of the tape have to fight with their own fears and inner demons, from which each of them wanted to hide in the mysterious village. It turned out to get out of the wilderness much more difficult than getting there.

In the material 24cm - more about the plot of thriller, actors and roles, as well as a selection of interesting facts about the shooting.


Five inhabitants of Moscow unites several common factors: they are young, but already managed to face irresistible life problems. Someone survived the death of the close, the other collided with a terrible diagnosis or found out that there were unrequited love. To escape from difficulties, the heroes go to the monastery, located in the deaf village of Topi.

This trip for each of them seems to be a kind of adventure, way to feel freedom and bluntly distract from reality. However, they expect them to be a trap from mysterious events and their own fears, which, on the contrary, only bring the inevitability and cause rethink reality. There are other rules in the world in the world of rustic depths, and the fact that it used to be understandable and simple, loses its meaning. From here will be able to be those who will be able to "be reborn".


The main roles in the TV series "Topi" performed:

  • Ivan Yankovsky - Denis;
  • Tikhon Zvyzhevsky - Max;
  • Anastasia Krylova - Sonya;
  • Katerina Spitza - Katya;
  • Sophia Vododchinskaya - Ale;
  • Marina Vasilyeva - Lisa;
  • Maxim Sukhanov is a driver.

Also in secondary roles involved actors : Alexander Doronin (captain), Cyril Polihin (burned), Tatiana Vladimirova (Baba Nyura) and others.

Interesting Facts

1. Slogan to the picture chosen phrase "I will not run away from yourself".

2. The director of the mini-series "Topi" was chosen by Nikolai Homeriki, but because of his employment, the chair went to Vladimir Mirzoyev. The script back in 2013 wrote Dmitry Glukhovsky, known as the author of the novel "Metro 2033". Also, Glukhovsky became the author of scenarios to the film "Text", TV series Metro 2033, "Text. Reality".

3. Vladimir Maslov, Olga Filipuk, Alexander Remizov, Binque Anisimov, Ibrahim Magomedov were produced by the film producers.

4. Director Vladimir Mirzoev described the project as a "multi-layered", that is, it is impossible to say exactly how the genre is owned by work. Here are elements of Horror, Fantasy, Psychological Drama, Philosophical Proverbs and other genres.

5. Writer Dmitry Glukhovsky told in an interview that it was "personal history" for him. The characters of the series are not fabulous heroes: their prototypes became real people who surround the author when he lived in the village in childhood.

6. The shooting of the paintings took place in the spring of 2020, but were suspended at the time of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the release date was scheduled for autumn 2020, but the plans have changed due to the introduction of self-insulation regime.

7. The actors told that during the filming of the TV series "Topi" with them strange things happened: for example, the phones unexpectedly turned off, snow began to go in the frame. Also many participants in the village in the village, where shooting were shot, terrible dreams were dreaming.

Series "Topi" - Trailer:

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