Movie "Be My Cyril" (2021) - Release date, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


Winter is over, but the next season in his rights comes with reluctance, rarely pleased with sunny days. In this time the best way to raise the mood is a fun comedy. And if you also add a trolley of love, which is especially relevant in the spring, then the light and joy will be reigned in the soul.

The film "Be My Cyril" in this case - the appropriate choice. About the plot of paintings related to interesting facts and involved actors - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In order not to be afraid of bad news, Vladimir Vysotsky recommended to run his listeners. In place or not - the value has a secondary one. After all, sport helps strengthen health and get rid of stress. Only often people believe that they will get away from problems. Albeit is not on the babes, but hiding in the shell of his own fictional reality.

That's the film "Be My Kirill", the date of the release of which in Russian cinemas fell out on April 8, 2021, tells the audience about the main heroine named Alexander, whose personal life failed. So much that in the hope of at least for close to create the illusion of her presence, the girl is forced to come up with a non-existent relationship. With your own coach on running.

And hardly the heroine thought that this decision would give the start of a fun and touching story about family problems, friendship and love, which simply owes the participants of this funny act to Heppi-Ence.

The GOOD STORY MEDIA, acquired in 2014, the picture was engaged in the Paint Story Media TV channel, more famous for the Russian audience on the TV series "Voronina", "Real Guys", "Eighties", "Fizruk" and only recently trying in a large cinema - the first major project became a comedy "Real boys against zombies."

The script wrote also speaking as a creative producer of the film Anna Makarenkov, who previously worked on the plots of comedy show "Civil marriage" (for TNT) and "Super Max" (for STS). Evgeny Feoktists answered for the selection of actors, also working as a casting director on the TV shows "Ivanko" and "Peace! Friendship! Gum!".

Because of the director's console, he commanded on the set Alla Eliseeva.

Actors and roles

In a romantic comedy, telling how to learn to love yourself and stop looking around at the opinion of others, the main roles went to the following actors:

  • Anastasia Evgrafova - Alexander, working as a chef in the restaurant 32-year-old main heroine, and failed to equip his own personal life and suffering from attacks of relatives, persistently "chasing" a young woman under the crown. In order for the relatives to leave her alone, Sasha decides to "appoint" Kirill's own guy, his coach, let him not know the idea.
  • Vitassy Semenovs - Paul, friend Alexandra, whose family life for some time cracks on the seams: the relationship with his wife was so cool that the last year of speech about intima does not even go. Having learned about the idea of ​​a girlfriend, a man decides to sign up to the running section, where she is engaged in the help of sports from the sounding problems and try something in the annoying existence to change. And at the same time and help Sasha in its plan.
  • Ivan Mulin - Kirill, a pretty coach on the run, which the main character is loved by his boyfriend, although in reality even to speak with a man shy, believing that he is not even than a handsome one.
  • Anna Antonova - Marina, sister Sasha, wife Pasha, whose relationship with her husband went into a dead end. A woman understands that their spouse "joint" herself has already been outlied, but prefers to be launched in all serious, instead of seriously discussing the question and come to the final decision on parting.

Also, the series was filmed: Sergey Godin, Irina Rozanova, Ekaterina Bychkov and Sergey Stepin as Pope Alexandra.

Interesting Facts

1. Although periodically in all sorts of sources there is a mention that Alla Eliseeva used to work on the series "Street" for TNT, as part of the film crew of the specified show cinematographer. It is reliably known that before the director Eliseeva removed the short films "Oh!" And "Likbez", and the film "Be My Cyril" became the debut work of Alla in a full-meter format.

2. For playing in the picture Pasha Vitalys Semenovs, the film "Be My Cyril" became the first serious work in cinema. The actor admitted that this experience was amazingly interesting. First of all, thanks to the team with which it was comfortable and pleasant to work. Separately, the artist noted that the director put in front of him and his partner on Ribe Anastasia, the Evgraptional task - to make friends. So the actors spent a lot of time together and outside the set.

3. Vitassy Semenov argues that he immediately felt affinity with his character. While reading the script drew attention to the general traits. For example, the actor and his hero are equally loved to eat deliciously, differ in an optimistic look at life and seek to build harmonious relationships with others. Also, the artist claims that, like the film Pasha, loves to cheer people, with the help of jokes by placing interlocutors to themselves.

4. Writer Anna Makarenkov said that the plot of the film was based on personal experience and observations. Cinematographer noticed that in the current society, especially from the relatives, it was customary to climb in someone else's life. Break if a person is alone and is not in a hurry to acquire a family. Because of which the latter forms the feeling of its own abnormality. And this is unacceptable - everyone's fate develops in different ways, and it's not so easy to find real love.

5. The director of the comedy Alla Eliseeva supported the scenario, saying that the project was close and to her, since all the characters on the screen are beautifully familiar. The most repeatedly had to be observed for the 30-year-old border with girlfriends under constant pressure from others who are tirelessly interested, where in such age a husband and why there are still no whole brood of children.

6. The Aleksandra Anastasia Evgrafova, who performed the role of Alexandra, watched a lot of common features with the embodied character. For example, the actress, like her heroine on the screen, loves to eat and does not gain weight. However, the artist pointed out to substantial discrepancies. In addition to different areas of activity and unlike life circumstances, the main thing that distinguishes Anastasia and Sasha is the difference in relation to the opinions of others: Evgrafova has not paid attention to other people's judgments.

7. The role of Sasha Coach Kirill Ivan Mulin called his hero, who could be a great guy, if he did not suffer from narcissism, if he did not suffer from narcissism. For the tendency of the character, his readiness to help people is completely lost, since there are no sensitivity in this responsiveness, there is no sincerity - only the desire is still a little eleval "I". At least in the eyes of yourself.

8. Anna Antonova admitted that was happy to participate in the project. A separate joy was delivered to her that, together with her, Vitalys Semenov was filmed in the picture, who was repeatedly becoming her partner on the scene named after Evgeny Vakhtangov. Yes, and with Anastasia, Evgrafova, with which Anna was not familiar before, the actress managed to make friends, which made the joint work even more pleasant.

9. Although the individual viewers called the idea of ​​a promising, there were also those who doubted the abilities of Russian filmmakers to remove something responding. Also expressed the uncertainty that familiar from the distinct serials of artists will manage to "speak" on the big screen.

10. We visited the comedy in early April, journalists noticed, who created the film "Be My Cyril", people possess a distorted picture of the world. Why, the action unfolding on the screen looks dubious in terms of its realism. And the best scenes are at all those where the Trinity of the main characters is not involved.

The film "Be My Cyril" - a trailer:

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