Karen Horney - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, psychoanalyst



German psychoanalyst Karen Horney practiced at the beginning of the 20th century. It is considered the foundation of feminist psychology - a young direction that has not yet been formed so far. A significant part of the work is devoted to the behavior and self-determination of women, their position in society. The main opponent Horney is called Sigmund Freud, although in the early period of biography, she supported some ideas of a psychologist.

Childhood and youth

Born Karen Danielsen was born on September 16, 1885 in Blankenise - the city in the province of Schleswig-Holstein former Prussia. Now it is the territory of Hamburg, one of the largest lands of Germany.

Childhood of psychoanalyst cannot be called happy, despite the security of parents.

Karen Horney in youth

Father Berndt Wakels Danielsen, Norwegian by origin and German by citizenship, paid all attention to sons. And from the only daughter tried to pay off - being the captain of the ship, he brought overseas dicks from the journeys. Despite this, Karen felt deprived and looking for love from the mother.

Clotilda (in Van Ronzelen's Major), Narzenka of Holland, gentle feelings of his daughter did not share. It was often angry, annoyed and oppressed her.

At 9, Karen realized that he had only to hope was to love himself, to encourage and educate.

Contrary to the wishes of the parents, in 1906, psychoanalyst entered the University of Freiburg - one of the first educational institutions in Germany, where women could receive medical education. In 1908, she moved to Gottingen University, and received a medical extent in 1913 already in Berlin University.

Personal life

In the youth of Karen Danielsen found not only the genus of activity, but also her husband Oscar Horney. He was also interested in psychoanalysis. The couple got married in 1909. Subsequently, a man left medicine and focused on industry. The spouse gave him three children, including Bridget Horney - the famous actress.

Karen Horney and Erich Fromm

In 1923, Oscar Horney broke up, at the same time he developed meningitis. Against the background of illness and insolvency, he became embittered and sullen. Eternal conflicts led to the fact that in the 1926th Karen Horney, having taken the children, left her husband. Officially, their personal life came end in 1937.

In the 1930s, Karen had an affair with Erich Frome - a writer, a psychologist, sociologist. He came out unfortunate due to the mental instability of both partners.

Scientific activity

Karen Horney has established itself as a gifted scientist that in 1920 he became one of the founders of the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute. The event became nonsense, because 20 years before that women were not allowed to even study at the university. Simultaneously with the teaching and practice, Karen had to be engaged in self-analysis, fight their own problems and to keep themselves beyond suicide.

The Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute found the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Horney adhered to a different point of view: she said that Freudism and sexism are similar.

Unlike Freud, who believed that the personality determines its sexuality and a tendency to aggression, Karen put the meaning of the situation in which the person was brought up. At the same time, the psychoanalyst agreed with some ideas of the opponent, for example, with the theory of envy to Penis.

Sigmund Freud said that women experience dissatisfaction with their genitalia and secretly wish to have penis. Karen Horney believed that such an envy could indeed arise from neurotic women. In turn, some men experiencing envy to the womb - to the ability of women to give birth to children, comprehend motherhood in the full sense of the word.

By the way, it is on Maternity Karen and builds a woman's psychology. According to her, the representatives of the beautiful sex acquire value, producing children.

The collision of interests with Freud and the spread of Nazism in Germany in 1932 led to the fact that psychoanalyst with children moved to the United States.

Karen Horney and Sigmund Freud

It was in America that Karen Horney's most valuable ideas were born. So, in 1937 she published the book "The neurotic identity of our time". In this work, the woman described who he - a man who suffers from neurosis, described his internal conflicts and told how with the help of self-analysis to cope with aggression, dissatisfaction, fear and uncertainty. The years have accounted for difficult, so the book enjoyed rabid popularity and outside the scientific community.

Another valuable contribution to the psychology, perfect by Horney, is the development of neurosis theory. Unlike colleagues, she believed that it was a permanent state, and not a reaction to negative events: the loss of a loved one, divorce, etc. Recalling his own experience, Karen said that the key to understanding neurosis is to look for in childhood.

Psychoanalyst believed that a neurotic man makes a feeling of "indigenous" anxiety, that is, developing in childhood. In practice, she allocated two types of anxiety. The first is the physiological (basal) anxiety: fearlessness not to satisfy physiological needs. The second is psychological: fear is not realized by my own. At the same time, 100 percent compensation and physiological, and psychological alarms lead to narcissism, a woman considered.


The cause of the death of Karen Horney became late diagnosed oncology. Psychoanalyst went away on December 4, 1952 at the age of 67.


  • "The neurotic fluctuates in its self-esteem between the feeling of greatness and insignificance."
  • "A person is inclined not to notice how little he gives another, but it will be easily discovered by this flaw in a partner, saying:" You never loved me "."
  • "This is a long and difficult lesson for any person to learn that others cannot either take our self-esteem nor give us it."
  • "If it were not for reality, I would have everything in perfect order."
  • "Neurotic himself stands on the way."


  • 1937 - "The neurotic identity of our time"
  • 1937 - "Women's Psychology"
  • 1939 - "New ways to psychoanalysis"
  • 1942 - "Self-analysis"
  • 1945 - "Our internal conflicts"
  • 1946 - "Neurotic need for love"
  • 1950 - "neurosis and growth of personality"

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