River Song (character) - Photo, TV series "Doctor Who", Actress, Alex Kingston


Character History

River Song is a key character in the British TV series "Doctor Who" with a confusing temporary line. Often in one episode, River appeared twice at various ages and incarnation.

History of character creation

The scientific fantastic series acquired the status of a cult, receiving recognition of critics for a fascinating plot and image image. The half-century biography of the Doctor Who appeared the real universe, in which the events and people are mixed, and the whole saga about the adventures of the mysterious traveler.

The lord of time is not a man, but appears in a male or female case. Whether for the sake of entertainment, or in the name of the salvation of the planet, he performs spatial jumps, appearing in the Middle Ages, and in the distant future.

But one comprehend the secrets of the universe is not interesting. Therefore, he has assistants - satellites that help to navigate in a particular era. Sometimes romantic relationships flashed between them, and sometimes it is simply a mutually beneficial union. But for each of those who visited the Tardis spacecraft, a meeting with such an amazing figure changed in life.

The loyal fans of the series closely watched the plot, trying to solve the idea of ​​the scripts. Who is the doctor who and what is his mission is one of the main mysteries. But with the appearance on the screens, no less mysterious River Song reasons "break the brain" only added.

This is the same ambiguous figure as the main character of the film. Her story is confusing, and the fragmentary story will take away the ghostly chances of laying events, with it related, in a clear chronology. One thing is clear - she is the same traveler in time, but also a person.

The series scenarios used all methods to confuse the audience intentionally. After all, this woman was destined to not only participate in the plot, but also to close the original line. River made a piece of puzzle, which eventually put everything in its place.

And if the actions and jumps in the Song Universe are not accidental, then for the actress, which played this role, the invitation to the project was a complete surprise. Initially, the role and image of the character were written for Kate Winslet. But the star of "Titanic" at the last moment refused to offer.

Stephen Russell Davis, the screenwriter of the series reborn in 2005, saw another contender on casting - Alex Kingston. And immediately fell in love with the execution of the image created by him.

Alex herself confessed to the interview that since childhood was a fan of this science fiction show. And when he read the script, did not hold down tears - and from the realization of involvement in the Great Saga, and from the difficult fate of the character.

Image and biography River Song

The first appearance of the heroine happened in a two-sector episode: "Silence in the library" and "The Forest of the Deads". A river collision with a doctor in the library, where the stranger informs a man that he knows him well. At the end, Song dies, but it becomes clear - this meeting only launched a spiral of further events. But at the same time the day became the last in the true chronology of the woman's life.

After 2 years, the companion again appears on the screen, and the viewer learns: she is sitting in prison for murder. Moreover, as the prisoner, herself reported, its victim was the best person. The criminal runs out of the chamber to convey the Lord of the time the painting "Pandoric" of the artist Van Gogh. This is a warning, but the traveler disperses it wrong, after which it turns out to be erased from the universe.

Only in the episode "A good man goes to war", the curtain of the mystery is opened. River Song is already familiar to fans of fantastic Saga Melody Pond, daughter Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

The fact is that the child was conceived on Tartis and received the same abilities as the captain of the ship. The newborn girl at 2-month-old age was abducted by the Religious Organization "Silence", and dials were left instead.

When it turned out, Father Rory and the eleventh doctor penetrated the database, trying to find the baby. But Madame Kovarian escaped with her and for many years brought up a child with one goal. As a child, the melody inspired the idea that she should destroy the lord of time.

In the episode "Let's kill Hitler", the audience get acquainted with another heroine - Mels (performed by Nina Tousssen-White). Girlfriend Amy Pond and there is her future heiress, only at the other age. Amy calls the girl in honor of her, which later became the reason for the joking phrase of the traveler: "I called my daughter in honor of my daughter."

Finally, the tangle of riddles begins to sprawl. Melody (Mels, River) has the ability to regenerate. Just in this series, rebirth occurs, as a result of which the character takes the appearance of the appetifers (performed by Alex Kingston). Then the woman committed the murder of the doctor. But, fulfilling the purpose, regrets the death of this amazing man and resurrect him, while spending his ability to revive.

After that, decides to start living like an ordinary person, occasionally coming to the aid of the lord of time. But the outcome of the case is unhappy with Madame Kovarian. The head of "Tishina" finds a song and power puts on her the astronaut's jade, which moves by itself, and the woman is not able to control it.

In the River Song Wedding series on Lake Silencio, the heroine is trying to resist the costume and refuses to kill the traveler. And this act launches a new round of an alternative universe.

But with any contact with the lord of time, everything returns at that moment on the lake when a woman is destined to become a killer. At the end of the episode there is a wedding ceremony of Dr. and River, after which the newly new husband kisses his spouse and they are again transferred to Silencio. A shot heard, only on the place of the one who wanted to destroy the Covarian, turns out to be a robot. The way out of the situation found the main character itself using a diary written by melody.

The "Husband River Song" series commemorates the last appearance of a woman. She meets with a twelfth doctor before going to the library (episode silence in the library "), where he finds his death.

The heroine loves the traveler in time. The sacrificial nature makes it seek ways to prevent the death of the chosen one. This makes the plot confusing, holding the character in the list of the most popular in the fantastic series.

Interesting Facts

  • Actress Alex Kingston voiced "Monsters Files" on the site series on behalf of his character. Before it, John Barrowumen was engaged in this, which played in the film Jack Harkness.
  • In accordance with the chronology, River is the third reincarnation of Melody Pond. By the way, the translation of both names is similar: "Pond Melody" and "Song of the River".
  • According to the quotation of the heroine, she is a psychopath, and "Tardis is enough of one psychopath." Such a spark explanation The woman gave the fact that their temporary lines with her husband move into opposite sides.
  • If we talk about the racial personality Song, then she is a man with a DNA of the Lord of Time.
  • The age of the latter regeneration of melody Pond is 200 years.


"I hate good wizards. At the end, they always turn out to be a doctor. "" Love the Doctor - I don't care what to love the stars. Does anyone expect that the sunset will repay? "" Everyone knows that everyone dying. But not every day. Not on this day ... Some days are special. Some days are so wonderful. Some days no one dies at all. Sometimes for a very long time, one day in millions of years, when luck on our side, and the doctor comes to call, they survive everything. "


  • 2008-2010 - "Doctor Who"

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