Celebrities who killed their beloved - Russian, foreign, reasons, court, sentence, term


Love passions, intrigues and experiences look beautiful only on the pages of books and in the frames of movies, and in real life often lead to unpredictable consequences and become the cause of terrible and cruel crimes. Unfortunately, such stories are not uncommon among ordinary people and among the representatives of the world of cinema and show business.

In material 24cm - Russian and foreign celebrities who killed their beloved.

Valentina Malyavina

In 1978, Stanislav Zdanko, the third husband of the Soviet actress Valentina Malyavina, was killed by a knife. The spouse became the main suspect, but the case was soon closed, since death recognized suicide. Later, friends and relatives of the deceased achieved a revision of the case, during which it was established that Zhdanko was killed. In 1983, Valentina Malyavina was convicted in court and sentenced to punish in the form of imprisonment for a term of 9 years. The actress did not recognize his guilt before imprisonment, at the court, nor after the liberation from prison in 1988 by amnesty.

William Berrouz

American writer William Burrow also fell into a selection of "celebrities who kill their beloved." The cause of the tragedy was the ridiculous accident. In 1951, in Mexico during one of the parties, which was attended by numerous friends of the writer, William decided to entertain guests with a dangerous game. His wife Joan Volmer put a glass on his head and stood up at the wall, and Burrows announced that he would shoot from the gun "in the style of Wilhelm Tell". However, the bullet did not hit the target and instantly deprived the spouse of the celebrity of life.

The writer was convicted of murder, and he threatened a prison sentence from 8 to 20 years. However, after 2 weeks, during the new meeting, the court released a criminal for freedom. At the same time, it remained unexplained to reliably, how Berrows managed to avoid punishment. According to the rumored rumors, the writer made a bribe from officials. Documents on this case have not been preserved. After the writer went to the United States and did not return to Mexico anymore. Later, Berrows admitted that this is the tragic event determined his further fate and what he became a writer.

Mary Stuart

In his wife Lord Henry Darnley, the Scottish Queen Maria Stewart fell in love at first sight. They made a marriage in 1565. However, the married relationship from the very beginning drenched disagreements and indecision Henry. In addition, he himself tried to interfere in state and political affairs, which caused anger and irritation at Mary. Family conflicts have taken serious turnover, the situation was aggravated by Queen's pregnancy. For some time, a fragile truce was established in the family: Maria Stewart pretended to be ready to make concessions to his spouse, and herself took an expectant position.

But soon in the life of the woman there was a new chosen one - Count Ballowl, who was superior to Darnley in force, courage and determination. It was decided that it was necessary to get rid of the obstacle in the form of an ex-spouse. The secret plot was embodied in life shortly after the gap in the royal family: the house in the suburbs of Edinburgh exploded under the unexplained circumstances in 1567. Henry tried to escape the flight, but was strangled in the courtyard of the burning house. The queen Maria did not deny involvement in the murder and did not try to prove his innocence, however, when she was charged, went to England.

LED Vishez

The famous British musician and the Tex Pistols punk rock band leader, John Simon Richie, more famous as LED Vishez, in 1978 he deprived his girlfriend Nancy Spangent. On the eve of the beloved gave him a knife, and the next day she was discovered killed in the hotel room room. It is known that the girl suffered from narcotic dependence, and the bassist himself was under the influence of alcohol and prohibited substances during the incident.

What exactly happened in that fatal evening, LED was never able to remember, and therefore the guilt in committing a crime categorically denied. After a few months of drugs played a destructive role in the fate of the musician himself: Vishez died from an overdose of heroin in anticipation of a court decision on this case.

Later, the names of Side and Nancy became nominable in punk rock culture and are associated with a short life, full passion, narcotic fuss, thoughtless fun, and mysterious death.

Lily of Sudakov

The Russian model of Lily of Sudakov, who has repeatedly posing for the covers of leading glossy publications, in November 2020 killed his spouse's knife, the unemployed Sergey Popova. The girl stated that she struck her husband with a knife for self-defense - a man often applied physical strength and that evening also threatened her.

The conflict occurred during a friendly feast in a removable apartment. When the friends went away, the spouses continued to quarrel, and in a few hours, Sergey died from the resulting knife injury in the chest in the hospital. It is reported that in the family often arose quarrels and scandals on the soil of jealousy and vulnerable men. Lily considers herself to be a victim and tried to protect himself. The court has not yet made the final decision on this case, and the accused Sudakov is in the SIZO.

Michael Jace

American actor Michael Jace, who played in the films "Planet Monkeys", "Forrest Gump", "Mentalist", "Private Practice", also hit the list of celebrities who killed their beloved in 2014. Michael in the rustling of anger shot his wife Eypril Jace on the threshold of their houses in front of the little sons. The spouse first shot a woman in his back, and then her legs. Jases fully admitted his guilt, he himself called the police and refused to defend in court. In 2016, the killer was sentenced to life imprisonment with the possibility of landlord after 40 years.

Alexey Kabanov

Moscow restaurant and blogger Alexey Kabanov "became famous" in a non-standard way and fell into a selection of celebrities who killed his beloved. With particular cruelty, he killed his spouse, the mother of three children, Irina Cherku. At the same time, the traces of the crime killer hid and organized the search for the allegedly missing spouse through social networks. Friends and hundreds of not indifferent residents of the capital sympathized with Alexey and helped in search. A few days later, the remains of the killed who kabanov threw into the garbage container were discovered.

However, it was soon established that it was Kabanov who was guilty of murder: he recognized his guilt, although he stated that he was in a state of affect, and also spoke about complex family relations with the victim and planned divorce. It is known that the eve between the spouses there was a verbal switter, which caused the tragic consequences. The court sentenced the criminal by 14 years in prison, taking into account mitigating circumstances (the presence of minor children).

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