Eva Tsecalo - Daughter Lolita Milyava, as it looks like, how does it live, what does, now, career, personal life


For many years of Lolita refused to tell the details of the adult of his daughter. And since 2014, the heir to Milyavskaya still began to appear in public and surprised the singer's fans with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and versatile development. What it looks like and what the Eva Cequo is doing - in the material 24cm.

Suspicion of autism

Eva Tsecalo appeared on November 3, 1998. The baby was born ahead of time, on the sixth month of pregnancy, and weighed only 1.2 kg.

The appearance of the long-awaited daughter Eve for Lolita Milyavskaya was overshadowed by the news that the girl was probably born defective. At first there were suspicions on Down syndrome, but the analyzes did not confirm the diagnosis.

Then it was suggested that the possibility of developing an autistic spectrum disorder. The doctor in the maternity hospital advised the mother: "Refuse is not used to". However, contrary to the councils, the singer assumed commitments to care for her daughter. Later, the diagnosis was denied a doctor specializing in autism, and stated that the baby is healthy.

By the way, in the first interview after the birth of the heir, Lolita recognized about the problems in his daughter's health, and also told how unscrupulous doctors, wanting to put down the money from the celebrity, tried to put a wrong diagnosis. However, the frankness of Milyavskaya was perceived ambiguously, and rumors raised in the network that the singer gave birth to a special child.

I did not expect such a trick of Lolita and for many years ceased to frank with the press about the heir. The star commented on his position as the wording that she was tired of proving that the premature child and the diagnosis of "autism" is not the same thing.

Later, in the program "The Fate of Man", Lolita will say: "Yes, we had delays in development." And shares the troubles with which the mother and child had to face. Eva had problems with vision caused by prematurity. Baby even required an operation abroad. Later girl began to wear glasses with thick glasses.

And the daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya suffers hyperstativity, which complicated communication with peers in school and often became the cause of tears. Meanwhile, it was forbidden to use the position of the heiress of the star Eva. Only once the girl recalled who her mother, but the celebrity immediately stopped these attempts and explained that it was not worth doing so.

"Yes, she is slow in society, but there is no aggression in it," it emphasizes the advantages of the heiress Lolita, which all the forces put that the daughter in development did not differ from peers.

Life with grandmother

Three months after the birth of the child, a divorce with Alexander Tsekalo, who gave the name and patronymic of the daughter of Milyavskaya, but could not participate in the upbringing of babies. After the painful divorce, the health of the singer was shaken, then the issue of life earning arose. Since the existing duo collapsed, it was necessary to start from scratch.

As a result, the care of Evoi was engaged in a celebrity mother. The child was taken to Kiev, and Lolita remained in Moscow to build a career and earn money for the maintenance of the heir.

Later, the singer's treasures will declare that he left Eve with his grandparents in Kiev from two years and before the end of the school turned out to be the wisest act in life. Otherwise, either Mom Lolita would have to leave her husband and move to Moscow, or Eva to be next to a stranger man, that is, with a nanny.

"I am convinced that the child should have their own life, and not a drag on the parties and stoke up," the star confessed in an interview, which is grateful to his mother for his help and confident that without her daughter would not get so much care and attention.

However, the singer still remained. Lolita was to forgive Mom, which was copied to the offense for "in-friendly", and to work out children's complexes, resorting to meditation.

And then with mom had to agree that the child would receive the love with interest, which parents did not dat in childhood. "Yes, Marilyn Monroe does not grow with me, not a model, but I say it all the time that she is beautiful, good, smart," admits Lolita and adds that thanks to the proximity to her mother and daughter and they began to relate to her more careful.

Milyavskaya visited the child once every three months, and her grandmother had troubles on her upbringing. In one of the visits, when Eve was three, she did not recognize moms and did not fit the parent. The behavior of the baby caused tears from the celebrity. The singer again had to turn to the help of a psychologist, who explained that if Lolita lost himself, then the daughter would not be able to find his way in life. It helped to get rid of the fault complex.

"It is very expensive - to raise children when there is a problem. I am glad that I could do it, "the star is displayed. Eve corresponds to her reciprocity, respects mother and stands behind the scenes during performances. Lolita managed to keep confidence with her daughter. Star fears only love through the edge.

Personal life

Today Eva has already been tagged with an independent adult. The girl turned 22 years old. In 2014, the fans of the singer first saw the daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya in the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Tonight", where even a teenager Eva told about love for music and books in English and Russian. A year later, the girl appeared on the podium of the famous Couturier. From this point on, the star mother began to share photographs of the heiress more often.

To get used in society, the girl had to do with a psychologist. The star hoped that her daughters would be able to become a translator or critic.

In 2018, Eva graduated from school, for the month I learned Polish and entered one of the universities Warsaw, at the Faculty of Philology. The mother whose mother whose parents also had a good advice and recommended to choose the director. Today, Lolita Milyavskaya is proud of the daughter, "not spoiled by adult tricks."

Nothing is known about the personal life of the star heiress, and the mother says that he should have learned in the first place.


Now the daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya lives and gets education in Poland. The girl looks targeted and endowed with a certain creative charm.

In April 2020, it became known that Lolita did not fit Eve telly to the will, issued everything on trusted people. "She has no my teeth and are unlikely to. This is a property of premature children. Eve will not defend the property, "said Milyavskaya, who is confident that it will only be able to protect the heir from scammers.

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