Joel Schumacher - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Director



The creative path of Joel Schumacher, a film director, a screenwriter and producer, and has about 50 years. He followed his own smaller and was not afraid to experiment, for which he often received negative feedback. But masterpieces in the filmography of Joel plead. At one time, he was put on one line with Tim Burton and David Lynch.

Childhood and youth

The director was born on August 29, 1939 in New York in the family of Francis V. Schumacher, Baptist from Noxville, Tennessee, and Mariana (in Major Kantor). Father died from pneumonia when the boy turned 4 years old, and his mother was engaged in further education. Obviously, she did not cope with his task.

Childhood and youth of Joel Schumacher, as well as his further personal life, it is difficult to call a messy and free of defects. Already at 9 years old, he methodically consumed alcohol and psychostimulators - LSD and methamphetamine. Mother did not strive to protect the son from a detrimental dependence. Maybe because the "dismissed" the substances herself.

In an interview with the magazine Variety, Joel told that after the death of the mother in 1965, his "life seemed like a mockery." On him, a drug addict and an alcoholic, a family debt was falling in the amount of $ 50 thousand, and he himself lost several teeth and weighed only 55 kg with an increase in 191 cm.

Despite the faith of the situation, in the same 1965, Schumacher successfully completed training in private Parsons School of Design and settled in to work in Revlon - the largest cosmetics company.

He was able to cope with narcotic and alcohol addiction only by 1970. And immediately moved to a more prestigious company Henri Bendel for the production of women's accessories. Later, the director recalled:

"I regained myself a sense of dignity, because I received a good salary for good work."

Personal life

Joel Schumacher often talked about his personal life in an interview. It is known that he became sexually active at 11 years old, and already in 15 realized his unconventional orientation and started a permanent boyfriend. The director, however, assured that the monogamy him alien. According to its own estimates, in his beds visited 10 thousand to 20 thousand men."I have sex with celebrities, sometimes with married men, and their names I would take with myself to the grave. Mostly because I do not remember their names, "Schumacher joked in an interview with Vulture magazine.

During the outbreak of AIDS in the US, the director lost several friends. Fearing for health and aware of his loyalty, he repeatedly handed over tests. Fortunately, none turned out to be positive.

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Schumacher never thought about acquiring children. In his opinion, this is contrary to the nature of gays. In an interview with Vulture, he once explained:

"Let's go to the gay bar, where, say, 200 people, and shout:" Okay, raise your hands those who want to get a small house with a white fence, a dog and a child. " And then: "Who wants to go to bed not one today in the evening?" Guess what the result will be. "

And yet the experience of communicating with a woman Schumacher was - in his youth he lived with the writer and a journalist Liz Smith. She called her neighbor's "sexual criminal."

The director was kept aside from social networks - did not post photos in "Instagram" and did not share his thoughts in Twitter.


Become a film director Joel Schumacher decided on childhood when he saw the film "Large Expectations" (1946). But the path to the dream was long. In the 1970s, he, a person from the fashion industry, was engaged in costumes. I managed to work even with Woody Allen in his fantastic comedy "Sleep" (1973). By the way, after this project, the men retained warm relationships and helped each other with their own lives.

For the first time in a chair with his own surname on the back of Joel Sel in 1974. He fully created a biographical television movie "History of Virginia Hill" about the Queen of the Gangster World - from the script to the picture.

The major debut of the director became a comedy "incredibly declining woman" (1981) with Lily Tomlin in the lead role. Initially, the project was supposed to implement John Landis, but he left when Universal Pictures reduced the film's budget from $ 30 million to $ 11 million. The film received predominantly negative reviews, but the name of Schumacher finally sounded.

The following projects "Disposable guys" (1987), "Cuzen" (1989), "Komatozniki" (1990), "Die young" (1991), "I will have enough!" (1993) turned out to be much more successful. The most famous (including scandalous) contribution of Joel to cinema - Films about Batman.

"Batman Forever" (1995) and "Batman and Robin" (1997) is not the most qualitative embodiment of DC comic. As Schumacher later admitted, there is a Warner Brothers in this: it was the company that insisted that the films should be approached for family viewing and differing carelessness. The director himself wanted to film "Batman. Year first. " In 2017, he brought the fans of Batman's official apologies for making a superhero.

All subsequent Schumacher films prove that henceforth he was afraid to overdo it. The "Ghost of the Opera" (2004) turned out not enough adventurous, and the "fatal number - 23" (2007) - overloaded psychology.

Only one tape "Hunting for Veronica" (2003) from the late period attracted critics so much that even received the Solidarity Prize at the International Festival in San Sebastian. This is the biography of Veronika Gerin journalist, with which drug trains dealt. By the way, Solidarity Award is the only reward of Schumacher.


Cinematographer lived long, full of events life. His biography ended on June 22, 2020. The cause of death has become oncology. Among other things, the Dan of Memory The director gave Jim Kerry and Matthew McConaeh, whose career began precisely thanks to Shumacher.


  • 1974 - "History of Virginia Hill"
  • 1979 - "Night of Love in the Grill Bar"
  • 1981 - "Incredibly reduced woman"
  • 1983 - "Washington Taxi"
  • 1985 - "Fires of St. Elma"
  • 1987 - "Disposable guys"
  • 1989 - "Cousins"
  • 1990 - "Komatozniki"
  • 1991 - "Die young"
  • 1992 - "2000 Malibu Road"
  • 1993 - "Enough with me!"
  • 1994 - "Client"
  • 1995 - "Batman Forever"
  • 1996 - "Time to kill"
  • 1997 - "Batman and Robin"
  • 1999 - "8 millimeters"
  • 1999 - "Without Jiana"
  • 2000 - "Country of Tigers"
  • 2002 - "Bad company"
  • 2002 - "Telephone Booth"
  • 2003 - "Hunt for Veronica"
  • 2004 - "Ghost Opera"
  • 2007 - "Fatal Number 23"
  • 2008 - "Choose or lose"
  • 2009 - "Bloody Creek"
  • 2010 - "Twelve"
  • 2011 - "Man in the Mirror"
  • 2011 - "What is hiding false"
  • 2013 - "Card House"

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