TV series "Catla" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


The series "Catla" is an atmospheric horror drama about the mysterious events that occur a year after the volcanic eruption. Project release date - June 17, 2021. Actors, roles and interesting facts about the picture - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

According to the plot, the action unfolds in a small town of Vike, located in the shade of Volcano Catla. Already a year how the eruption began. Local residents evacuated. Only staff observing occurring events and supporting order in the city remained.

Suddenly, the volcano began to throw the artifacts stored with prehistoric times in the ice. And then the girl came to the city, covered with a layer of ash, which was considered dead. Mystical findings are dangerous, and the locals are confident that the mysterious forces are awakened.

Scenarists showed Lilia Sigurdardottir and David Mar Stephensson. The produce armchair was divided by Anise Johansen, Sindry Pallea, Magnus Vidar Sigurdsson. The director spoke Balthazar Kormacur, who also entered the scenario group and found itself as a co-producer.

The project is prepared for NetFlix. The director of the Strinking Service noted that the history of the series "Catla" is based on Icelandic motives, and in the frame of the audience will see the breathtaking surroundings of the volcanic.

Actors and roles

The main roles of the project involved:

  • Gudrun Eifjord - makeup, which is unsuccessful looking for sister, without a trace of the year ago, on the day of the volcanic eruption day;
  • Eris Tanya Fliegering - Asa;
  • Ingvar Sigurdsson - Tor;
  • Torstain Bakhman - Gisley;
  • Björn Torso - Darry.

Interesting Facts

1. The project director is known on the films "Everest" and "Walk to Heaven".

2. The shooting took place in the village of Vic, which is considered a tourist destination in Iceland. The start of filming coincided with a pandemic. When the group arrived at the place, it turned out that the crowded village was empty. This reminded, according to the director of Baltazar Kormakura, the antines of the film "28 days later." The radiation helped to convey to the audience a terrible folklore of Iceland.

3. The series "Catla" became the first original project of Iceland for Netflix. Management plans to increase the number of Scandinavian show on the Stringing Service.

4. Katla - volcano in the south of Iceland, whose eruption occurs every 40-80 years. In May 2010, it was suggested for the emergency eruption of this volcano. It is also believed that the activity of the Eyyafyadlayukyudle volcano is served as a starting mechanism for the eruption of Katley. By the way, mysticism, which was shown by the activities of Katl, has real roots. So, in 882, the eruption was the cause of the European winter, which was delayed for three years, and then probably caused mass hunger and plague.

5. Even before the premiere, NetFlix project fans noted that the TV series "Katla" will be similar to the "Darkness" show, as well as the folklore background on television "Equinox".

6. The name of the volcano is translated as a "kettle". Also "Catla" is used as a female name, which adds intrigue to the plot.

7. The series "Catla" interested the viewers of the beauty of Icelandic landscapes. Fans of Horror noted that the trailer's frames suggest horror and cause goosebumps. It is assumed that the project will support Iceland's tourism. Meanwhile, according to foreign forums, the show rating was 3 out of 5, which caused indignation, since even before the premiere of the drama received low estimates and negatively sets up viewers.

The series "Catla" - Trailer:

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