The series "His Alien" (2015) - Release Date, 2021, Russia-1, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


The plot of the woman-investigator is not new in the literature and cinema and enjoys the continued success of readers and teleadia. The audience of the TV channel "Russia-1" saw the detective-criminal series "Own someone else's", whose release date is June 23, 2021. The premiere of the tape took place in 2015.

The main heroine of the picture is an attractive woman who was appointed to the position of head of the slaughter department. Contrary to public opinion, Lieutenant Colonel, Marinets proves in practice that it turned out to be not accidentally and is not going to leave his post. In the material 24cm - a selection of interesting facts about creating a project that was taken by actors and their roles.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot, the tape is an event that produced the effect of the "broken bomb" in the police circles of St. Petersburg. A foreign person was appointed to the head of the slaughter department of the police department, who soon arrives in Peter from the capital. Shocked operatives are guessing how their new boss will look like, Lieutenant Colonel Marinets, and suggest that this is a temporary figure.

However, the first meeting with the leader brings no less shock: a high post got Alexandra Anatolyevna, a young woman, the owner of an attractive appearance. Further communication and cooperation with it prove to colleagues and subordinate, which is a person with a tough character, a professional with a strong grip and non-outstanding intellectual abilities. In addition, with its actions, a new leader shows that it is not going to leave anywhere and will not give up the work that he loves the whole soul.

The production of the detective-criminal series was engaged in the Studio "Panorama" on request LLC "Forward-film". The director of the project was made by Andrei Elinson, the producer became ADA Staviska. Over the script worked: Maxim Esaulov, Alexander Samoilov, Anton Zhdanov, Ekaterina Permakov, Kirill Mukhanov, Bogdan Bogdanov, Denis Latypov, Sergey Egorov, Roman Lebedev, Svetlana Tikhomirova, Natalia Matveyeva, Alena Leonova. Composer Svyatoslav Kurashov became the author of musical accompaniment, and Tatiana standing was engaged in decoration.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Own Alien" played:

  • Maria Shukshina - Alexander Anatolyevna Marinets, Lieutenant Colonel;
  • Boris Kamarzin - Georgy Viktorovich Baranchuk, Lieutenant Colonel;
  • Vladimir Epifantsev - Andrei Zavarov, Senior Opera Compact for Especially Important Affairs, Major;
  • Anatoly Lobotsky - Nikolai Nikolaevich Seleznev, Colonel, Head of the Ugro Management;
  • Andrei Feskov - Dmitry Ovechkin, Senior Opera Compact;
  • Vladimir Matveyev - Sergey Aleksandrovich Kryukovkov, customs officer;
  • Kirill Ulyanov - Sergey Rykov, criminalist;
  • Mikhail Zagokorukov - Nikolai Ivanovich Baturin, investigator;
  • Nikolay Smirnov - Nikolai Nikolayevich Stepnova, Jeadsecpert;
  • Mikhail Praelanko - Symagin, Customs Security Guard;
  • Vladislav Reznik - Igor Makarsky, customs officer.

Also in the tape were filmed: Yuri Essyukov (Penkin, Customs officer), Yegor Skrankhenichnyy (Peter Lumin), Irina Patrakova (Tatyana Platonova), Denis Portnov (Alexey Rodnin), Karina Medvedev (Olesya, Rodnina's wife), Rinat Mutallapov (bullet, Barsettechnik) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Andrei Elinson is also known thanks to other of its projects: "Special purpose agent" (3rd and 4th parts), "Secrets of the investigation", "Mommiks", "Ivanov-Ivanov", "highly over fear." In 2021, Elinon works on the tape "Two girls per Meli 2". Andrei Elinson also starred in the series "Secrets of the investigation," where he played the role of the second plan.

2. The shooting of the series "Own Alien" was held in 2013-2014. The project was the adaptation of the American ribbon "Irckak" (The Closer), which was broadcast on the American TNT channel from 2005 to 2012 and gained high viewing ratings.

3. The executor of the leading role Maria Shukshina told about curzes who happened to her on the set. On the first working day they shot the scene, where the main heroine drives a car with a pierced wheel. Driving was a cascadere, however, a close-up was also required. Due to the wiping, which is always present in the process, Shukshina looked in the frame with the "loop" on the road road rather convincing.

4. The director told interesting facts about the stage of scene, where the main heroine found new victims of crime. So, in one episode, the corpse was discovered on a landfill that cinematographers were built specially from the "harmless" waste, so that actors were more comfortable there to be there. And one more times I had to calm the random passerby, who saw a group of people gathered from the "body" lying on the ground near the abandoned building in the industrial zone chosen by cinematographers as a location.

5. Andrei Elinson spoke about creating a scene with hunting in the forest. Remove the successful double did not come out several times in a row: the actors have forgotten words, did not have time to be on time at the desired point. And when everything turned out, the team, without claiming, rushed to flee from the forest. The fact is that mosquitoes inhabiting in this area managed to drink blood from all participants in the shooting.

6. The Kitten appeared at the Schukshina's heroine on the plot, which periodically flashes in different series. However, the role of a fluffy friend had to play different animals. As it turned out, the kitten, which appeared in the first series, grew very quickly, so the dubers took.

7. Actors and members of the film crew had to celebrate birthdays in the breaks between the filming. Due to lack of time and employment, the case was often limited to a duty bouquet of flowers and a glass of lemonade.

8. Most viewers with delight adopted the tape premiere in 2015, calling Maria Shukshin with the decoration of the series "His Alien". Also, commentators on the chain rated high-quality director, humor, acting other performers, feeling a pleasant ease while viewing. Among the shortcomings of criticism, there was too daring the nature of the main character and the inconsistency of her actions.

The series "His Alien" - Trailer:

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