Warren Beatti - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



He wanted to become an influential politician, and he was called Hollywood president. About his successes on the love front lay legends. Woody Allen, inspired by him, wrote the script of the film "What's new, pussy?". Warren Beatti managed to visit the actor, and producer, and director, suffering from childhood to the cinema.

Childhood and youth

Talented and ambitious Henry Warren Beatty was born in Virginia, in the city of Richmond, March 30, 1937. Mother worked as a teacher, the Father taught the psychology, combining this activity with the real estate business. Grandmother and grandfather were also involved in the educational sphere.

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In 1945, the family decided to move to Arlington. The elder sister Shirley McHlein, who already in school years showed acting talent, speaking on stage, became a bright example for his brother. But before making a choice in favor of cinema, the teenager managed to try himself in sports.

So, in high school, he glanced with a star football player, became a championship for the boys. The potential of young talent was noticed and literally borrowed by his proposals for scholarships. By that time, Shirley was already established in the profession. Brother, seeing the success of a young actress, refused the big plans in the sport.

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At first he worked as a work scene in the Washington National Theater. After college, he entered the North-West University in Illinois, where he studied humanitarian science. And after a year I decided to move to New York. There he was lucky with the fact that the young man fell into one of the most prestigious actors' schools based on Stella Adler.

The unstable political situation in the United States caused the guy's concerns. Warren experienced that in the case of the war on the war, it was completed into the army. Therefore, at 23, voluntarily replenished the ranks of the California National Guard, where a year later was released from service.

Personal life

In his youth, Warren managed to engage with Joan Collins (the beginning of the 1960s). However, the happy union was short-lived - the pair did not have time to officially combine marriage. Numerous treasures of Beatty forced the British actress to break the relationship.

About the love relationships of the Hollywood Donzhuana, legends. Some sources claimed that the charismatic film was smashed at least 12 thousand hearts - the writer Peter Biskin indicated such a number in the book "Star: How Warren Beatty seduced America."

The man itself about this in an interview with Aarp The Magazine missed. At the same time, agreed that the novels were really a lot, but the number of his women is many times less than they say the tabloids.

In the media, the descriptions of the secret bareness of celebrities were revealed. Among his chosen, there were such beauties like Natalie Wood, Julie Christie, Cher, Carly Simon. The latter even devoted a couple of lines in the song You're So Vain former Beloved.

The personal life of the actor became public. Bitty's lover sometimes brought him great inconvenience. So, in 1973 the scandal happened when the fact that Warren was treated from a venereal disease was revealed. And to them, the man infected the writer Jennifer Lee, the future legitimate spouse of Richard Praira comic.

The news about the novel with Madonna thundered loudly. They met on setting the film "Dick Tracy". However, many doubted the sincerity of these relationships, considering them simply a PR-move in the new project of Bitti. Nevertheless, the pop-divan itself, and the Hollywood Donjun did not deny the fact of love. Moreover, everyone spoke about this experience as not about the most successful in the biography.

The lack of serious relationships and heirs a man cared little. The American media has not yet made bets on the fact that the handsome will be cooled and will be at the altar. However, in 1992, on the sixth dozen of life, the actor married.

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Annette Bening stated her to the future husband that he would give him seven children, and most importantly, he would make the president from him. And Bitty believed in it, asking her hands from the compatalog of the film "Bagsi", where she played Virginia Hill.

Perfectly remembering the natural lubricity of the spouse, Bening escaped his past habits to prevent family happiness. Perhaps his wife managed to re-educate Donzhuana, or his age had no longer a chance to spend time on empty relationships.

Four children appeared in marriage. The senior daughter Katlin presented a surprise to parents. In 2010, the girl decided on a sex change operation. For a long time, the Father did not comment on this situation in any way, but he found strength to concisely summarize in an interview with Vanity Fair, saying that the son-transgender for him is a hero.


As a child, the actor starred in amateur films. The debut in Big Cinema happened in 1961. Photo from filming the tape "The splendor in the grass", where else young Warren kisses with Natalie Wood, determined the vector of future male roles. They, one way or another, were associated with the role of the fatal seductor.

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At the dawn of Creative career, Beatty was honored to be removed along with the legendary Vivien Lee in the Roman Spring Mrs. Stone melodrama. And ahead of him was waiting for both stunning successes and loud failures.

To the first one can attribute the work "Bonnie and Clyde". In this project, Warren fulfilled the main role, thanks to which he became famous. Interestingly, in the film he also performed a cozer. His partner on dangerous skill in the plot was Fay Danaway.

In the future, the role of merciless gangster did not leave him. A prime confirmation of reincarnation in the comic character-character Dick Tracy and the criminal figure of Baghi Siegela.

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The directorial debut fell at the end of the 1970s. The kisnol "Heaven can wait" a positively perceived critics. This success came to Beatti, when he took off the historic drama "Red", telling about the Russian revolution and the fate of the American journalist John Reed. In 1982, he received Oscar for this work.

In the filmography of the actor met and not the most successful projects. In 2001, a man performed a major role in the comedy "City and Village". The picture failed at the box office, and Warren then left the profession for 15 years. Return to the world of the movie took place in 2016. The tape "Out of Rules" ("Unnamed Project") of 2016 tells about Millionaire Howard Hughes.

Warren Beatti now

The legendary figure of Hollywood has already translated the ninth dozen. Now the news about the upcoming projects as a director or the executor of the role does not make it a discussion.

However, he did not depart from secular life and appears on the red walkways along with his wife. Although the spouses do not give values ​​to social networks, their fans regularly lay out the photo of the favorite actors. And fans of creativity Warren are confident that in old age, the man did not lose his charismaticness.


  • 1961 - "Roman Spring Mrs. Stone"
  • 1967 - "Bonnie and Clyde"
  • 1971 - McKeib and Mrs Miller
  • 1971 - "Dollars"
  • 1974 - "Pararallax plot"
  • 1975 - "Shampoo"
  • 1975 - "Fate"
  • 1978 - "Heaven can wait"
  • 1982 - "Red"
  • 1990 - "Dick Tracy"
  • 1991 - "Bagsi"
  • 1994 - "Love Story"
  • 1998 - "Bulworth"
  • 2001 - "City and Village"
  • 2016 - "Out of Rules"

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