Konstantin Karasik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Duplication 2021



Konstantin Karasik knew from childhood to be an actor - his calling, and was not mistaken with the choice of profession. He remembered the audience not only by the appearances on television screens, but also a voice that sounds in Russian dubbing games, cartoons and movies.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Valerevich Karsik appeared on June 8, 1976. The boy brought up in the family of the actress and the famous scientist, Professor MSTU named after Nikolai Bauman. Already in the early years, the biography, he was interested in creativity, loved to draw, and the teenager began to star in the children's program "Green Room", after which he began to be recognized in the subway.

Konstantin Karasik in youth (frame from the series

Such attention was pleasant for Karasik, and he decided that he wanted to continue his career on the screens. Parents did not prevent the passion of the Son, although the mother was not delighted that the heir chose the same way as she.

The guy entered the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art (Gityis), where he studied at the course of Alexei Borodin. After completing study, the master called a talented student in his troupe. Then the artist moved to the Satira Theater, where he participated in the performances "Nancy", "Too married taxi driver" and "Random Death of Anarchist."

Personal life

Celebrity prefers to hold a personal life in secret and avoid talking about the presence of a wife in an interview. In social networks, a man often publishes a photo with an actress of Catherine whip, which, according to unconfirmed data, is the chosen by Konstantin.


While studying at the university, the guy began to work as a TV presenter. He daily appeared on the screens in the Semka children's program, which was broadcast on the 2x2 channel. Then Karasik was invited to another show "Children's jokes", it was demonstrated on TV-6.

Parallel Kostya began to build a career in the cinema. He appeared in the episode of the series "Mosseeka, 12", and later replenished the filmography of short appearances in such projects as Dracosh and Company, Moscow. The central circle "and" my beautiful nanny ".

While Karsik remained unclaimed as an actor, his master's career went to the mountain. It was recognizable thanks to the transmissions "Red Arrow", "The Mystery of the Green Room" and "GEG is a recipe for laughter." And in 2004, the guy became the face of the World Cinema Legends of the Legends, where he told about celebrity biographies.

Each appearance in the frame of transfer the artist turned into a theatrical show, changing costumes and scenery. He tried creatively approaching the story about every character to convey what these people wanted to convey to the audience. It is not surprising that the project was successful and existed for 11 seasons.

Another sphere where Konstantin managed to achieve success, became a dubbing. It was especially noticeable to his work on visualing games. The artist presented the voice of Waas Montenegro characters from Far Cry 3, Joker from Batman: Arkham Asylum and Vernon Rocher from several parts "Witcher".

Cinema sounded managed a man no less talented. So, thanks to him, John Favro's heroes spoke in Russian in the Formula of Love for Brothers Marriage, Adrian Martineza in Focus, Corey Johnson in Kingsman: Secret Service and Dan Fogler in "Fantastic Tarry".

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The cartoon scope also did not leave without attention. His voice is told by the characters "Monster in Paris", "Mighton", "Super Fames-2" and "Monsters on Vacation - 3". In addition, he worked on the Bringer in the animation series "Lady Bag and Super Cat."

The list of acting celebrity projects also continued to be replenished. He starred in "father's daughters" and joined Casto "Voronin", where for several seasons performed the role of Andrei. Another noticeable appearance of Constantine happened in the painting "Big Game", where he embodied the image of a character, called Karasik.

Konstantin Karasik now

In 2020, several projects were released on the screens, in whose sounding the artist participated. These are Miss Films Bad Behavior, "Bad Guys Forever" and "Feel Rhythm", as well as the cartoon "Trolli. World tour. "

Now a man continues to work in the field of dubbing, pleaseing fans with their work. He leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and reports news.


  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2006 - "Death in Testament"
  • 2008 - "St. John's wort"
  • 2009-2019 - "Voronins"
  • 2010 - "Sisters Korolev"
  • 2010 - "Vera, Hope, Love"
  • 2011 - "Caramel"
  • 2012 - "Wife Stirlitz"
  • 2018 - "Sukhar"
  • 2018 - "Big Game"
  • 2020 - "Choir"

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