Sherwood Anderson - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, "Winesburg, Ohio", books, stories



Sherwood Anderson - American Writer-Novelist. He depicted in his stories of contemporaries - morally crippled people who are not able to resist the world, where he holds it. His creativity helped the formation of such writers as William Falkner, Thomas Wolfe, John Steinbeck and Ray Bradbury.

Childhood and youth

Sherwood Anderson was born in 1876, September 13th. He was a third child in the family of cloak. The family was poor, the mother obduced more wealthy neighbors, and the Father had to be taken for different crafts to feed his wife and seven children. Sherwood, helping parents, Pass Cattle, spread newspapers, performed paintwork.

Anderson was often moved, but not too far away - within the state of Ohio, with time, overlooking in 1883 from Camden, where Sherwood was born, in Clyde. This city will remember the seven-year-old boy. The cycle of stories about the fictional city of Winesburg will be written by impressions from life in Clyde.

Sherwood Anderson in youth

Sherwood's secondary formation in youth did not receive. When the father died, I had to contain a family by changing the profession for the profession. Then, in 1895, the mother died. It passed almost a year, and the young Anderson went to the Spanish-American War, served in Cuba in 1898-1899.

When the war ended, the future writer went to Springfield, who was also in Ohio, and he studied at Witterberg College during the year. Then changed the place of residence and profession several times. Springfield teacher Trallen White helped a young man to love literature and became a prototype for several female characters of his novel.

The Biography of Sherwood Anderson includes a short job in a small parcel company, where by 1912 he switched from the position of the manager to the status of the owner. However, in 1913, a young man leaves a firm and goes to Chicago. There he writes texts for advertising companies and in parallel starts to create their own stories.


The writer tried his forces in prose since 1910, but these works were not published. From the 1914, the publications of small stories begin, and in 1916, readers met with the first novel Anderson "Son Windows of Windows Maczerson" - a realistic history of the guy from Iowa. The next marked product was the novel "in the leg!". This story is about how hard the life of workers in the world, where material and industrial values ​​are dominated.

The production relation to the working time is seen from the quote:

"People were like pieces of iron, in which holes drove. They were also dumped then somewhere in the trolley. "

This is a fragment from the collection of Novel Anderson "Winesburg, Ohio", published in 1919. Although in the book and there is no end-to-end plot, the stories are combined with a common idea and characters that are moving from one story to another.

The author reflects on small towns of America. He broadcasts the idea of ​​the loneliness and disappointment of people suffering from conflict between the society of the century of cars and the spiritual, the emotional life of the characters. In the novel "balls from paper" is described by Dr. Refi, rolling all his records in the balls. So emphasizes his loneliness and inability to share thoughts and feelings with others, and everyone considers it noncommunicable and eccentric.

The special talent of the writer was the narration in the format of short novel. Collections "Celebration of Eggs" and "Death in the Forest" contain heartfelt messages to the reader, cause compassion for the fate of the heroes.

The bibliography of Anderson also includes the novels "White Poor", "Many marriages", "Dark laughter", written in 1920 and later. However, every year the criticism was less enthusiastic written. The last books of the author were adopted without enthusiasm.

According to loved ones, the writer painstakingly worked on works and gradually met the fact that the process of creating text for it is more difficult than for others. Photo Anderson 1920-1930s show it concentrated and tired.

Dmitry Bykov in the "One" program called the writer for the first real American modernist. Andrei Astanzaturov in the magazine "Neva" wrote about Anderson:

"This type of creative consciousness, lost among things, awakening them and awaken together with them, can be likened by the consciousness of a child who creates their own bright world from nothing. Or the consciousness of the prophet ... ".

Personal life

In 1904, Sherwood married Cornelia Pratt Lane, who gave him three children.

In 1916, he left his wife and children, marrying Tennessee Mitchell, and in 1924 he created another family in New Orleans. The third wife Anderson, Elizabeth Préll, worked as a management bookstore. This marriage lasted 5 years.

In 1933, the writer's personal life was replenished with another event. He married the last time, Elinor Cocouquayer became his chief.

In addition to moving around Chicago and the cities of Ohio, Anderson twice, in 1921 and 1927, visited Europe, but only as a traveler. In 1926, he bought a farm in the picturesque settlement of Marion in Virginia and the rest of his life spent there.


In 1941, Anderson Sherwood and his wife sailed on the ship to South America. On March 8, the writer died when the ship passed the Panaman channel, the cause of death became peritonitis. Buried themelist at the cemetery of the city of Marion.


  • "Jesse was strong only half. He knew how to rule over others, but he did not know much. "
  • "He never achieved what he wanted from life, and what he wanted, he himself did not know."
  • "The child in it all the time hurts, bumping into reality."


  • 1916 - "Son Windows McPherson"
  • 1917 - "Started!"
  • 1918 - "Medium-American chants"
  • 1919 - "Winesburg, Ohio"
  • 1920 - "White Poor"
  • 1921 - "Celebration of Eggs"
  • 1923 - "Horses and People"
  • 1923 - "Many marriages"
  • 1924 - "Tag Story"
  • 1925 - "Dark laughter"
  • 1926 - "TAR: for children in the Midwest"
  • 1932 - "On the side of the desire"
  • 1933 - "Death in the Forest"
  • 1936 - "Portrait of Kit Brandon"
  • 1942 - "Memories of Sherwood Anderson"

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