Vladislav Andrianov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs



Vladislav Andrianov is a musician, vocalist VIA "Lia, Song". Work in the famous team brought a popularity artist. After leaving him, he tried to realize in the composition of another ensemble, but the era of the 1990s limited the possibilities of the performer who was once adored by the public.

Childhood and youth

Vladislav Andrianov is a native of Rostov-on-Don. He was born on July 24, 1951. Parents dealt with art: the Father led the Office of the Culture of the Rostov Region, and the mother was a professional vocalist and headed the local philharmonic lecture. The family was considered intelligent. In their house, there were often celebrities with whom Vlad Communicated in childhood.

The singer's biography was inextricably linked with music. At 13, along with his friends, he decided to create a musical ensemble. The rehearsal base was an abandoned basement, and boys played on old guitars. Often, this space was visited by militiamen who led adolescents to the office, forced to stand and tried to instruct the true path.

After the 8th grade, Vladislav entered the music school. Here he knew the basics of the game on the piano, but the young man was expelled after the 2nd course due to the call to the army. Returning to a citizen, a novice artist began learning at the correspondence department. In parallel, he received the position of administrator of the Philharmonic. During this period, Andrianova's acquaintance with the Collective "Silver Guitars" took place.

Personal life

Being a popular performer, Vladislav enjoyed the attention of women. He had an affair with an actress Irina Miroshnichenko, as well as with the costumes, Alla Pugacheva. Often, women came in concerts in the dressing room, who announced that the child was born from vocalist. Even understanding that Gosti Lgut, Andrianov did not refuse material support, justifying it by what could once again please someone's baby.

Vladislav Andrianov and wife Victoria

The first wife of celebrities was Olga Yesakova, the sister of the popular Rostov football player. Having moved to Moscow, the musician issued a fictitious divorce with his wife to make it easier to make the metropolitan residence permit. Subsequently, Olga reported that she did not intend to restore relations, and the joint son of Alexey matured and no longer needed a full family.

Vladislav tried to establish a personal life in the Union with a former athlete named Victoria. They were familiar earlier, but both were married, so they could not afford mutual sympathy. Once obligations, in 2000 the couple played a wedding. Children in marriage did not appear.


Vladislav Andrianova's musical debut on a professional scene took place in the "Vityazi" team. The ensemble was about the same popularity as the group "Time Machine" or "Resurrection". As part of the team, the artist performed with concerts in different cities of the Soviet Union.

The artists went on stage in Russian popus costumes, but, in addition to the compositions in their native language, and foreign songs were performed. At what was happening, the singer Lyudmila Zykina drew attention, wrote a complaint to the Minister of Culture, and "Vityaze" dissolved.

Having moved to Moscow in 1974, Andrianov continued to communicate with former colleagues in the ensemble. All of them were ambitious creative personalities and wanted to continue to do the music. This led to the creation of VIA "Piya, Song". The debut performance on television was part of the program "Serving Soviet Union". The artists performed the composition "Do not cry, the girl will be rained."

After a couple of years, Mikhail Shufutinsky turned out to be at the head of the team. He made the team more disciplined, which led to an increase in popularity. Musicians were regularly invited to television and concert speeches. They began to receive impressive fees.

The list of popular compositions of the ensemble turned out to be "in the wave of my memory", "where were you", "who told you", "you will see" and others. In 1978, Andrianov won in the All-Union Competition of the Astradi Artists, and after 2 years he left the team. Vocalist's departure was triggered by moving abroad of the artistic director of the Shufutinsky group.

Since 1980, Vladislav Vadimovich tried to return to the victim, speaking in the "Red Maki" ensemble, but his discography was never replenished with new sought-after hits. For some time, the artist participated in tour and concerts, but soon returned to Rostov-on-Don.

New time dictated its conditions, so Vladislav Andrianov had to try himself in new roles. From 1984 to 1990, the musician worked as a car wash, trammer, drove refueling. For some time, he even led the external reports department in an organization that was engaged in the fight against drug business.

It was not possible to return to creative activities and again on the music of Olympus, Andrianov failed. He participated in the program "Life is beautiful", was among those invited to the anniversary concert Vyacheslav Dobrynin. True, the number with the participation of the artist was cut out from the ether. Periodically organized solo concerts, but with studio entries were worse, the new albums did not go out, and the proposals for cooperation did not come.


In 2008, a tragic event happened. Returning home, the artist's wife could not open the door to the apartment. Having spent over the familiar, it caused the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Rescuers hacked the door and found Andrianov unconscious. A few weeks a man did not come to himself. Its vital activity was supported by medical equipment in the hospital. Save the musician failed. He died on January 2, 2009. The cause of death was the consequences of the cranial and brain injury resulting from falling.

According to the artist's spouse, as well as throughout creative activity, at its sunset, Vladislav Vadimovich abused alcohol. The artist knew that addiction to alcohol was his weak place, but did not find the opportunity to get rid of dependence, and it provoked the early death.

Celebrity graves is located in his hometown in the Northern Cemetery. On the tombstone applied photos of Vladislav Andrianova.


With VIA "Piya, Song":

  • 1975 - "Swallow"
  • 1975 - "Last letter"
  • 1975 - "David Tukhmanova songs"
  • 1976 - "Sticks the rain"
  • 1978 - "Our summer"
  • 1978 - "Where are you"
  • 1979 - "Near the house"
  • 1979 - "Wyry Circle"

With VIA "Red Maki":

  • 1980 - "Drink disks"
  • 1984 - "Star Diligence"

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