Evgeny Vestystov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "Adventure Electronics"



In the spring of 2020, it turned 40 years from the moment the film was released on the Soviet televisers, the film that tells about the adventures of electronics, Syricus Syrozhkin, Professor Gromov and Gangster Urry. The definite story of Eugene Wellistov, which opens the cycle of works about the boy-robot cycle, was based on a cult film. A year earlier, in 2019, two anniversary of the author passed - 85 years since the birth and 30 years from the day of death.

Childhood and youth

In the July 21st day of the 1934th Moskvich Seraphim Wellists, a military engineer by profession, became his father - a favorite spouse gave him his son to Zhenya. In the second year of the Great Patriotic War, in 1942, the boy went to the 1st grade of the 265th school located on the famous Delnikovskaya street, which is no longer on the map.

There were practically no textbooks and notebooks for classes, but there was a huge need to read. Therefore, when the future writer was asked: "Who do you want to become when you grow up?", He, without thinking, answered that the seller of children's books, "to read them all." Love and literature did not weaken in the future, and at the end of the secondary educational institution, the young man received a higher education at the journalism of Moscow State University.

Writer Evgeny Vestystov and Marta Baranova's wife

After released from the University in 1956, yesterday's student worked on the received specialty - she worked in various newspapers, eventually reached by the post editor of the famous "light". Funny feuethms and curious articles came out from under the author's pen, but essays and reports were particularly successful, since he felt finely felt the character and mood of people.

Another distinctive feature was the ability to find new heroes. For example, in 1958, the correspondent made the name of the New Year's song "The Christmas tree" Raisa Kudasheva was born in the forest "in the forest. The journalistic talent of Evgenia appreciated and "in the top" - he was allowed to leave for travel abroad and even to interview the chief of the Criminal Police of New York.

In the creative biography of Wellistov, there was a place and magazine "Combine", where Yuri Vizbor himself was listed in colleagues, and the CPSU Central Committee.

Personal life

The main heroine of the personal life of Wellistov became Martha Baranov, who came to this world in the 5th day of spring 1924. The chosen was also related to literature - worked by the proofreader in the management of the Affairs of the USSR Council and he managed the departments in the editorial office of the Pioneer Pravda newspaper. In co-authorship with the beloved woman, Evgeny Serafimovich created several children's books.

In the late 1962, on December 5, the spouses took congratulations to replenish the family - they had a son Maxim. According to some data, nine grandchildren appeared at the writer.

The heir to carefully applies to the creative heritage of his father. In 2011, he left a message on one famous Russian movie portal:

"The son of Evgenia Wellistov writes to you, the author of the book" Nocturne of emptiness "and the scenario of" weapons of Zeus ". I can not buy anywhere or get a movie disk - no on the Internet of all five episodes. If you can, send a message where you can buy or record the whole movie, or with whom you can contact. With respect, Maxim.


The creations of Wellistov began to appear in the press in the late 50s, and already in 1960, Soviet citizens were read on with incredible "adventures at the bottom of the sea."

After "trailing, struggle and rockets", the light saw the "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase", who had a mad success and so loved by the children and adults that the author did not have anything, how to sit down for the continuation. Soon the bibliography was replenished with "Rassie - an elowable friend", the "winner of the impossible" and "new electronics adventures".

As the "Father Electronics" himself told, the story about the boy-robot he came up with chance. One day a man was going to rest, filled the suitcase with a removable clothing, writing machine, a pile of clean paper and went to the station. The severity of hand-made clashes spawned thoughts:

"Maybe someone is in the suitcase?" Maybe there ... electronic boy? Here is a swelling cover, he will open his eyes, will stand, say: "Hello, my name is electronics ...".

The story ended as much as: only in the coupe it turned out that inside the road bags were not necessary on the rest of things (including flippers), but books.

Subsequently, working on the images of teachers, the writer went to schools with a mathematical bias. In one of them, an acquaintance with Isaac Yakovlevich Tanatar, from which the character of Taratar seeds was written off.

In addition to the works created in the genre of science fiction ("Sun sip. Notes of the programmer of March Snowdow", "Nocturne of emptiness", "Golden Time of Time, or" Uydi-Uydi ""), Evgeny Serafimovich introduced the public and with tales' tales. It is a "gum gam", "Million and One Vacation Day", "class and extracurricular adventures of extraordinary first-graders."

In the circle of communication, the writers included Soviet and foreign scientists, whose thoughts and ideas were often reflected on the pages of his writings, Sergey Korolev, Sergey Kapitsa, Alexey Berg. The latter and at all is considered a prototype of Professor Gromov.


The last 16 years of their lives of the wellists dwells with his family on the Moscow street of Alalana, on the 14th floor of the house-ship, without ceasing to engage in writing. It is here on September 1, 1989 and his heart stopped fighting. The cause of death served as a heavy long disease.

The latter is a man who told the world about the incredible adventures of electronics and his friends, found on the metropolitan Trucker cemetery. On the gravestone monument of the writer, in addition to the last name, name, patronymic, years of life and photographs, its family activity is also indicated, and the honorary title.


  • 1960 - "Adventure at the Sea Day"
  • 1962 - "Trepa, struggle and rocket"
  • 1964 - "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase"
  • 1967 - "Sun Sile"
  • 1970 - GUM-GAM
  • 1971 - "Rassie - Elusive Friend"
  • 1973 - "Empty Light"
  • 1975 - "Winner of the Impossible"
  • 1976 - "Bogatyry"
  • 1979 - "Million and One Vacation Day"
  • 1982 - "Nocturne of Void"
  • 1983 - "Praskovya"
  • 1985 - "Cool and extracurricular adventures of extraordinary first-graders"
  • 1989 - "New Adventures Electronics"
  • 1988 - "Golden timber time, or" Ryadi-Ryad "


  • 1979 - "Adventures Electronics"
  • 1985 - GUM-GAM
  • 1991 - "Weapon of Zeus"

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