Alina Starkova - Character, Series, Actress, "Shadow and Bone", photos, quotes, Jesse May Lee, Darkling


Character History

Alina Starkova is a powerful gris, which most of the conscious life did not suspect that he had superpowers. And only a meeting with Darkling helped to realize its strength - she also became the cause of a series of problems in the fate of the heroine.

History of character creation

The literary biography of the heroine started in the novel of American writer Lee Bardho. It is curious that the author had not previously had nothing to do with this area, but fought it to the composition of the fantasy story in the family and the death of the Father.

In addition, whether he told the fans of his creativity that the history of the Russian Empire served as inspiration for her, which made a prototype for his fiction. It is worth noting - the characters of the book "Shadow and Bone", published in 2012, did not have real prototypes.

Most key heroes wear Russian names and surnames - Alexander Morozov, Nikolay Lantsev, Alina Starkov. In the original, the last name of the latter sounds like Starkov (with an emphasis on the first syllable) - translated according to the Russian rules with a vowel letter in the end.

The biography of the refugee, which became the sun clerk, continued in the second and third part of the trilogy about grisha - "assault and storm", as well as "collapse and sunrise." The debut book received a lot of positive feedback, and New York Times placed the "shadow and bone" on the 8th place in the list of best bestsellers for children.

In the works of Bardho, much attention is paid to love lines. As for the main character, the author put Alina in difficult attitudes. And even though the writer itself experienced tender feelings for the Antagonist of the book of Darkling, when Starkov made a choice in favor of Mala Oetz, most readers were delighted with such an outcome.

Biography and image of Alina Starkova

The exact date of birth of the character is unknown, but at the time of the beginning of the story she was 17 years old. Parents are not mentioned - probably father and mother girls died during regular border wars.

The reader meets the heroine when that is located in Ceramzine. The biography of her as a future warrior starts in a sirent shelter, where she meets small. The reader finds out - both friends have passed special training to join the soldiers of the first army.

As for the appearance of Alina, it initially impresses a painful child. The housekeeper of the Duke of Keramsov, who belongs to the orphanage, even compared a pupil with an inverted glass of milk, hinting at her pallor. This impression was not deceptive - Starkov really, was a quiet girl of low growth and thin body. She had dull brown hair, and dark circles under the eyes were distinguished on a white face.

Subsequently, the image of the future sunset was transformed: from the moment that she discovered the magical forces to call the light, her skin acquired a healthy shade, the voice became harder. Character has changed - from the insecure girls of the orphan grew into a woman, ready to take fateful decisions.

Nevertheless, despite the discovered abilities, Alina still experienced weakness. Whether Bardugo was not in vain as her opponent of the dangerous gris - Darkling, who knows how to cause darkness. As if Yin and Yang, these two hero seemed to be destined for each other.

At the very beginning of their relationship, it turned out. Starkova acted together with the descendant of a black heretic and believed - they change the lives of the residents of the Ravka. But later, the girl learned from the Bagra (Mother Darkling) that he was guided by ambiguous motives, and decided to escape from his influence.

And here, in addition to explicit physical and mental attraction, the sincere desire for the heroine prevented what was not amenable to any effect. The acquired magic amplifier in the form of a necklace from the deer horns even more strengthened their connection. And the first attempt to wander the opponent led to the fact that her hair became white, as if devoid of life.

To get rid of the inexplicable way, Alina did not have anything left, except to kill Darkling. The girl succeeded, but the immortality of his spirit subsequently led to the resurrection (in the book "King of Scars"). The fate of the same Starka led her to the point of reference - the sun coster returns to the orphanage, having lost the magical forces.

Readers ambiguously perceived the character who played a major role in the narration. Many were considered that in the literary biography of this grisie, a love relationship was taken too much. Others saw how Alina decided, being depending on the opinions of other heroes. Therefore, the transformation of its image in the long-awaited adaptation was pleasantly surprised by Lee Bardgog's fans.

Alice Starkov in films

On April 23, 2021, the film adaptation of the novel of the American writer started on the Netflix Strengthened Service. But to be more accurate, the creators of the project bought the rights to another book of Lee "Six Crow", skillfully integrating the characters from this work into the plot about Grisha.

The key heroes have undergone changes in characters and destinies in comparison with literary prototypes. Darkling (the actor Ben Barnes played him in the series) for example, he received the name of General Kirigan. In the case of Alina, there was also no transformation.

Casting for this role was long - the producers received thousands of responses from candidates. I was looking for an actress that could play a mixed race character. As for Jessie May Lee, she answered all presented requirements.

Jesse herself shared in an interview, as before the latter was confident that he would not fall into the project. The more pleasant for the may invited to join the acting.

In the series "Shadow and Bone", Stark was taken half-shujank - in this the first difference between the film engineers and its prototype. If in the book the Sun caster Ravkinskaya orphan, then in the tape, it is like a junction of two warring nations. And it only strengthened the understanding, what adversity surrounded Alina throughout her life.

And they were a lot - however, they contributed to the personal growth of the girl. And if its kinobiography started with the quote: "I am an ordinary outsider," then over time, she realized its value for the country.

Each griev in the series came up with gestures for the moment of demonstration of magical abilities. Actress was allowed to improvise on the set. For example, in the plot of her strength manifested in situations of strong emotional shocks. Therefore, the creators of the project said to act intuitively - as she herself considers it right.

The readers noted the transformation of Kinoheroini: if the character in the book appeared with white hair, meek character and explicit passivity, then the execution of the role of Jesse May Lee caused genuine delight. By the way, the creator of Sagi Lee Bardgo, who spent the project consultant, agreed with the new description of the plot - the author was interesting to see the new reading of his novels.

Interesting Facts

  • In Russian doubles, the role of Starkova voiced by Alexander Kuragin.
  • Despite the fact that in the original version of Alina married Mala, in fan fiction most often put it in a couple with Darkling and even attributed pregnancy from him.
  • Artists of the main roles - Jesse May Lee and Ben Barnes - so sfed on the set, that it gave rise to rumors about their novel in life.


I screamed, while the strength flooded me, burned, absorbed from the inside. I became a living star. Fire. New sun born to shake the air and devour the land. I am a crushing. I was not used to the fact that people are trying to kill me. Without life I was loner, while maning never stay alone.


  • 2021 - "Shadow and Bone"

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