Irina Fedotova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Voice 60+ 2021



Project of the first channel "Voice. 60+ "Already the 3rd season demonstrates that the retirement age is not a hindrance for the All-Russian Debut. However, Cherepovchanka Irina Fedotova, to which, on September 11, 2020, three of the four mentors turned on the "blind auditions", compared with the Dina Yudina, who spent the same day, - a young girl. The first vocalist is 62 years old, and the second is 91.

Childhood and youth

The soloist of the Cherepovets Palace of metallurgists was born in a friendly musical family. Mom sang great, and his father played the harmonica. The girl who was led by a music school played his parents on the piano. However, it was not possible to get a vocational education in the vocal field or the instrument game.

Irina Fedotova in youth with Nikolai Soskov

In the youth, the Cherepovchanka was learned on the seam. Working in the factory, the girl participated in amateur art. The creative biography of Irina continued in the restaurants of the Vologda region, where Nicholas Soskov drew attention to the singer.

Over the course of several years, Fedotova acted together with the future frontman of the Rock Group "Park Gorky", which is confirmed by the photo demonstrated by the contestant on the project "Voice. 60+. " Then Nikolai Ivanovich went to conquer Moscow, and Irina preferred to create a family career.

Personal life

About the personal life of the well-deserved worker of culture of the Russian Federation is known. Fedotov has an adult son who came with his mother on shooting. Woman knows how to not only sing, but also sew, embroider, cook borsch and weave macrame.

"Voice. 60+ »

In the repertoire of Fedotov, there are Russian folk and Soviet songs, in particular, the immortal composition of the Yehh Petersburgh on the words of Yakov Goldenberg (Galitsky) "Blue Watching". But at the "blind auditions", Irina performed the single Lullaby of Birdland, famous Ella Fitzgerald.

Song, whose name refers to the club, in which the legendary Charlie Parker was opposed, and nicknamed Jazzman Bird (Bird), already twice sounded on the main singement of Russia. In the children's "voice", the composition was performed by Alexander Davydov, and in adult - Juliana Belyaeva.

On the 4th second, Garik Sukachev turned to Fedotova, and at the end of the song Tamara Gverdzitel and Elena Vaenga, who was noticed: Jazz did not have to yell, they need to sing, which Irina did it brilliantly. Speech by Cherepovets Pensioner and the reaction of mentors can be seen on the official website and on the project page in "Instagram".

After a long random, Fedotov joined the Sukachev team. According to Irina, Garik bribed and the fact that her vocals appreciated the first, and by what he said: he also has no professional musical education. But as the main reason for the choice of rocker, the Cherepovchan called "the desire to lose weight".

True, Irina did not become the best singer according to the viewers of the show: the victory went to Din Yudina.

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