Guram Amarian - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



Guram Amaryan since childhood was fond of work, but the years did not resolve the humor of his profession. The artist managed to believe in itself and become a idol for Russian spectators who follow his speeches with interest.

Childhood and youth

Guram Amaryan was born on August 9, 1993 under the sign of the zodiac lion. The Birthplace of the comedian was the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, but he is a yezid on national origin. Father was a drummer, a lot acted in Russia, where he soon decided to pick up his wife and children. The family settled in Nizhny Novgorod, where the childhood of humorist passed.

Guraram rose diligent and obedient, diligently studied, never fought and told his parents about everything, for which he was teased by the "Maamyenkin Son." But the senior classes Amarian has changed and became more independent, which contributed to his passion for KVN. The young man performed for the school team, in which he soon became captain.

The comic one liked to write jokes that he was thinking to tie life with creativity and even looked after the theater universities. As a result, I was afraid to stay without income and chose Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Nikolai Lobachevsky.

Guram was a student of the Finance Faculty, where he studied at a specialist in taxation. In the future, he planned to become a consultant and help multi-million corporations for big money, but as the profession was developing, he understood that everything was not so easily and the selected direction does not attract it.

During this period, the humorist did not stop playing KVN, and once during a speech in Minsk Amarian, the producers of the Ukrainian show "Mix comedians", which suggested that he participate. The guy did not believe that he would win, but still decided to try good luck and went to Ukraine, which was the beginning of a new page in the biography.

Personal life

Personal life has always been for a gourama reason for jokes, so fans often hear funny stories from the scene about his numerous novels. But the stedap comedian is not afraid of a serious relationship, in the future, planning to marry and become a father.

Humor and creativity

The speech on the "Komik laugh" show was so successful that in the end, Gurama recognized the winner. It helped believe in yourself and understand that he wants to tie life with humor. Soon, the comedian first came to TNT to become a member of the "Comedy Battle". The transfer of the Amaryan appeared as part of the Duet "Sophia-Aleshka", but they did not pass on the 2nd stage with the partner.

After failure in the project, the artist decided that in the future he wants to speak solo. In 2014, he first tried himself in the Genre of Standap, reading several jokes on the thematic evening in Nizhny Novgorod. The debut turned out to be exciting, the guy remembered how his hands trembled when reading a monologue, but the audience liked the humor of Gurama, so he decided to develop in this genre.

The artist became the Resident of Stand Up - Nizhny Novgorod, while working in the leading events. In 2017, the comedian decided to try again at TNT and appeared in the "Open Microphone" show, where he got into the team Ruslana White. Participation in the program helped a humorist to become more disciplined, learn more to write and issue several numbers per week.

Guram managed to reach the final, after which he became a frequent guest on the transfer of Stand Up. The audience fell in love of the comedian for sparkling jokes, among which monologues are styled about taxi drivers and about brands. But Amarian continued to improve, participating in different projects and giving concerts.

The humorist became a frequent guest on the Yutiub-channel Labelcom and appeared on the Makarena page, where one day was an assistant leading on an interview with a popular model of Vicky Oblovo.

Guram Amaryan now

In 2020, the humorist continued to delight the public with television and Internet speeches. Now he leads a page in "Instagram", where the photo is divided and reports about the news.


  • "Komik laugh"
  • "Comedy Battle"
  • "Open microphone"
  • Stand Up.

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