Love Ostrezodov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "Voice 60+" 2021



Third release of the 3rd season of the show "Voice. 60+ "On the first channel on September 18, 2020 began with the triumph of love of the romance. The singer who came to the project from the village of Old Bakura Kirov region, conquered members of the jury not only by the virtuosite performance of the song from the television series "Shadows disappear at noon", but also beauty. The compliments were filled with everywhere, and the users of social networks seem to have no uniform negative comment.

Childhood and youth

In the fall of 2016, in Vyatka Philharmonic, the anniversary evening of love of the rim and dedicated to her 70th anniversary took place. Accordingly, it appeared in 1946, he stated so loud crying that the midwives agreed that the newborn was waiting for a great musical future. And not mistaken.

From an early age, the girl was distinguished by a voiced voice. They were particularly proud of the head of the Basil family, who loved to fall inside out on the Holie, to make a beard from the packley and take a daughter with him on the card.

Love Ostrezodov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show

Visiting the pair satisfied the improvised concerts, where the scene for the ascembly served a dining table. It is known that one of the grandfather was a purebred gypsy, a grandmother - a Ukrainian, and mother from Vyatskiy. And all the relatives sang and taught anyone how to correct one or another song.

At the 6th age, the contenders for the victory of the vocal show "Voice. 60+ "There have been change. Unfortunately, the father did not become that subsequently imposed an imprint on character - the schoolgirl heard a hooligan and Sorvigolova. And from that time, the heirs, along with the one that gave life, participated in amateur amateur in the local theater.

After graduating from the eight-year, the girl settled on the plant to the turner, where she worked on a turret, screwed the nuts and made bolts. And, of course, did not forget about the beloved lesson, actively storming vocal festivals. One day, the Kirovka won the district view, then on the zonal and regional and eventually came to the All-Union Trade Union.

The talented singer was noticed and invited to Kirov (it refused to leave Moscow, not wanting to leave his mother with his brother), here Israzov and graduated from the Art School. Then he worked with children, spoke with the Yuri Silantyev orchestra, was listed by the laureate of two international competitions and many domestic. As a result, the artist acquired the titles of the "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation" and "Honorary Citizen of the Malyamy District".

Personal life

"Stas is my school love, but Mom always said:" He's not a couple. " Who am I? Labor-hooligan, scarring. And Stas grew by smart and calm, the athlete was. In the army left - he had the first rank of skiing. He was survived a big future, "the performer told in an interview.

They managed to arrange a joint personal life immediately: when the beloved married another, married and Lyuba. In the first marriage and he, and she stayed for 18 years, having time to become the parents of the only daughters. But fate brought them again, and more spouses did not part.

Love Ostrezodov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show

Soon four was born the son of Vanya, unfortunately, who died under the wheels of the car in 5 and a half years. Mother lost from grief lost her voice, but after the heir dreamed and asked her to start singing again, found her strength to return to the main occupation.

Subsequently, Stanislav Outolovsky and the Love of Ostrezov took from the child's home to raising two boys who help the father and mother in the economy - watching livestock, cultivate 5 hectares of the Earth and erect the house on the shores of Vyatka. Now the couple will already grow grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Show "Voice. 60+ »

On the "voice. 60+ "Lyubov Vasilyevna instructed the responsible task - to become the first participant of the 3rd issue. And with the task, she coped to perfectly. It seemed that an elegant performer who appeared on the stage in a dark dress, a white lace cape and ancient blue earrings was not worried at all.

Her voice sounded his voice and even even by the end of the song "I look in Lake Blue", when none of the jury members hurried to turn to her. But in the last minutes I could not stand Elena Vaenga, enthusiastically declared after the speech:

"Education is a great gift, it is a very, very important thing, but, as the practice of very great singers shows, sometimes education breaks down, spoils and kills his individuality. On such people as you, we have a culture of people keeps! "

Founding reviews Kirovchanka deserved from other project mentors - Tamara Gverdcitel applauded, and Lev Leshchenko and Garik Sukachev remained in admiration from her beauty and vocals.

By the way, Ostrezov sang several compositions and outside the competition, one of them dedicated to the leader of the group "untouchables", and musically told about his native village.

Behind her, Stefano Vooles entered the struggle, also remembered by a bright number and, according to the results of the "blind listening", which took place in the next stage.

Ostrezov's love now

Vyatskaya Lyudmila Zykina, as the ostans nicknamed in his homeland, continues to develop creatively, writing copyright songs, give concerts in the Vyatka Philharmonic and Malymia Children's School of Arts, hold meetings and share experiences with the younger generation.

On the music services and now you can find the album of the artist "when sowing the shower ..." 2018, on the cover of which its personal photo is banging.

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