Alexander Bulatov - Photo, Biography, Childhood, News, Actor 2021



Alexander Bulatov - Russian actor and movie actor. Critics read the artist a great future on the stage and in the film industry, and the directors increasingly trust him with the images of the main characters.


Alexander Bulatov was born in Moscow on April 10, 2007, in the family of hereditary military. Father Sasha Military pilot, navigator, mother Olga Samsonova by education coach.

The young actor receives education in the English special school. Creative activity of bulbs leads through a professional agency, which is engaged in both the promotion of talent and the protection of their rights.

Photo from the usual life of the artist can be found in his "Instagram". Native strictly followed how Sasha behaves on the set, and argue that in the case of "star disease", Alexander will have to build a further biography outside the theater and cinema.

Theater and films

Parents led to the profession of the boy, deciding that their living and direct son is suitable for the scene.

At the age of 6 years, Sasha fell into the coordinents to Ivan Urgant: with his participation in the Evening Urgant program, the rubric "Look below" was published. According to the mother of the actor, the casting was not easy due to the large number of applicants, but the creators of the program attracted the Boyless Bulat.

The first roles of the artist in the cinema fell for 2011-2013 and treated episodic. He then participated in several popular films on television films and TV shows, but sometimes even mentions even mentioned in the credits.

The takeoff of the artist's career fell on 2016: he began to go to the MHT scene named after A. P. Chekhov as Serge Karenina (Karenin "), then added the performances of the Dragon and" Man-Pillow "of the modern directors of Constantine Bogomolov and Kirill Serebrennikov . Also Bulatov was invited to putting Alla Cigalova (Oleg Tabakov Theater) "Katerina Ilvovna", where he played Fedya Lyamin.

At the same time, with the participation of Sasha, the series "Catherine. Take off, "where he remained the image of the extramarital son of Empress Aleshi Bobrinsky. The roles of his on-screen parents were performed by Marina Aleksandrov and Sergey Marin.

From 2017 to 2019, another 10 paintings were added filmography. Among them, "walking in torment", "The road from yellow brick", "Gurzuf".

Also at this time, Alexander participated in several projects. One of them is "difficult teenagers", the premiere of which took place in 2019. Bulatov has the role of Artem - the younger brother Phil (Vitaly Andreev). The series, based on the loud scandal, in which the athletes appeared Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin, caused the interest among the audience and was recognized as critics one of the best projects of the year.

Alexander Bulatov Now

In the 2020th, another film was released, in which Sasha participated. In Road Movy "drove", where he starred with Dmitry Lysenkov, the actor played one of the main characters. Now the artist is engaged in the work in the pictures "New Life" and "Heirs" (the working name "Two sisters").

In addition, in the same year, the premiere of the series "Raincom" with the participation of a young actor took place. His partners in the shooting partners were the executor of Viktor Horinyak, as well as Olga Lerman, Ekaterina Kuznetsova and other artists.


  • 2012 - "Fate Mary"
  • 2013 - "Check for Love"
  • 2014 - "Carrier"
  • 2016 - "Nevaleka"
  • 2016 - "Catherine. Takeoff"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 2017 - "Half Brick Road"
  • 2018 - "Forty-pink bushes"
  • 2018 - "Gurzuf"
  • 2019 - "drove"
  • 2019 - "Catherine. Impostors "
  • 2019-2020 - "Hard teens"
  • 2020 - "Rabcom"
  • 2020 - "New Life"
  • 2020 - "Heirs"

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