Katerina Michurina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dance on TNT 2021



The final season of the TV show "Dances" on TNT collected creative people from all cities in Russia. Some are amazed by sensual contemporaries, others - energetic hip-hop. And Katerina Michurina, a native of Krasnodar, intrigued the mentors and television viewers of the history of life, incredibly flexible Strip Dance and physical data.

Childhood and youth

In open sources, there are almost no information about the participating in the 7th season of the TV show "Dances" on TNT. But there are tips that lead to quite reliable conclusions.

So, in the comments in the Account of Katerina Michurina in "Instagram" one of the subscribers congratulates her on his birthday. It was December 14, 2018. And in the preview of the casting "Dance" it was stated that the participant was 23 years old. Consequently, it was born in 1996. The hometown of the dancer, most likely, Krasnodar. In any case, it was his presented on the television show on stage.

Minor information about the early period of the biography of Katerina Michurina and her family can also be found from social networks.

The mother is called Olga (in the greatness of Rizelian). On March 4, 2020, the dancer congratulated her on her birthday in "Instagram" by posting a photo from the distant past. Father's name is Sergey Michurin, in his youth he was engaged in weightlifting. Learn and grandmother - Nina Ivanovna Michurina. But grandfather, Ivan Veniaminovich Michurina, destroyed the Great Patriotic War.

Judging by the "instagram", Katerina lived in the capital of Russia for a long time - Moscow. In several publications, she boasted that he studied Arbat to the smallest details, and also told about long movements between the place of work and the dance class.

Personal life

As far as can be judged by "instagram", now in the personal life of a Michuchina young man. Either she carefully hides his family status.

By casting "Dance" about the girl there is a two-way impression. On the one hand, it has amazing physical data, and choreography can seduce not only men. On the other hand, even through the teleexer, the inner rod of Katerina Michuurina is felt. She is an independent volitional personality that will not suffer and the slightest pressure.

"Dancing" on TNT

The history of the TV show "Dance" on TNT will end the 7th season. When it became known about this, the dancers - and those who have long wanted to experience themselves, and beginners, they hurt from all the cities of Russia.

In "Instagram", Katerina said that during his creative path he repeatedly heard the question: "And when will you go to" Dancing "?" She herself thought about it, but every time he refused, believed that he was not yet ready.

"And then I just thought that you would never be ready for something. And this year, there is also a season, damn, last. And I decided not to go and not try will be one of the most worthless mistakes in my life. And tried, "the dancer writes in" Instagram ".

Michurina appeared before the Fair Court of Miguel, Egor Druzhinin and Tatyana Denisova on Casting in Rostov-on-Don. Evaluated the talent of the girl and the guest dick jury - the singer Zivert. She felt a spiritual connection with the dancer, as soon as he heard the history of her life.

In the preview of Katerina told that she drives a taxi. She settled on this work during the period of restrictive measures introduced in March 2020 due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection in Russia. Quarantine ended, and the occupation still brings pleasure and, importantly, money.

Michurin does not see anything unusual in his work. In principle, she likes to drive a car, and there is a time on the road to invent choreography. The only thing that annoys the dancer is the reaction of men-passengers.

"Some confuse me with Brother. Some when they understand that I am not bro, is called in Gelendzhik. And there are people who are fastened by all seat belts, which can reach when they see that the girl is lucky, "the Katerina is brought.

The daily routine of the girl is sufficiently rich. In the afternoon, she works as a driver, and the evening devotes training. The playground for her self-expression is the "without rules" studio, where she also teaches. Michurin tries to dance every day, often delayed in the studio to a deep night.

On the TV project "Dances" on TNT, the girl came to prove his own that she could more than just to deliver people.

It is this story that made ZIVERT imbued to Katerina souse, moreover - greet the girl standing ovations. After all, a few days before the singer gave the first major speech, she also thought to go to the taxi drivers.

And Miguel was not more struck by the biography of Michurina, but her impressive forms. It was on this that he focused in a short speech after her speech.

"The successes that you reached, the form you possess - Bravo! But while I "No", "said the choreographer.

He argued his opinion by the fact that the dancer visited the newcomer.

Zivert is obviously also inspired by the fate of Katerina than her dance abilities. "I am insanely pulling your story. I would like such people to come here and motivated millions of people who are sitting in front of the TV, "the singer noted.

Later, she who wanted to give Katerina Michurina chance asked how long she began to do dancing. Smiling embarrassed, the girl called the exact date - February 4, 2014. No doubt that for her this day is memorable. Here Zivert could not resist and missed the dancer in the next stage.

Michurina could not believe his happiness, but in an interview with the leading TV project "Dances" on TNT Lyisan Utyasheva said with a challenge:

"I want to go on this project, not by the navigator."

Katerina Michurina now

Fans of the TV project "Dances", by whose shoulders for 6 seasons, have not seen in Catherine to overcome the next stages. If it does not work out, the dancer planned to return to teaching in the school of dancing "without rules" in Krasnodar. Here she is one of the best mentors.

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