Natalia Korostelev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Humanist 2021



In 2018, when it became known about the loud-timber-separated process of the Star Four of Elena Stepanenko and Evgenia Petrosyan, journalists were treated for numerous comments on this issue to their colleagues. Humorist Natalia Korostelev said that there was no normal family speech and did not go. Her colleague was the wife of a creative person whose attacks could not understand everyone, and until the latter showed the wonders of patience.

Childhood and youth

On the eve of Cosmonautics Day in 1973, on April 11, the daughter of Natasha was born in the capital of the Kazakh SSR in the capital of the Kazakh SSR.

Dramatic talent, as indicated on the official celebrity website in the "Biography" section, it developed in a kindergarten "from mercenary motives." Finding out that candy was relying for a well-deducted poem, the child was so sulking a song about Christmas tree that they were broken all around.

Natalia Korostelev in childhood

In due time, the future humorist was a student of the local school-gymnasium No. 94, where he fell into a class with an in-depth study of Russian and literature. After the lessons, the girl fled to the "music club" to play on the game on the piano, from there - to the theater circle and ballet studio.

Having received a maturity certificate, a 17-year-old graduate went to the Northern Capital, where it was easily entered into the current RGISI to the Faculty of Dramatic Art. In the university, the student was in the workshop of Igor Bogdanova and adopted the experience of the senior teacher Boris Voitsekhovsky.

With dreams to play Natasha Rostov from "War and Mira" and shine on Balah had to say goodbye immediately, holding a convincing image of chairs, dogs and tubes. Later in the piggy bank of the roles were added and the kimorois, and Martushka, and the two-side of Neumekin.

At the end of the Institute, the girl was invited to St. Petersburg Music-Hall under the leadership of Ilya Rakhlin as a soloist-vocalist. But having left there for 6 months, with 20 rubles in his pocket she went to Moscow. The capital was waiting for the hostel of Gnesink, where the first pop rooms were written, and part-time the singer in restaurants.

Personal life

Natalia Korostelev and Yuri Tailov - not only a successful creative tandem, collaborating from the 2003th, but also a married union. In September 2008, a joyful event happened in the personal life of the couple - the only son of Dmitry appeared.

Mother, the souls of the child in the child, one time published on the page in Vkontakte observation of him and his funny sayings accompanied by photographs.

For example, a woman shared with the subscribers that the heir dreamed of becoming the driver of the garbage truck, and when the first tooth fell and for this, the tooth fairy gave a transformer, wished all the others to disappear from the mouth. Once, before the New Year holidays, the boy confessed to the parents that I would not like to get a new set of Lego, but to return the vision of the courtyard one-eyed cat.

However, there were enough hard tests in the family. When Dima turned 4 years old, the doctors found a serious cancer in a young patient. Artists immediately announced the collection of funds for treatment and subsequent rehabilitation. Fortunately, the necessary medical course was passed, and remission came. The humorist did not forget to touch everyone who helped and supported, placing a long list of names on the official website.

"By virtue of your profession, I have a whole life - a solid toy. Adult, fascinating, necessary, but still a toy. In addition, I have a son, and we constantly play anything in anything, for example, in Domino. Of course, he likes the computer, for which I also try to sleep, "said celebrity in an interview.

Humor and creativity

Having moved to Moscow in 1995, the girl began working in the workshop of young authors Evgenia Petrosyan. Sergey Kondratyev, and Leonid French and Efim Smolin, and Nikolay Lukinsky, and Mikhail Zadornov were visited here in different years.

In a duet with the last talented satyrik Korostelev created his debut monologue, who had a mad success among the public, - "Letter Yeltsin", who read the husband of Elena Stepanenko. She also put her hand to "Sunday Pape" Stepanenko and Petrosyan, "Dura" and "Tech" Clara Novikova, "New Russian" and "Market" Svyatoslav Echechenko, "Culinary Show" Alexander Morozova, Igor Khristenko and Mikhail Toryshenko.

Since 1998, fruitful cooperation with television as a "Anshan", "Kyshkina House" scenario, "Krivoy Mirror" (a couple with a spouse) started. And soon the long-awaited confession - Natalia distinguished himself in contests "under the roofs of St. Petersburg" and "Humor Cup".

"The originality of the author's handwriting is clearly manifested in the monologues of the faces, where the drama talent of the author is revealed, his love and compassion for its heroes. Accurately written characters, clarity and depth of the author's thought give the best texts special truthfulness, sincerity, pry, "- wrote about the comedian in the" Encyclopedia of the Circus and Pan Art of Russia of the twentieth century. "

In the future, the native of Alma-Ata decided to go on the stage, the "Izmailovsky Park", "Laughter with Delivery to the House", "Ashlag", "Yumorina", "Kryvoy", "Yumorina", "Mirror" and others.

She mixed up viewers as independent performances ("one at home", "to be a woman", "Verk and Computer") and with Svetlana Rozhkova ("Grandma"), Yuri Tvodnyov ("Who's chief family") and other colleagues.

Natalia Korostelev now

The humorist continues to mix the public with new sparkling monologues on vital topics. And now she does this in the company not only a beloved husband, but also the Son.

Behind the performance of a talented family, the viewer could observe in September 2020 in the program "Yumorina" on "Russia-1", and in March to see on the show "Have you seen the video?" On the first channel. The actress did not hide that he was delighted with the last project, so for the year appeared there a couple of times as a guest guest.

On self-insulation introduced due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, Korostelev and his spouse did not lose time, but entertained the "Instagram" subscribers and the author's Yutyub-Channel "Wear" funny videos and challenges.

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