Anna Yanovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Anna Yanovskaya won the love of the public in his youth and years shone on the screens. But the star decided to cool to change his life and became not only a successful actress, and still director, producer and screenwriter.

Childhood and youth

Anna Yanovskaya appeared on July 18, 1971 in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Girl's parents were engineers, but fell a passion for music - mother sang, and his father played immediately on several tools. They hoped to convey the love of her daughter's work, which since childhood attended music school.

Anya climbed the piano for hours, learning the melodies, but soon realized that she was not interested. But the future star was fascinated by the theater, and soon she began to study in a group at the House of Culture of Shipbuilders. And after graduating from school, Yanovskaya went to Moscow, intending to enroll in the theater university, but the deadline for receiving documents by that time has already expired.

Anna was not desperate, but decided to try his happiness in Yaroslavl, where she was accepted without any problems in the theater school. During this period, Viktor Merezhko's director just searched for an actress on a major role in his new film. He managed to see the talent of a young performer, and already at 17 Yanovskaya accepted into the main staff.

In the picture, called "under the sky blue ...", the artist embodied Lena - a drug addict who rejects society and a native father. Despite the importance of the topic, affected in the tape, she was gathered critics cool, and Anya decided to suspend the on-screen career to devote time to study and the theater.

But she was able to leave the Yaroslavl School and entered the theater university, which had long dreamed of. Yanovskaya became a student of Gitis, where he studied at the directorial faculty under the leadership of the famous Mark Zakharov.

Personal life

About the personal life of the star knows little, she rarely speaks about it in an interview. According to information from open sources, the chief Anna is the director Roman Samgin.

The couple raises two children: Katya's daughter is engaged in music and plays the piano, and the son of Boris chose the profession of the actor.

Theater and films

Playing the theater Anya began still a student. For her career, she managed to participate in such performances as the "hot heart", a "happy prince", "Cherry Garden" and "Forest", fulfilling noticeable roles and tearing out ovations of the public.

In the movie the case walked no worse. At the beginning, Yanovskaya's career played mainly the main characters. In 1993, she appeared in the film "Autumn Temptures", where she appeared in the image of a young mistress of an aging man. The wrong husband did not come up with anything better, how to present it with his extramarital daughter, when she was caught by the surprise wife.

Anna Yanovskaya and Roman Samgin

The film was successful in the audience, and the young performer received a prize for the best female role at the I Film Festival of the Popular Genps "White Sun Adler". After that, yesterday's student was called to play Alina in the arthouch painting "Wind over the city." On the set, she managed to work with Anatoly Antonyuk, Gennady Nazarov and Marina Vlad.

Not less memorable became the experience of the comedy "New Year's story", where the young artist was the company Leonid Kuravlev. In subsequent years, Anna regularly replenished filmography with noticeable roles in projects such as "Editors", "Far Light", "On the eve of autumn" and "University".

But the delight of the public caused the appearance of a star in the melodrama "unfinished lesson", where she embodied the teacher in which a young student of the evening school falls in love. The partner of Yanovskaya became the actor and singer Alexey Vorobyev, and Colleagues on the site - Olga Volkova, Pavel Derevko and Tatyana Kravchenko.

Although the actress remained in demand and favorite viewers, over the years of interesting proposals was becoming less. Working on the series "Dance of our love", the performer understood that she lacks novelty and creativity. The story seemed boring, and dialogues were unfinished. Then Anna first thought about to shoot his movie.

In this difficult time, the woman met the director of the "Autumn Slazovnov" Vladimir Grammatikova, who told her about the set of higher scripts and directories. Anna decided that he would not miss such a chance, and in just 1 day he created all 5 written work necessary for admission.

So the new page began in the biography of the star - now she was a director. Remove the movie Yanovskaya began while learning on courses. She became the author of short films about people who survived the tragedy in Krymsk, which then turned into a full-fledged film "10 centimeters of life."

After the release, Anna Lvivna planned to continue working in the documentary genre and decided to create a picture of the phenomenon of the Yakut cinema, which was then turned into a comedy "Interesting Life". The plot unfolds around the capital actor, which comes to shooting in Yakutia and immersed in the whirlpool of local customs and traditions.

The tape was warmly encountered by the public and won the awards of the International Film Festival in Sochi, the festivals "Eight Women", "Amur Autumn" and "Start". Although the work of the director was not shown in cinemas, it was demonstrated on the Culp channel.

Anna Yanovskaya now

Despite the coronavirus infection pandemic, in 2020 the star did not sit idle. She was engaged in creating a new comedy series, called "Rummate". The picture tells about the group of young people who come to conquer Moscow and become neighbors around the apartment. Among the artists of the main roles in the project involved little-known artists of Anfisa Black and Yuri Nasonov, as well as stars Mikhail Polikamaco and Elizabeth Arzamasov.

Now the director continues to engage in creativity. She leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and reports about the news.


  • 1989 - "Under the sky blue ..."
  • 1993 - "Autumn temptations"
  • 1997 - "Wind over the city"
  • 1997 - "New Year's History"
  • 2000 - "Editorial"
  • 2001 - "Host of the Empire"
  • 2003 - "Far Light"
  • 2006 - "On the eve of the fall"
  • 2007 - "Debt"
  • 2008 - "Hearts"
  • 2008-2011 - "University"
  • 2009 - "Unknown lesson"
  • 2011 - "Dance of our love"
  • 2014 - "Zemsky Doctor. Return"
  • 2017 - "Lucky case!"

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