Johan Renat (Tobol) - biography, real story, prototype, photo, Andrei Burkovsky



Johan Renat is a Swedish officer and a cartographer whose authorship is owned by Dzhungaria and East Turkestan. Work on the creation of these documents, a military personnel led over two decades, while in captivity. He fell into imprisonment as a recruit, aimed at saving the failed forwarding of Ivan Buchholz.

Childhood and youth

Johan Gustav Renat was born in Stockholm in 1682. His parents, Dutch Jews by nationality, arrived in Sweden and adopted new citizenship a year before the child appeared.

Johan Renat (Tobol) - biography, real story, prototype, photo, Andrei Burkovsky 3961_1

Moldov, Johan served in the army of Karl Xii. During the Northern War, he participated in the battles in the rank of Shtyk-Juncker artillery. As a result of the Poltava battle in 1709, Renat was captured by the Russians. The cooked Swede got into Moscow, and in 1711 he went in a link to Tobolsk. Yohan Renat had to go to the service for former opponents.

Personal life

In the Dzhungarian captivity, where Renat got, being involved in the unsuccessful campaign of Ivan Buchhogol, he met the future spouse. Christina Sherzenfeld's Brigitta was a Swedish teaching teacher of Kristianstad. Her personal life was tragic. Brigitta 2 times remained widow servicemen. In Russia, she married a German officer sent to Siberia. In 1717, the Spouse of Swedet was killed by the Jiungs during a plaque. Johan Renat became the new chosenfeld.

In 1733, the family was freed from captivity. The merits of her husband and wife helped them to freely leave Jungaria accompanied by the Russian ambassador Leonty Ugrimov. Former prisoners gave 20 servants. Six of them were taken away in the embassy, ​​somewhat died during the journey in Russia, and the remaining reached the owners to Sweden.

In Moscow, Brigitta Sherzenfeld shared with a friend from the UK with his biography, a story of wandering and misfortunes. Subsequently, on the basis of these memories, a book was written. Brigitta and Johan married Russia and left for Stockholm. Motherland Renat acquired a house in Gamla-Mill. In 1736, his spouse died. Widower once again decided on the creation of a family in 1739. At the same time, he was pressed by Chin Captain Swedish Army.


In 1716, among other Recruits, Yohan was sent to the aid of the Expedition of Ivan Buchholts. After the construction of the Ifashev fortress, the squadto of the lieutenant colonel was attacked by the Jiungs. The defensive structure was in the siege and under the blocade. The soldiers of Khan Tsavan-Rabdan captured the conversation with humanitarian aid, heading towards the profogo along with the prisoners of the Swedes. So Renat turned out to be from the Jungartians. He was sent to Krupju.

The next 17 years, the military conducted in conclusion. All this time, he served the Dzhungarian rulers and participated in the creation of weapons and mining enterprises. Russian and Swedish officers captured in battles helped to seriously promote the local military industry, which strengthened the resources of the Jungian Khanate. Johan worked hard, because he was promised for his work freedom.

Cooperating with Kangan-Rabdan and Galdan-Ceren, Renat was involved in organizing campaigns to the state of Qing, was engaged in the formation of an artillery regiment and participated in the production of guns.

Map of Jungaria, compiled by Johan Renat

The main achievement of Swedes was the creation of Maps of Central Asia, where he was in captivity. The descriptions of the Renat did according to his own observations. For a long time about the materials of the authorship of Yohan knew a limited number of people. In 1878, copies of the cardographer were found in the Royal Library. Assistant Librarian Yuhan Augustus Strindurd transferred documents to Academician of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences Yakov Grota. He sent materials to the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.

In 1881, the works of Renata published Professor of the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff Alexey Maksheev. After 10 years, the originals of the cards found at the University of Uppsa. There they are today.


Johan Renat died in Stockholm in 1744. The cause of the death of a soldier is unknown, but by the standards of those years he lived a long life. Most likely, the health has been affected by the service and accommodation in captivity.


  • Johan Renat is one of the heroes of Alexei Ivanov's novels "Tobol. Many called "and" Tobol. Few chosen "

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