Mikhail Gelfand - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Bioinformatics 2021



Mikhail Gelfand - Professor of the Faculty of Biogengery and Bioinformatics MSU, Deputy Director of Science Institute of Problems of Information Rangers, Civil Activist. Does not believe in the artificial origin of coronavirus. It claims that GMO products are good for health.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Sergeevich Gelfand was born on October 25, 1963 in the family of Jewish nationality. Father - Mathematics Sergey Israelich Gelfand. Grandfather Israel Moiseevich also worked on Niva science. Grandmother on the father's line Zorya Yakovlevna Shapiro engaged in mathematics. The grandfather on the motherboard worked as a surgeon, and her grandmother is an official.

According to the memories of Gelfand, Israel Moiseevich in his youth rigidly managed with people, and he was supposed to the old age. Born in the Transnistrian district, knew Yiddish. Because of the anti-Semitism, grandfather did not take the USSR Academy. Mikhail himself was also injured in childhood: in the 5th grade, the boy was struck by the face, because he is a Jew.

At school, he walked into a linguistic circle, participated in the Olympics. But then I realized that it is better to engage in natural sciences that provide a choice of professional biography. Then the linguist is engaged only by languages.

Gelfand was educated on Mehmate MSU, but then fascinated by bioinformatics. Science is new, because of this, a young man has problems with the dissertation. It was impossible to find a scientific advice that would agree to certify the work. The candidate young man passed on the Physics and Mathematics of the Faculty with a degree in Biophysics. Doctoral defended in the Council, which awarded the degree of molecular biology.

Personal life

It is not known whether a biologist is married if he has children. About the personal life of Gelfand does not tell. In Mikhail Sergeevich accounts in "Instagram" and "Facebook" there are no photos related to family.

The scientist does not appear in the public without a beard.

Scientific activity

A man is engaged in bioinformatics, which studies the evolution of genome in the embryonic period. For example, a person and mouse genes are the same, but perform different functions. As a result - two separate species.

Bioinformatics also discovered that in each person hundreds of broken genes, which accumulate in the population due to the development of medicine and the liquidation of natural selection. Man, patient diabetes, help live to old age. The weak and stupid is also not threatened by death. Three generations, such a policy will lead to a genetic collapse and complete degradation of the species.

Gelfand founded an unregistered organization "Dussenet". This is a group of individuals who represent themselves in a public space as a fighter with a lzhenauka, plagiarism and poor-quality dissertations. They check the State Duma deputies, governors, rectors of federal institutions.

According to Mikhail Sergeevich, the medical dissertations are often plagiarism or a flag. The tables are rewritten, and other numbers are inserted there. He also recalled the Tula governor of Vladimir Gruzdeva, whose dissertation was completely rewritten, despite the fact that the source was "Lipoy."

The biologist was Deputy Chief Editor in the Scientific and Popular Journal "Troitsky Option - Science", created in 2008. The editorial office attracted attention to publication in recognized publications of non-substituted materials. For example, in the "journal of scientific publications of graduate students and doctoral students" a set of words generated by the machine was published.

In May 2017, the scientist read the open lecture "Molecular Paleontology" in Minsk, which was listened to more than one and a half hundred people.

In an interview with this in July 2018, within the framework of VK Fest, Gelfand said that the Nobel Biology Prize now does not matter, because it is collective science. "The culprits" of any discovery are several people, and one rewards one.

On September 16, 2018, he read in Tomsk a lecture "Mathematics of Elections". The listeners learned about the combinatorics, the Errow Theorem, statistics, on fair electoral systems and the impossibility of satisfying the entire electorate.

Public position

Mikhail Gelfand is a liberal and an atheist. Since 2005, he participated in scientific policy, is now included in the Council of the Evolution Foundation. He spoke against bureaucracy in science.

In March 2015, in the library V. V. Mayakovsky in St. Petersburg participated in the discussion with Protodiakon Andrei Kuraev. Speakers talked about whether the degree of theology in Vake and Oxford should be awarded, about the problems of faith and science.

Mikhail Gelfand now

On February 10, 2020, the biologist read the lecture "Neanderthals, Denisovtsy and Cryanonians: Genetic Santa Barbara". Gelfand spoke about how in a modern man, the genes of three species, having little among themselves, were mixed with each other. In his opinion, these tribes fought among themselves and from time to time they made sexual violence against females from another camp, which led to the emergence of Homo Sapiens.

In April 2020, Mikhail Sergeevich announced the "Markobesia epidemic" caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In this regard, the scientist mentioned the conversation of the journalist Andrei Karaulov with a biologist Irina Yermakova. The woman argued that COVID-19 was artificially created in 2010 to destroy all the living. Gelfand caught a lady on the "school" mistakes, reproached in conspiracy and recalled that it was not a virologist, so it cannot competently on such things.

On April 13, 2020, the scientist spoke at the Presidential Center B. I. Yeltsin as part of the "World after Pandemic" cycle, where he talked about the nature of coronaviruses, their impact on people and vaccines.


  • 1989 - "Statistical analysis of mammalian splicing areas"
  • 1990 - "Genetic Language Codes and Natural Language"
  • 1997 - "Some statistical features of vertebrate and invertebrate splicing sites"
  • 1997 - "Combinatorial algorithm for highly specific recognition of protein-coding areas in the sequences of DNA of higher eukaryotes"
  • 1997 - "The new member of the MER2 repeat family was found in the industrial region of the Xi1 gene"
  • 1998 - "Computer analysis of DNA sequences"
  • 2002 - "Comparative analysis of programs predicting transmembrane segments in transmembrane proteins"
  • 2002 - "Purin Regulon Gamma Proteobacteria"
  • 2005 - "Apology of bioinformatics"
  • 2006 - "EDAS -" Database of alternatively spliced ​​human genes "
  • 2006 - "Stream Metabolism Metabolism Amino Chisty Sticks"
  • 2007 - "Taxon-specific regulation of SOS response at Gamma proteobacteria"
  • 2007 - "The regulation of breathing in enterobacteria"
  • 2007 - "Computing method for predicting the functional sites of protein using the determinant of specificity"
  • 2009 - "Genomes and Evolution"
  • 2011 - "Studying the binding of DNA factors of transcription of LACI family methods of machine learning"
  • 2011 - "Regulation of genes of multiple drug sustainability transcriptional factors of the BLTR subfamily"
  • 2012 - "Preliminary version of the genome of Makronukleus infusoria Euplotes Crassus"

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