Virgini Ether - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Virgini Ether - Franco-Belgian actress, TV presenter of Belgian and French channels. Despite its profile education, the centers of the star in the film industry began only after 30 years, but the actress quickly won popularity in the audience and critics.

Childhood and youth

Virgini Ether was born on May 5, 1977 in the city of Scharbek (Belgium). Her father Andre worked an oncologist, and Mother Carin Neversman was restored. Four children have grown in the family: Sister Virgini professionally plays American football, one of the brothers became artists, and the second is the builder.

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The girl during his studies was vividly interested in Latin, mathematics and public sciences. At home she often played small scenes in front of her parents. The theater's passion helped a girl later to enter the National Institute of Arts and Entertainment and finish the Royal Conservatory.

Personal life

The actress saturated personal life: the first husband, the Belgian actor of Patrick Rydremont, she met in his youth. The couple got married in June 2002, but he was parted after 3 years, and finally divorced in 2009. There were no children in marriage, and divorce documents subscribed live in the live Talk show Panique Dans L'Oreillette.

After several short novels, the blonde fell in love with the director Mabruk El Mecri and, being pregnant, gladly posed before the cameras. The woman calmly told in an interview that she lives with a boyfriend, but in neighboring apartments.

On May 24, 2013, the actress was born daughter Ali. With El Mecry, they were in a relationship for several years, but over time, they still parted.

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In 2018, Virginia met on the set of Niels Schneider and, despite the difference of 10 years, began to meet with him. Lovers tell very little about their relationships and for the first time together appeared at the Cannes Film Festival, presenting the painting "Temptation" in 2019. In an interview, the man told that at the beginning of the joint work was afraid of his partner and did not know how to behave with her.

Instagram account Blonde full of professional photos and information related to its creative biography. Private pictures are rare, and fans can only guess what a star looks like in a swimsuit.

Actress growth 175 cm, weight - 75 kg. By nationality, she is Belgian.

Career and films

Career Virgini started in 1998 - at the age of 19, she led several televisows in Belgian television. In 2003, she noticed the French channel M6 and offered the work of the lead. Belgian moved to France, which entered the staff of entertainment programs in Prime Time, including Opérations Seduction, Le Grand Zap and La Nouvelle Star.

In 2004, the telestile was invited to try himself in duplication - in the film "Garfield" she voiced the veterinarian Liz Wilson (Jennifer Love Hewitt). Also on the account Virgini work on the cartoon "Robots". Then she appeared in a secondary role in the Camelot tape and in several serials. And only in 2008 she was entrusted with an important character in the film "Svistun".

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In the same year, Ether showed itself well in a romantic comedy "Love is for two," and in the next - in the painting "My most terrible nightmare". By this time, the actress was already left with television and did not only make a movie, but also theatrical activities.

In 2013, the actress starred in five films. The most successful of them turned out to be a melodrama "pretend to my boyfriend." Virgini in the image of Alice Lancenets appeared in a picture in a duet with Pierre Nina, and Tandem deserved the approval of film critics.

In a few years, the comedy "Love is not in size" and Drama Justine Tries "in bed with Victoria" came out with the participation of Ether and Jean Duzharden. This time the actress game received the approval of the audience - the ribbon about the daily life of a female lawyer was commercially successful. On this occasion, the artist received the Belgian Prize "Magritt" for the best female role and the nomination "Cesear" in 2017.

In the same year she participated in the psychological thriller of the floor of Vervena "she". On the wave of success, Belgian received the main role of Rachel in the film Katerina Corsini "Impossible Love" (2018), for which the "Cesar" nomination received again.

And next year, together with Adel Exarcopoulos and Nils Schnider, the artist entered the painting "Slazen" about the writer, who became a psychoanalyst.

Virgin Ether now

Virgini ether critics are called a key figure in a French-speaking film. Its filmography is diverse, and the directions see in the artist not just an attractive blonde, but also a talented actress.

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In the 2020th with the participation of Ether, the drama "night convoy" was published, the next year the biographical melodrama P. Vervena "Benedetta" is planned, where Belgian plays a monk. Now the star is busy in several projects, it is known among them there is a drama and thriller.


  • 2010 - "Love is for two"
  • 2010 - "Kill me, please"
  • 2010 - "Love with risk for life"
  • 2011 - "My most terrible nightmare"
  • 2013 - "Pretend to my boyfriend"
  • 2013 - "Single"
  • 2015 - "Caprice"
  • 2015 - "Family for rent"
  • 2015 - "Taste of Wonders"
  • 2016 - "Love is not in size"
  • 2016 - "In bed with Victoria"
  • 2018 - "Unterprovable"
  • 2018 - "Impossible Love"
  • 2019 - "Slazen"
  • 2020 - "Night convoy"
  • 2021 - "Benedetta"

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