Sophie Beridze - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Floor Change, "Pattuts" 2021



Sophie Beridze - a fashion model and a participant of the popular television show among young people. Dreaming about the career in the beauty industry, the girl went to big sacrifices. Before achieving recognition, she had to survive the change of gender, difficulty understanding with his family and a negative response from the public.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Sophie Beridze - Diego. The transgender girl was born in Moscow on September 29, 1998. By the sign of the zodiac, it is scales. Georgian by nationality, Beridze grew in a family with a traditional worldview. The predisposition to the female model of COFI behavior felt in childhood. She liked to watch the transmission of fashion models and mannequins, and the "Top-model of American" was among the favorite shows.

Sophie Beridze before and after changing the floor

At the age of 14, a teenager began a transitional age. Secondary sexual signs began to appear too clearly. Sophie Beridze understood that he did not want to be a guy and ready for any tricks to be in harmony with her.

The disorder of gender identity prompted Beridze to the study of possible options for changing the body. She began to look for answers to questions in Endocrinology, studying the theory of transgenderness. Sophie regularly read reviews of people who survived the gender shift. Most of them recognized that they have lost contact with close due to the decision taken. The girl was preparing for a similar outcome of the events.

At the age of 16, Sophie Beridze began hormonal therapy. The motivation for it was personal motivations and a scandal that broke out at the Miss Universe contest when the transgender participant disqualified. Beridze was established in the decision taken, realizing that it had every chance to realize the dream. As she expected, parents did not understand the intentions then still the Son. During the year, relatives did not communicate, but the love of loved ones and mutual respect helped to return everything to their places.

Personal life

In order for the exterior to the inner world and the feelings of the owner, Sophie Beridze was subjected to a number of plastic operations that made the appearance more feminine. Rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, the removal of Kadyk and Komkov Bisha helped to achieve the first results. Sophie also suffered fractures of ribs for the thinning of the waist, but the result of the changes remained unhappy. The bones gradually began to return to its original position, and scars were formed on his back.

According to Beridze, its appearance is still far from the ideal and the model plans new changes. About his way and the life choice of Sophie Beridze tells in the account in "Instagram". Despite the transformation, it does not yet induce fans frequent photos in a swimsuit, but proudly demonstrates professional images in sophisticated and elegant images. The growth of the model is 175 cm, and the weight is adjustable due to diet.

Fans are wondering about the orientation of beauty. Sophie is not divided by details of personal life with the general public, but speaks in an interview about the sympathy for men. The fashion model prefers targeted, charismatic and volitional representatives of strong sex.

During participation in the project "Top Model in Ukrainian", Sophie Beridze received a new experience in communicating with young people. As a child, she did not have in the summer camps, so the joint existence of guys and girls turned out to be unusual. In addition, bright emotions brought the fact that men paid attention to her on a par with another residents of the house of models.

At first, Dmitry Toporinsky was allocated among the participants of Sophie, although he had decent competitors. For example, Egor Stepanenko or Ivan Kiyanitsa. The on-screen novel was not destined to take place - Dmitry did not answer reciprocity.

TV project

Television career Sophie Beridze began with casting passing to participate in the 2nd season of the "Patzanka" show in 2017. Like other participants of the television program, Sophie walked to shoot to find themselves and become a lady, change the life and forget about the past. Already in the 3rd release of the heroine of the project, he told about his biographies and the history of external changes, as well as the difficulties faced with the selected path.

Sophie Beridze - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Floor Change,

After the "Pazonok", Beridze participated in the 5th season of the project "Top Model in Ukrainian" and attracted the attention of the public to appearance and a specific voice voice. About Casting Fashion Model learned from a friend. Forgetting about the plans, the contestant went to Kiev and entered the 30-ku contenders to work with prominent mentors. Shooting in the show became the execution of a dream for Sophie.

In an effort to perfection, the participant of the program was sitting on a harsh diet. The desire to defeat motivated her to refuse food. A rich schedule did not allow to fall out, and as a result of Sophie Beridze heavily lost weight. Physical reactions seriously slowed down, and she no longer managed to be so charming in front of the camera as I would like. After the departure from the show Beridze seriously experienced failure.

Sophie Beridze now

In 2020, Georgian became the participant of the "Super Top Model in Ukrainian" on the TV channel "New". Sonya Poskidyuk, Alla Kostromichev, Sergey Nikityuk turned out to be a Sonya Poskidyuk. According to Sophie, within the framework of the show, it defends the equality of gender identity. Behind the premiere followed a lot of interviews, and the Transgender model was again under the closer attention of journalists.

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Beridze works a photo model, feeling the potential in this area. She is enjoyable to wear makeup and work in the frame. The access to the podium is harder, but also here the mannequin feels confident. Sophie Beridze regularly participates in professional photo shoots.

Now in plans to Sophie realization as a lead or actress, training in courses vocals and oratory skills. Beridze loves to be the center of attention and sees prospects for development in the relevant areas of activity. The beginner artist has already tried the strength of the leading show "Unlike" on Maks Radio.

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