Show "Million on the Dream" - Photo, Project History, Rules, Jury, Presenters, Winners 2021



In September 2020, a project not having analogues on television started on TV-3 TV channel, "Million on the Dream". Everyone who will turn into their side of the "Star" judges may get a round sum. It is sometimes difficult to compare the participants: some at the expense of this money want to improve housing conditions or acquire the desired family, while others have to swee their own vanity.

Project Idea and History

"Million on the dream" refers to a small number of programs, the concept of which producers of Russia invented themselves. What you can not say about the TV show "Field of Miracles", "one to one", "Who wants to become a millionaire?" And others who are only analogues.

Pilot release on TV-3 TV channel was released on September 18, 2020. He divided the audience to opposing groups. Some counted the project offensive. Many people have come about the fact that they are forced here to truly need the inhabitants of money from arrogant, swimming in the "greenery" of Celabriti. Others have reasonably noticed: for some participants of the show "Million on a dream" is the only opportunity.

Of course, in varying degrees need money to all. Therefore, the online casting television program "Million on the dream" gathered over 19 thousand people. And only 90 stories will rise to the whole of Russia, and 15% of them will seek a round sum.

Competition rules

For each person, his problem is the most important. And comparing the fundamentally different stories is difficult. For the release before the "star" judges, 6 participants appear. Each of them needs a million rubles. Only one will spend money for the treatment of a disabled child or in principle to have children, and the other is on a trip to Las Vegas, Mecca Casino in the United States, and participation in the poker tournament.

In total, 15 issues announced. Total jury will distribute 15 million rubles. There are situations when the opinions of judges are divided into equally, and then participants can fully agree only half of the amount.

Jury and leading

The fate of prize money decide people, by whose shoulders - a bright success story.

This is Yana Rudkovskaya - a successful producer, one of the most influential women in Russia, loving spouse and mother. She does not know about family squabbles, because it passed through a heavy marriage process. Now the woman is entirely devoted to charity - in particular, the Natalia Foundation Wateranova "Nude Hearts".

Among the judges and Nastasya Samburskaya, for which it is not in the novelty for their own to implement dreams. At the age of 16, she moved from the provincial city to the capital of Russia, having no penny for the soul, and built a successful acting career. It became famous for the television series "University. New dormitory "on TNT. Audience "Instagram" is known as "Icon of Heyters."

This Dmitry Guberniev is a sports commentator and a TV presenter, a man with inexhaustible optimism and a vocabulary. A fighter for justice that loves to get to the essence of the problem.

Until the 5th issue in the team of the judges, Andrei Trubnikov was also included - the founder of the cosmetic brands of Natura Siberica and "Recipes of Grandmother Agafia". However, Vladislav Martynov was then replaced - an entrepreneur, an international investor in the world of IT technologies with 25 years of experience. If the TV show "Million on the dream" are those who want to run their own business, he acts as an expert.

The leading project on TV-3 became Natalia Bardo. This actress tried to find his love on telestroy "Dom-2", survived on a desert island in the extreme show "The Last Hero". Now her task is to configure the participants to the right way and inspire them that a million deserves every dream.


The highlight of the TV project "Million on a dream" is that to predict who exactly gets money is impossible. Stories are completely different, as well as the psychology of judges. For example, Yana Rudkovskaya's heart responds on maternity themes, and Dmitry Guberniev is enlivened, if it comes to sports or justice.

So, the winner of the 1st issue was the 68-year-old Leonid Kuzmin. On its own, he puts in order his native Belovo Kemerovo region, built 2.5 km of a waterway and 1 km of the road. Already 9 years in a row, the pensioner pours for children a rink and landscape free hills. But the snowfall makes all the efforts meaningless. Therefore, Leonid Kuzmin asked money to the indoor rink.

For comparison, another contender for a million was 32-year-old Christina Dmitrieva from the Pskov region, a mother of 5 children. Housing conditions do not even allow everyone to place all on the beds: the older guys sleep on the floor, and the kids in the strollers.

The winner of the 2nd season was 33-year-old Alena Yakovleva from Izhevsk, who really wants to become a mother. Because of the medical error, her firstborn was born dead. Now the only opportunity to have a child is a surrogate motherhood.

A similar story has suffered a winner of the 3rd issue Tatiana Ingovaov. They and his spouse are already raising 2 sons, but desperately want her daughter. And the health will not allow health. On a harmful city-forming production, the TV show "Million on the Dream" earned not only experience, but also gynecological problems. The money was given to her to carry out a complete medical examination and lead health to the norm.

Tatiana Ingovatovt was opposed by 22-year-old Daria Gordov from Cheboksary. She has everything you can dream of: a car, a multi-level apartment and parents "Tolstos". Other participants of the 3rd issue wounded by the question, for which the girl asks for money. It turned out that on the "self-sustavor": she wants to become an actress. Nastasya Samburskaya, feeling his native element, hesitated to Daria Gordov. And most of the judges did not understand the motivation. They even arranged a major exam on which she failed with a crash.

In the 4th episode, an extraordinary case occurred: a million divided into two. 500 thousand rubles got a grandmother with granddaughter who fought for the right to be together, and the 16-year-old village of Yulia Muhamadeeva from Buryatia, dreaming to build a bridge for his neighbors.

The problem of a global scale appeared before the judges in the 5th episode. Anna Tajiyeva, a 43-year-old resident of Novosibirsk, struggles with charges in schools. She heads the All-Russian Public Movement "Earlings - Stop!" and 16 regional headquarters. Money woman asked for the development of the project.

Along with her, Million was needed by a 26-year-old Anatoly Bogatyrev, who needs an operation on voice ligaments.

There is a certain defect and at Anatoly Gerasimov, a 45-year-old veteran of the Airborne Forces. His dream is simple - smile. During the service, the man began to draw their teeth. Over time, the molar fell out, and the rest began to rot. Because of this, Anatoly Gerasimov began problems with his wife. The judges gave him a million rubles to the installation of dentures.

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