Ivan Starchak - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, scout, paratrooper



The participant of the Civil and Great Patriotic War Ivan Starchak in the early 1940s was the commander of the squad of Soviet paratroopers. The military intelligence officer who has served before the title of Colonel became the legend of the Soviet Army and the first master of sports of the USSR, who committed a thousand jumps with parachute.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Georgievich Starchak was born in February 1905 in the rural settlement Alexandrovka, near the city of Kremenchug. Parents, Ukrainians by nationality, were hereditary peasants, on the fertile lands of the Russian Empire they grown crop, sufficient to feed the family.

So it continued until the Father for some serious misconduct the royal order was sent to the territory of Transbaikalia. Together with his wife and four children, he settled in the border area of ​​the Republic of Buryatia. From there During the First World War, the head of the family left the volunteer to the front and died.

In maturity, the colonel with warmth recalled childhood and a difficult life with her mother, brothers and sisters in the town of Troitskosavsk. The neighbors around the house and the street he called "Countrymen-Transbaikaltsee", and the harsh land with a tough climate - "the most expensive place on earth."

In adolescence, the boy gladly walked into a local secondary school. After the October Revolution, which was accomplished when the Starkark studied in high schools, the first Komsomol members appeared in Buryatia. In 1920, the son of the peasant joined the Communist Union of Youth and swore to defend his homeland with a weapon in his hands.

In the first days of the civil war, Ivan distinguished himself, watering the red flag on the highest building of the city. Then the 16-year-old soldier of the Red Army showed a courage in a number of battles with the White Guards and was wounded in battle with Baron's novels von Ungern-Sternberg.

At the same time, the beginning of the beginning of the city activists and became a delegate of the 1st Troitskosavsky Congress of the Komsomol organization. Being a good account with the leadership, a native of Alexandrovka without additional inspections entered the intelligence school, and then in the Vladivostok Military School of the 3rd Comintern.

Personal life

Against the background of the feats, the personal life of the Colonel Starka seemed to researchers in the biography of something ordinary. Probably, therefore, in articles and memoirs, there are almost no mention of family members, Tamara Vasilyevna wives and Natalia Petrovna, as well as the Son from the first marriage, born before the start of the war.

Ivan Starchak - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, scout, paratrooper 3843_1

The grandson of the hero Igor Starkark present at the events dedicated to the anniversary of the Battle of Moscow and Tula, as well as on the set of the artistic film "Podolsk cadets".

Military Career

In the early 1930s, the biography of the future hero has changed radically. Ivan graduated from the Heavy Bombardment Department in the Orenburg Supreme Military Aviation School, and then courses of professional parachutists in the Yeisk Military School of Maritime pilots and the prestigious faculty of the Moscow Military Air Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Ivan in the rank of captain led the specialized PDS service. On June 21, 1941, he made an anniversary jump with a parachute and after an unsuccessful landing found himself in the hospital.

The desire to protect their homeland from the German fascist invaders forced the former Red Armyman, without graduating from the treatment, go to the headquarters of the Western Front's Air Force and to prepare the paratroopers to emissions to the enemy's rear.

At the end of the summer, the Starllus became the commander of the parshetist training camp, based on the approaches to the city of Yukhnov near the landing platform of the bombing regiment of the Soviet Army. A native of the village Alexandrovka taught the wards to shoot, jump out of aircraft, install mines and conduct divergent intelligence operations.

In October 1941, the Germans broke through the defense of the Russians, settled on the banks of the G. River, and found themselves in the Kaluga region. Fighters quartered at the Maltsev airfield were able to destroy advanced intelligence groups, but the main forces of the enemy could not be stopped.

Ivan Georgievich gathered a group of volunteers and without the knowledge of the leadership decided to delay the fascists, blocking the way through the left influx of Oka. The commander of the improvised sabotage and intelligence detachment ordered mines on the entrances to the bridge over the UGRA and wait for the advanced columns of the Wehrmacht tanks.

Parachutists, on time, supported by the subdivisions of the cadets of Podolsk schools, headed by the Captain Yakovo and Senior Lieutenant Leonship Mamchikh, attacked the enemy who captured the blown crossing. Realizing that small forces would not be able to cope with the Nazis, the officers took the subordinates to the area of ​​villages near the Warsaw highway.

Having received reinforcement, the people of the beginning of the beginning with young artilleryrs and infantrymen shifted the enemy from the standpoint. The brave Soviet soldiers from the air supported the pilots of the Moscow Air Defense. After the commander said: "For us Moscow. I will die as one, but the Germans are driving, "the subordinates for five long days fought with the Germans on the defensive border of Podolsk-Yukhnov. A small detachment threw the plan for the rapid seizure of the city of Maloyaroslavets and came to the number of army legends.

Heroes won the time required to prepare for the defense of the capital. Their feat was devoted to works of art and journalistic literature. Major Starchak received the highest government award - the Order of Lenin and the praise of the front of the fronts of the Seeds of Mikhailovich Budenny. In subsequent years, he continued the glorious military path.

In the winter of 1942, the commander of the landing squad captured the airfields of the enemy. After disembarking in the area of ​​the beggar, he frost both legs. As a result, the doctors of the Moscow hospital had to amputate the fingers and the bone part of the heels, but this did not prevent a parachutist to head one of the structural units of the Western Front Air Force.

In peacetime, Ivan Georgievich participated as a consultant in the fight against the bandits in Ukraine, in Turkmenistan and the Caucasus. He organized fees of airborne officers and prepared pilots to unloading work in the impassable mountainous terrain. For the contribution of the protection of the state border of the Soviet Union, the participant of the Great Patriotic War received prizes and letters of thanks. The assignment of the title of the Colonel became the highest possible awards.


At the end of August 1981, the cause of the death of Ivan Georgievich began old injuries and illnesses. The hero of the war died in his own house in the suburbs, he was buried in the grave at the cemetery of the settlement of the islets.

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