Alexander Kolevatov - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, student, group Dyatlov



The tourist group under the guidance of Igor Dyatlov died in the snow-covered mountains of the Northern Urals in the distant 1959, but their mysterious death still worries curious minds. Researchers to this day study the biographies of nine students, trying to find the key to the riddle of their death. They want to find secrets and in the fate of Alexander Kolhatov.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on November 16, 1934 in Sverdlovsk. His father Sergey Pavlovich was from Nizhny Tagil. He worked in handyman, he studied and could "get out of people" - to become an accountant. His wife studied on a hat in a local workshop, but, having married, left a job and focused on the farm and raising four children. In the family, in addition to Sasha, three daughters grew.

The sisters were older brother, and if the eldest Nina chose a housewife lot, then others achieved professional heights: Faith headed the Department of Chemistry in the Machine-Building Institute, and Rimma became a fault of the city school. Kolevatov early lost his father: he died in 1944. In the difficult postwar years, the family remained without a breadwinner, and the mother began to bring health: the medical board appointed a woman retirement on the disability of the 2nd group.

Meanwhile, the son graduated from an eight-year older and went to study in a mining and metallurgical technician in his native Sverdlovsk. But the Higher Education Guy decided to receive in Moscow. Having managed to work in the Institute of Hospitality, He became a student of the All-Union Aboire Polytechnic Institute, where he received a specialty metallurgist.

Despite the fact that the metropolitan formation was a good prospects, in 1956 he returned to Sverdlovsk, where she filed a petition for the translation into the physico-technical faculty of the Ural Polytechnic Institute.

In parallel, Alexander was carried away by tourism and began to go to group categories. In 1956 he visited the Southern Urals, and a year later he went to Eastern Sayans, where he participated in the pedestrian-water route of the 2nd category of complexity. In 1958, Kolevatov with his comrades made a winter tale in the Northern Urals, and in the summer of the same year went to the hiking trip to the south of the region as the leader of the group.

Personal life

Alexandra remember as prominent, confident young man who possesses the leader's deposits. Responsible, neat and judicial, he was distinguished by the strength and persistence of character, and was opened and friendly. Kolesivat knew how to joke and place people. A little known about his personal life is known: it remains only to assume that in the student and in the campaigns, a statute and a pretty guy did not remain without attention to the girls.

Information about the gift inscription on the book, which Alexander addressed some Valentine was preserved. She recalled that they went together in hiking, where the girl in love followed him the shadow, admiring his male qualities and the ability to lead the team.


Dyatlov's group left Sverdlovsk on January 23, 1959. Two girls and eight guys decided to go to the ski trek in the mountains of the Northern Urals, hoping for a couple of weeks to overcome 300 kilometers. Almost all members of the tourist group were students or graduates of the Ural Polytech aged 20 to 25. Only Semyon Zolotarev never studied at UPI and in early February was to celebrate the 38th anniversary. "Dyatlovtsy" was considered experienced peakers capable of overcome the route of the highest category of complexity.

Only 9 participants went to the fatal path, since Yuri Yudin, who felt problems with the leg was departed before reaching the active part of the distance. It is from his words that the latest information about the group is known. Other information is obtained from diaries and photos of Dyatlovtsev. By the way, Kolevatov, who was famous for their love of recordings and picky facts documentation, this time refused to conduct a personal diary, or in the end turned out to be undetected.

The first days of the trip passed according to plan: skiers with equipment moved along the mountain rivers, making night parking on the shore, and in the morning continuing the path. If everything went according to the conceived, the participants would arrive in the village Vizha on February 12. However, this did not happen, and waiting for the arrival of the group in Sverdlovsk was alarming. Only 6 days later, it was possible to communicate with the village and find out that tourists did not come there. At that moment, all members of the Dyatlov group were already dead.


The death of the tourist group and its reasons are still disputes. The events of the last day of their lives are so fully restored. It is known that the hiking managed to break the camp for all the rules and settle for the night. However, an unknown factor forced them to hastily leave the tent, cutting it from the inside. Participants were chosen outwards, partially undressed and drought, but they went down the slope organized, without losing each other from the view.

The cause of the death of most participants in the fatal hike was freezing. Among them, Alexander, found along with three comrades at the May stage of the search. The first corpses were discovered in February, and only the fate of Kvevatov, Lyudmila Dubinina, Seeds Zolotarev and Nikolay Tibo-Brinole remained unknown to May.

They were discovered not far from each other during the period of melting of snow. "Four in the ravine" turned out to be the dead in water, in the threshold of a mountain stream, where their remains were already partially decomposed. An act of autopsy has shown that there were posthumous injuries of soft tissues on the body Kolevatov, and his skin was swollen from the water. Tourist buried on May 12, 1959 near comrades. Alexander's grave is located on the Mikhailovsky cemetery of Yekaterinburg.

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