Mikhail Plenev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Pianist, Conductor, Concerts, Piano 2021



Mikhail Plenev from childhood propheted the fate of a great musician, because he has demonstrated interest in creativity from an early age. The artist did not deceive the expectations and became a famous pianist, a conductor and a composer, whose talent was recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Plenev was born on April 14, 1957 in the Russian city of Arkhangelsk. It does not have related ties with the Russian Cinema star Cyril Plentnev, who is his namesake.

The boy brought up in a creative family, his grandparents and grandfather in the father's line were fond of music at the amateur level. Father of celebrity, Vasily Pavlovich, was among the first graduates of the Faculty of Folk Instruments "Gnesinki", he became famous as a talented bayanist, teacher and conductor. The mother of the artist, Olga Dmitrievna, was a professional pianist and even at the old age attended the concerts of the Son, giving an assessment of his game.

Parents began to acquire the Son to Music before birth. Being in the maternal womb, he listened to records with the melodies of famous composers, and the baby was already able to distinguish their mood. In childhood, the loved toys of a little Misha had twins and accordions, on which he was already trying to play. And when the child turned 3 years old, he distributed painted teddy beasts tools and tried to conduct, imitating father.

Therefore, adults did not have any doubt that young talent should be studied at a music school. According to the legend, the performer played the balalaica at the Kazan Conservatory on the tale, because there were no piano at home, but he himself does not remember that, and reliable sources did not survive.

Misha never reacted in Kazan, the teenager was transferred to the CMH at the Moscow Conservatory named after Peter Tchaikovsky and began training under the leadership of Yevgeny Timakina. 3 years after that, he won the first award by celebrating a bright performance at the International Piano Competition in France.

Soon after the end of the music school, the Plenev continued to receive education at the Moscow Conservatory, where his teacher was Yakov Flier, and then Lev Vlasenko. At this time, the musician actively participated in festivals and contests where the awards won.


Even before the end of the conservatory, Mikhail Vasilyevich began work in the Moscow Philharmonic. Later he entered the graduate school and taught for some time - first as an assistant Vlasenko, and then as an independent teacher.

Fame came to the Plentnev even in his youth, he toured a lot on the USSR's expanses and abroad, managed to visit England, Germany, France and the United States, collaborated with famous musicians and conduirs. Already then, Mikhail Vasilyevich won recognition as a talented performer of concerts of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frederick Chopin, Ferenz Leaf and Sergey Rakhmaninov. He was equally masterfully played by Largo Appassionato Ludwig Van Beethoven and "Seasons" Peter Tchaikovsky, which could not be without the attention of the public.

Continuing to develop as a conductor, in 1990 the artist founded the Russian National Orchestra, which was repeatedly part of the best teams of the world and was awarded the status of state. Some time, the shoulders even refused to act as a pianist to devote himself to the development of the brainchild. But after the Japanese firm Kawai made a piano for him, he sat down again for the tool.

All these years, Mikhail Vasilyevich never ceased to record music, replenished discography with several plates, including the "children's album" with Tchaikovsky melodies. In addition, it gained popularity as a composer, writing musical works for the symphony orchestra and piano.

Personal life

Since 1996, the artist lives in Switzerland. In an interview for Vladimir Posner's show, he substantiated the choice that he is close to the state system of the country.

According to the friends of the conductor, he has no wife and children, because all his free time goes to creativity, and he himself prefers not to talk about it with journalists. But in 2010, the personal life of celebrities was in the center of attention of the press when he was involved in a loud scandal in Thailand.

The musician was accused of pedophilia and storing child pornography, but he did not confess the guilt and said that during the stay in Russia, he gave the keys from his home in Pattaya's neighbor, who was engaged in illegal activities. Later, the accusations with the performer were removed, but the news was long discussed in the network, faster and consecration.

Mikhail Pletnev now

In 2020, Mikhail Vasilyevich continued to engage in music and act, and even a pandemic of coronavirus infection did not prevent. In November, he gave a solo concert on the "Charging" scene, which was devoted to the work of Beethoven. Now the fans follow the news from the creative biography of the idol at fan pages in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where video and photos are published.


  • 1973 - Grand Prix at the International Youth Piano Competition in Paris
  • 1977 - First Prize at the All-Union Contest of Pianists in Leningrad
  • 1978 - First Prize and Gold Medal VI International Competition named after P. I. Tchaikovsky
  • 1978 - Prize of the Lenin Komsomol for High Performing Mastery
  • 1982 - State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. I. Glinka
  • 1979 - Honored Artist of the Udmurt ASSR
  • 1989 - People's Artist of the RSFSR
  • 1993 - State Prize for Concert Programs of the Russian National Symphony Orchestra of Recent years
  • 1996 - State Prize for the creation and execution of own works
  • 1997 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2002 - Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the Field of Literature and Art
  • 2005 - Grammy Prize for the Best Chamber Music Execution
  • 2005 - Prize "Triumph"
  • 2006 - State Prize for outstanding performing skills and innovation in the field of musical art
  • 2007 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree
  • 2013 - Platonovskaya Prize
  • 2019 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree

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