Sofya Evstigneeva - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Evgeny Evstigneev, Maria Selianskaya 2021



While the relatives of the Third Wife of Evgeny Evstigneeva Irina Civina in front of the television chamber accused each other in the most terrible sins, the only granddaughter of the great actor glad the fans with new roles in the MHT. A. P. Chekhov. In the films and TV shows Sophia Evstigneev agrees to be removed only in cases where they have something to play.

Childhood and youth

Future actress was born on June 24, 1995 in the artistic family. Father Sofia - Maxim Razuvayev, in his youth, who fulfilled the main male role in the painting of Alexander Pankratov "Tomorrow", and now serving in the theater "Contemporary" and teaching in the Schukinsky school. The mother of the girl is the daughter of Evgeny Evstigneev from marriage with Lilia Zhurobina - Artist "Contemporary" Maria Selianskaya, who found the last name as a result of a short-term union with sound engineer Andrei Seliansky. Sophia - the niece of director Denis Evstigneeva.

Although at an early age, Sonya received the first gaming experience, starring in advertising yoghurts, in childhood and adolescence the main passion of the granddaughter Evgeny Evstigneev was Waltz, Tango and Foxtrot. Twice the heiress of the artistic dynasty won the Russian dancing championships, and once won gold on the European championship.

But then the daughter of Maria Selianskaya and Maxim Rasvaeva played the heroine of his mother as a child in the play of Garika Sukacheva "Anarchy", "got sick" by the actor and decided to associate life with him. After graduating from school, the girl entered the MCAT studio school on the course of Evgenia Pisarev, in 2013 she scored the first training group in his biography. As a scenic pseudonym, Sophia took the name of the Great Grandfather. Parents did not object to the choice of her daughter.

Theater and films

In the cinema Sophia debuted while studying at the Institute. However, in the Tutors of the Short Comedy, Ekaterina Krasner "Taste" the granddaughter of Evstigneeva appears as Ralesev. Also, on the student bench, Sophia played in the play "The Magic Beauty of Olivia", put in the "Theater alive" by the father of the beginner artist, and in the formulation of the "Cherry Garden" on the Sovremennik stage.

After receiving the diploma, Evstigneev joined the Taroupe of the MHT. A. P. Chekhov, where the heirs of artistic families have already served, - Philip Yankovsky and Pavel Tabakov. Sophia reincarnated in the servant in the "No. 13D" and a peasant, a star and a fish in the stage of the fairy tale Peter Yershova "Konk-Gorbok". In the play "Husbands and Wives", assigned by Konstantin, Bogomolov based on the Movie Woody Allen's simmental film, Evstigneeva 2 Characters - Sam and Rhine. The first role of the actress plays in turn with the Svetlana Kolpaykov, and in the second alternate with 2 theses - Sofia Reizman and Sofia Ernst.

Slogan free film to the story of Sergei Dovlatova "Nature Reserve", in which the graduate of the MHAT School of Studio fulfilled the role of Aurora, became the words "Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock'n'roll". Evustigneeva's All-Russian fame found after filming in the series of CTC channel "90s. Fun and loud. "

A convincing seemed to the viewers and the image of Yulia Mednikova, created by Sofia in the tapes "Satan Operation" and "Mosgaz. New thing Major Cherkasova. " In the comedy TV series, the "diplomat" except for the granddaughter Evgeny Alexandrovich, representatives of other Russian acting dynasties were starred: Alexander and Polina Lazarev, Pavel Tabakov and Vladimir Guskov, and Denis Evstigneev was one of the co-arresters.

Personal life

According to the media, a beautiful and talented actress, with a height of 170 cm weighing 53 kg, meets with an artist and a cascader of the Battress Cassev, who was removed in the comedy Konstantin Statsky "How I became Russian." However, the records in the instagram account of Sofia shed little light on the details of the girl's personal life. For example, telling about the trip to Bali in March 2020, Evstigneeva jokingly claims that they fell in love with the surfing instructor.

However, Sophia can not be called shy. On the page in "Instagram" you can meet pictures of the account owners not only in a swimsuit, but also in clothes that imitating the nude body. And on the Balton Tatler's Ball in 2017, Evstigneeva did not come in a long dress of tender coloring, like other girls, but in a black dress, demonstrating the front surface of the legs. Sophia visited a secular event at a fairly late age - so Dina Nemtsova, being under Eustigneeva for 7 years, debuted at the Tatler Ball in 2016.

In addition to ballroom dancing and travel, the actress is fond of drawing. Judging by the images of the cat and the Blue Elephant, Evstigneev - a talented artist. In September 2020, Sophia at the invitation of Alexander Petrov visited the premiere of the film "Streltsov", where he met Philip Kirkorov.

Sophia Evstigneeva now

In February 2020, Chekhovsky MHT returned the performance on his scene, from which the history of the theater began, - the famous "seagull". Sophia Evstigneev in the formulation of Oskaras Kurshunas appeared in the formation of Nina Zarechny.

Also in 2020, the granddaughter of the role of Professor Preobrazhensky was transformed into his namesque - Sonya Girfanov, who lived at the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries. The transformation into the girl of the Petrovskaya era occurred in the film "Cathedral" directed by Sergey Ginzburg, in the filmography of which the serials "Zorge" and "Son of the Father of Peoples" are most famous. Evstigneeva's Cathedral trailer posted on the page in "Instagram" back in May 2020, accompanying a comment on the comment "soon on the first", but the premiere of the tape was detained in connection with the demonstration of the Tobol series.

In January 2021, a premiere show of the 4-serial detective melodrama Ruslana Paush "Suns and dawn", in which Sofya played Arina - Provincial, whose corpse was found in the lake. Investigation of the death of the Character Evstigneeva is engaged in the heroine of the actress Valeria Lanskaya - Polina, which comes to the killed girl with an older sister. In other roles, Dmitry Miller and Tamara Akulov starred in the mini-series.


  • 2015 - "Taste"
  • 2017 - "Garden Ring"
  • 2018 - "Satan Operation" "
  • 2018 - "Reserve"
  • 2018 - "90s. Fun and loud
  • 2019 - "Mosgaz. New thing Major Cherkasova "
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"
  • 2021 - "Cathedral"
  • 2021 - "Suns and Dawns"

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