Nonna Mordyukova - biography, photo, personal life, movies, husbands and cause of death



Legendary Artist Mordyukova Nonna (November) Viktorovna on one information was born in Konstantinovka of the Donetsk district. Other sources indicate the village of Otradnaya in the Krasnodar Territory. It is just known that the future actress was born on November 25, 1925.

Childhood Nonna Mordyukova passed in the shooting - a small village, where Mom (in the Maiden's Zaikovskaya) worked as chairman of the collective farm. The woman sang perfectly and was all a respected man. In addition to the eldest November in the family, two brothers and three sisters grew.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the father went away. Mom had to be very hard, because it was necessary to put on their own legs on their feet. And the older November then was the main support of the mother. When the Germans occupied the Krasnodar region, the family had to be hidden in a distant farm so that children were not sent to Germany.

Nonna Mordyukova in childhood

After the war, November gathered her modest suitcase and went to Moscow - to conquer the capital as an actress. It was a dream that the girl cherished from the small years. Before the war, November even decided to write to Nikolay Mordvinov himself - a wonderful artist, whom Mordyukova saw in the movie "Bogdan Khmelnitsky". The girl asked him, how to learn to love Orlov. Mordvinov sent her answer. In it, he strongly recommended the Krasnodar dreamer to graduate from school and come to Moscow and be sure to find it.

Nonna did it. True, in the capital, it was not able to find a loved artist, but in the theater university did nothing, and the first time.


The creative biography of Nonna Mordyukov began rapidly and very successfully. Young artist, at the time (1948) Another student Vgika, played her debut role in the movie "Young Guard". Ulyana Gromova in the performance of Mordyukova becomes for a beginner actress passage to the world of the Grand Soviet cinema. For this work, Nonna Mordyukova received the Stalinist first degree premium. Of course, the girl woke up famous. However, like all her colleagues for shooting. And these were Sergey Bondarchuk, Inna Makarova, Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

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In 1950, the artist who had already held, after graduating from VGIK, immediately received a place in the studio-studio of the film actor. But Mordyukova was much closer the theater was a cinema. A year later she left the theater and plunged into the shooting of feature films. Proposals from famous directories were a great set. The most famous from the first films Nonna Mordyukov "Alien Rod", "Volunteers" and "Everything begins with the road." These and other paintings finally turned the young actress in a real celebrity.

Nonna Mordyukova in youth

Also successful were for Mordyukova and the 60s. About a dozen wonderful paintings with its participation came to the screens, the most noticeable of which is becoming a "simple story", "Marriage Balzaminov" and "Zhuravushka". In all ribbons, a colorful Nonna Mordyukov's colorable type was used. As a rule, these were Russian women with difficult fate, strong and earthly.

The famous and remarkable artistic tape "Commissioner". For this film Mordyukova was awarded the State Prize. The image of the Commissioner Vavilova, "Iron" and at the same time weak woman who commanded harsh men, Nonna Viktorovna felt and passed very accurately.

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But no less well Nonna Mordyukova played other heroines, comedy. Everyone remembers her in the role of housekeeping and community of Varvara Sergeevna in a cult "diamond hand".

The next remarkable work of Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukov became the ribbon "Rodna", shot at the beginning of the 80s. This film Nikita Mikhalkova brought the artist another wave of popularity and love of the audience. They say, Nonna Viktorovna, who possessed a rather steep temper, quarreled with Mikhalkov during the shooting. It came to the fight. But the main thing - the film was a success of glory. He is glad to look at the spectators generation for more than thirty years.

For its multi-faceted creativity and the huge talent of Nonna Mordyukov in 1969 becomes folk artist of the USSR.

Unfortunately, the Dark Stripe in the creative biography of Nonna Mordyukova became the 90s. At this time period, the actress appeared on the shooting site is extremely rare. She was read, remembered, but almost not invited to act. Only three films where Mordyukova played secondary roles. The last film "Mom" was removed in 1999. More Nonna Viktorovna in the cinema was not invited. Although she waited until the latter waiting for calls from directories. Her type "left the fashion".

More than any film, the audience was remembered by the social video of the ORT television channel, which came to the screens in the mid-90s within the Russian project series. In the roller Mordyukova, starred with his old girlfriend Roman Markova. The famous Soviet actresses played a grinder, all his life worked on the railway.

Nonna Mordyukova and Rimma Markova

Not everyone knows that his friends often quarreled, and then Mordyukov asked for forgiveness. After the death of Mordyukova, Markov admitted that, despite the quarrels, they were not spilling water. In the last years of the life of Nonna Viktorovna, both were treated from diabetes. They were also often compared by the type and even on external similarity.

Personal life

Nonna Mordyukov's personal life was rather saturated. Many famous men fell in love with her. Nonna Viktorovna Natalia Katava sister said that during work in the film "Young Guard" in November, director Sergei Gerasimov fell in love. He even called Mordyukov married, came to his mother and begged to persuade the daughter to go for him. But nothing happened.

Nonna Mordyukova and Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Nonna Mordyukova, at the shooting platform, he had already met his first and true love - Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Marriage with Tikhonov Mordyukova lived 13 years. The couple was born the only son of Vladimir. On the divorce of Nonna Viktorovna regretted until the last days. Although after the divorce, it did not stay for a long time alone: ​​her men were always beautiful and talented.

Nonna Mordyukova and Yuri Kamora

After many years, another unknown biography page Mordyukov opened. After her divorce with Vyacheslav Tikhonov, the young artist Yuri Kamoore began to care for the actress, who heard his handsome and the conqueror of the hearts. The actor was persistent, although Nonna Viktorovna flatly refused possible relationships, referring to the fact that he was good in her sons.

Somehow one of the familiar actresses, having seen cutely communicated Mordyukov and the nightmare, confused him with the son of Vladimir. Being emotional, Camoory was acutely worried about the refusal of the famous actress and even shot because of unfortunate love. The life of the charming, bright and saturated, broke early.

Yuri Kamora tragically died

Once the neighbors heard a loud noise in the apartment of the nightmare and caused a police. The employees who arrived at the place saw the actor waving the daggers before the writhing woman. The policeman made the decision to shoot in the leg to threaten the swollen actor. But the shot turned out to be fatal: the bullet joined the carotid artery. Later, shortly before death, Nonna Viktorovna confessed to the sister, which did not say in relation to the reciprocity of Yuri Camorny, who was almost 20 years younger. Although in Soviet times, such relationships could not be considered normal.

Nonna Mordyukova and Boris Andronikashvili

The next after Tikhonov husband Mordyukov, though civil, was Boris Andronikashvili. Mordyukov's sister denies rumors that Nonna led Boris in Lyudmila Gurchenko. It is known that both actresses very warmly communicated. The reason for the breaking of relations with Andronikashvili was his addiction to alcohol and badge.

The second official spouse Nonna Viktorovna was Vladimir Soshalsky. But this marriage did not last and years.

Nonna Mordyukova with son

In the life of Nonna Viktorovna, a huge tragedy happened, which strongly suck her health. The fate of her son Vladimir was tragic: he died of drug overdose. Save the Son from the tragic death of the artist failed, although he spent on the struggle for many years and considerable strength.

Son Vladimir Tikhonov was married twice: the first wife of the actress Natalia Varley gave him the son of Vasily. The second spouse Vladimir - Natalia Egorova, a famous actress on ice. In this marriage, the son of Vladimir was born.

Vladimir Tikhonov and Natalia Varla

According to rumors, already, being in the moonful age, the actress had an affair with a popular one at the time by Julian. The singer himself in an interview after death of the actress denied these species, told that at one time he replaced her son and helped to cope with the loss of a single child.

Nonna Mordyukova and Julian

According to Julian, he often stopped with Nonna Viktorovna, and when they read about the novel, Nonna Viktorovna was angry and screamed: "Tell them that you sleep on a claw in the kitchen!" Julian confirmed that the actress lived modestly, in a one-room apartment, and he really spent the night on the folded bed.


Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova died on July 6, 2008 in one of the Moscow hospitals, where she was treated, which paid Nikita Mikhalkov. The official cause of death is heart failure. Shortly before the death of Nonna Viktorovna was confined with his first spouse Vyacheslav Tikhonov, with whom she almost did not communicate after parting.

Nonna Mordyukov's grave

The actress won the coffin with her body in people did not open: Nonna Viktorovna wanted to remember her alive. The funeral passed a few days later on the Kuntsevsky cemetery. The grave of the legendary artist and the favorite of millions of viewers is located next to the grave of the Son.


  • Young guard
  • Return of Vasily Bratnikov
  • Volunteers
  • Marriage Balzaminova
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  • Commissioner
  • The Diamond Arm
  • Zhuravushka
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  • Relatives
  • Mother

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