Milan Filimonova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Singer, Clips, Songs, Family Box 2021



Milan Filimonov's blogger and singer attracted the attention of network users for another 3 years and with age only increased its popularity. The key to success was the talent and sincerity of the young star, as well as bright and diverse content, which was appreciated not only by children, but also adults.


Milan Filimonova was born on March 28, 2012 in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg. She is a senior child in the family, which later replenished with Brother Daniel. When the girl was still small, her parents Dmitry and Veronica decided to move to Moscow.

Childhood Filimonova was ordinary - she loved to play, dance, and watch cartoons growing cheerful and creative. But once while walking in the park, her mother and father decided to shoot on the video, as their little daughter snaps on the playground. So the Family Box family video appeared, which brought the girl popularity in the network.

Blog and music

The first video on the Yutiub-Channel Family Families began to appear in 2015. They demonstrated the daily life of a small star, where she walks, visits the amusement park or the shopping center. The video attracted the attention of the same children from different parts of Russia, and the Blog had the first fans.

Soon, Veronica and Dmitry decided to make content more diverse and knowledgeable. We began to publish video with unpacking, on which Filimonova opens the chocolate eggs "Kinder Surprise". In the frame, she demonstrated sincere and bright emotions that not only for children, but also their parents.

In addition, Family Box was replenished with rollers in which the Internet star sculpts from plasticine, cuts out, plays computer games with his father and creates various crafts. Small spectators of the canal watched Milan's worship and learned something new about the world, nature, games.

The parents of the kids who could get tips on education were left without attention. In the staged video, Dmitry and Veronica beat cases from life, showing how to act in one or another delicate situation, and responding to unexpected questions of children.

The whole family of Filimonov, including small dania and domestic animals, was included in the work on the channel. Father took over the technical side - installation of cameras, microphones, editing and editing video. Mother took up organizational moments and blog promotion. At first, only they chose the topics for the rollers, but with the time Idean inspirer became Milan. Adults are trying to listen to the daughters, encourage creative and activity in it.

As subscribers grow and growing children, there were so many for the video that it was necessary to divide the content into several additional pages. So to demonstrate the daily life of the family began to be used by Family Box Vlog. It shows how little star travels, mastering new games and skills, communicates with friends. Funny Family Games TV dedicated to reviews and computer games.

The first channel - Family Box remained entertaining, a special popularity on it has won video using food and challenge with slides. Also, the family passes tests, shows tricks, arranges comic competitions and does everything in order not to give the public to bother.

In 2018 in the biography of the blogger, a significant event happened - she first went to school. This was shot by several rollers for the channels, where it was told about the preparation and impressions of the star. She also had a profile in "Instagram", where colorful photos are published.

That same year, Milan first began to delight fans with musical creativity. She presented the debut song "Mom knows", gathered a lot of enthusiastic reviews. Later, a clip appeared, which users "Yutiuba" looked more than 50 million times and inspired the performer to continue singing.

In the future, the singer released the tracks "I want a dog", "Stop", "Race", took part in the concert of Milan Gogunskaya, with which sang in a duet. Already in October 2020, Filimonova presented a debut album "Everything will be fine", which included both already familiar listeners and new compositions. With his favorite song, the star itself called "On Repeat!".

Another memorable event for Milan was the creation of a page on the Like Platform. This solution she accepted herself and only a week later he told the parents who did not interfere with the work of his daughter. In the new profile, the girl fully opened the talent of singers and actresses. But she failed to avoid comparisons with other small actors, including Milan Nekrasov.

Milan Filimonova now

In 2021, Filimonova remains a star of the Internet. Now for her workplace millions of subscribers are watching, who are looking forward to new videos, songs and photos.


  • 2018 - "Mom knows"
  • 2019 - "I want a dog"
  • 2020 - "Yes, yes, yes"
  • 2020 - "Everything will be fine"
  • 2020 - "We run on the clouds"
  • 2020 - "Stop"
  • 2020 - "On Repeat!"
  • 2020 - "Race"

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