Ruslan Ostashko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Yutubeub Channel, Politrussia, "Time will Show" 2021



Ruslan Ostashko is a Russian journalist, a businessman and a TV presenter who protects the national interests of the state. Free time a man dedicates family and boxing classes.

Childhood and youth

Ruslan Stanislavovich Ostashko was born on February 18, 1979 in Donetsk, Ukrainian SSR. In 1996, graduating from school, moved to the capital and entered the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, received a diploma of a lawyer.

After that, 2 years worked at the school teacher of the Obzh and removed the room on the outskirts of Moscow in highly drinking owners. At the beginning of the labor biography of money, Ruslan was lacking, one day the young man was hungry for three days.


Since 2003, Ruslan has engaged in business in Internet technologies. In 2010, he entered the team of the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin, responsible for the project "Ost of Media", for which large state contracts mined. The Public Organization "I am a citizen", which contributes to the development of legal institutions to the remains of Ostashko.

In 2015, the transfer of the Global Village and Itech on the radio "says Moscow" was also partner of Evgenia Volkonskaya in the Alpha Guest program on Mediametrix, where they took an interview with successful women, for example, from the authors of the show "without Template "Svetlana Prel and Alena Pavlova.

Created a resource for, which was conducted by investigating resonant cases. So, the tragedy in Odessa was lit on May 2, 2014 and attempts to organize a coup in Yekaterinburg. Ostashko, in addition, was engaged in the analyst in Syria and Iraq. Also in the heading "Five minutes of common sense" laid out rollers about Vladimir Putin, Peter Poroshenko, Barack Obama and Alexei Navalny. Many of them appeared on the Yutiub-Channel "Borne Salonka" and in the "Live Journal".

In July 2019, the political scientist announced its intention to run into the legislative assembly of Sevastopol. To this end, Ostashko opened the media center in the best office of the city on Prospekt Nakhimov, worth 510 thousand rubles. per month. The deputy from the Party "Green" Vyacheslav Gorelov and Ivan Comlets from "Motherland" were joined to his team. With its main tasks, Ruslan called the receipt of 16 mandates from 24 and the overthrow of the acting Grador's Dmitry Ovsyannikov, whose employees he called "young technocraders."

Since April 2020, Ostashko led the Sevastopol volunteer headquarters "We Together", which was engaged in the election of the governor (Dmitry Ovsyannikov after the debach at Izhevsk airport lost chances for a new term), as well as delivery to citizens of products during the self-insulation and organization of points for amendments to the Constitution . The most important point of the political scientist considered the consolidation of a family as a man and a woman's union, which would help to deal with same-sex marriage and a decrease in fertility.

Personal life

A few years after the divorce with the first wife, who in 2012 presented him with his son, TV presenter lived alone. The boy is interested in programming. Then the Ostashko married a girl named Maria. Future spouses met in the Crimea in 2019, when Ruslan conducted an election campaign, spent the honeymoon in Latin America. This union also ended with parting in June 2020.

On June 5, 2020, Ruslan published a photo of Yulia Norkina in "Instagram" and expressed condolences about her death with his wife Andrei Vladimirovich.

Ruslan Ostashko now

In January 2021, Ruslan became the new co-host Catherine Strezhenova on the program of the first channel "Time will show" instead of Artem Sheynin. The format of the political talk show has changed: "Massing" was removed from the studio, each release was divided into two parts. The Ostashko and his partner were the second, and in the first half of the experts, Anatoly Kuzichev and Olesya Losev talked.

The still important topic for the blogger remained political activity of Navalny and even his personal life. In Twitter, Ruslan wrote that the rudeness of the FBK leader in relation to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, who agitated for the amendment, even more disgusting than the behavior of Mikhail Efremov after the car accident in which a man died. He also suggested that before the poisoning of Alexei had intimate proximity to Maria Pevichi, it was this that explaining the presence of traces of the poison on the gulfik of the underwear of the oppositionist and on the neck of the bottle of his employees.

On February 15, 2021, the blogger told subscribers in "Instagram" that his personal account on YouTube was blocked until March because of complaints about the video about the problems of publicly accessible secondary education in Ukraine.


  • Radio "Global Village"
  • Itech radio transmission
  • Radio "Alpha Guest"
  • Internet project POLITRUSSIA.COM
  • Born Solyanka video
  • TV program "Time will show"

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