Jimmy Simpson - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, "Black Mirror", Actor 2021



American Jimmy Simpson became famous as a talented actor and creative producer. During the years of creative career, which started in the mid-1990s, he played a number of bright roles in the theater, movie and television. Contribution to the development of contemporary art was marked by an invitation to the International Festival in Toronto and nominations for meaningful awards.

Childhood and youth

James Rammond Jimmy Simpson's biography began in the fall of 1975. He was born in County Warren in a big American family.

The early childhood of the future actor passed in the house located in the city of Haketstown, in the company of parents and two senior brothers. The family loved television series and programs about art and cinema.

When it was time to learn, the boy chose a state general education school, where there were many electives. Along with the main items, he visited acting activities.

Teachers developed natural ability to reincarnate in James, trusting the main and minor roles in amateur performances. After the prom, the teenager decided to enroll in the theater university.

The appropriate faculty was found in the University of Pennsylvania. There, Simpson received a bachelor's degree in art and a ticket to adulthood.

The first steps as a professionally a native of the city of Haukettstown made on the site of the Williamstown Festival, held in Massachusetts. Over time, he wanted to change the occupation and focused on television and cinema.


The acting career Jimmy started in early 2000. A graduate of the University of Bloomsburg debuted in a full-length teenage comedy "Loser", filmed by the American director, producer and screenwriter Amy I. Hekekerling. The guy played a neighbor on the room of the main character of the picture in Jason Biggs. Mine Suvary, Greg Kinner, Daniel Ekroyd and Meredith Scott Lynn helped the team, joined the team.

The other roles on television followed. The young actor "lit up" in the mini-show of Stephen King "Mansion" Red Rose "," 24 hours "is a dismanting drama, a detective" Police of New York "and a fantastic Karnival.

On the big screen, at the same period, the spectators saw Jimmy in the sports comedy Angela Robinson "Crazy Racing" with Justin Long and Lindsay Lohan, Western David von Ankenna "Waterfall Angel" with Liam Nison and Pierce Chamber and Criminal Drama David Fincher "Zodiac" with such Hollywood Stars, like Robert Downey - younger, Mark Ruffalo, as well as Jake Jillenhol.

In 2008, Simpson returned to theatrical layouts and appeared before the public in the main role of Aaron Sorokina's "Farnsworth" Piesen. After the premiere of the performance on Broadway, the actor noted the article in the weekly The Chicago Tribune, the Honorary Award "Theater World" and the title of the best young executor of the season.

Success made it possible to get ready for a permanent job at the "Later Show with David Letterman" and to play in the episodes of popular projects "CSI: the crime scene", "My name is Earl", "Dr. House" and "Clearvideo". At the same time, American critics estimated episodic appearances in the pictures "invention of lies", "stay alive" and "crazy date" Ricky Jerveyis, William Brent Bella and Sean Levi.

Evan Rachel Wood and Jimmy Simpson in the Wild West World series

A bright page in Simpson filmography was the role of Liam Makpoyla in Sitkom "in Philadelphia is always sunny." For a number of seasons, the actor entered into conflicts with the "Shayka", which owns the Bar "At Paddy". On the shooting, he met such representatives of the cultural community as Glenn Howerton, Rob Macwechenni, Catelin Olson, Danny de Vito and Charlie Day.

In early 2010, Jimmy tried to reveal the character of the health worker of Lloyd Lowery in the criminal television series "Kings of escape." For 23 episodes, he appeared in the form of a pupil of Harvard University, who had fallen for the lattice for the sale of illegal certificates to students, and then recruited to the team, helped to catch criminals who escaped from prison.

From 2012 to 2014, Simpson starred in the films "President Lincoln: Vampire Hunter", "Emanuel and Truth about Fishes", "Hello, I'm time," the "Storm of the White House" and "Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom" knights.

In the same period, the actor played the role of Hacker Gavin Orsay in the political drama Bo Willimon "Card House". Adaptation of the mini-project previously released by the BBC channel has passed on the NetFlix platform. During this time, Jimmy enrolled with the performers of other roles twice nominated for the US Fine Actors Guild for the best composition in the dramatic series.

In 2016, Simpson entrusted a constant role in the multi-seater adventure thriller "Wild West." Variety magazine, published by Jimmy, Evan Rachel Wood, Tandy Newton and other main characters of the show, called the image of William - visitor of the futuristic amusement park filled with android, "fascinating". The award-winning performer has become a personal nomination for PrimeTime Emmy Award.

A year later, Simpson starred in the fantastic anthology "Black Mirror". Reincarnation in the character of James Walton in the first episode of the fourth part, named "USS Callister", brought the actor the right to participate in the awards ceremony of the British Academy of Television. He was called a candidate for a prize for the best minor male role.

In the 2020th, the screens came the Thriller "frantic". Simpson's partners, who played lawyer Andy, became Russell Crowe, Karen Pistorius, Gabriel Beitman and Michael Papajon.

Personal life

In his youth while working on the series "Red Rose Mansion", Simpson met with the New Zealand actress Melanie Linski. A few years later, the lovers got married and thus arranged a personal life.

In 2012, it became known that the spouses conflict with each other. Considered by irreconcilable differences, the star of Peter Jackson's "Heavenly Creation" has hired lawyers and organized a divorce.

For a while, the actor restore the spiritual equilibrium away from the female spec.. In the spring of 2019, American media reported that the Englishwoman Sophie del Pizzo, who played in the paintings of God's gift "and the" Angel's Drop ", became the second official wife.

Now in the Account in "Instagram" often appear photos from family parties. The public found out that the actor is still closely communicating with the brothers and their already matured children, and also spends vacation on the coast in the company of the new chosen.

Jimmy Simpson now

In the 2021th, the Cinomians saw Simpson in the criminal drama "Asocial Network" of Tiller Russell. Before that, he starred in a television comedy "Clairvideo-2: Lassi returns home."

In addition, the actor completed work on a humorous thriller called "Give Oak in the district of YUB." Spectators have spent the plot and images created by Jimmy, Ellison Jenny, Ellen Barkin, cute Kunis and Regina Hall.


  • 2000 - "Loser"
  • 2002 - "Mansion" Red Rose "
  • 2005-2013 - "In Philadelphia is always sunny"
  • 2006 - "stay alive"
  • 2007 - Zodiac
  • 2009 - "FIELD OF LIA"
  • 2009-2013 - "Clearvideo"
  • 2010 - "Mad Date"
  • 2011-2012 - "Kings of escape"
  • 2012 - "Hi, I have time"
  • 2013 - "Emanuel and the Truth about Fish"
  • 2014-2015 - "Card House"
  • 2016-2020 - "Wild West World"
  • 2018 - "Unpainted Business"
  • 2019 - "Enterprise" God's gift ""
  • 2020 - "frantic"
  • 2021 - "Give oak in the district of Yuba"
  • 2021 - "Asocial Network"

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