Lev Rubinstein - biography, personal life, photo, news, poems, "Palaces for dirt", books 2021



For many in Russia, Lion Rubinstein is a benchmark of an intellectual. Erudition, literary gift and eloquence are combined in the poet and publicist with an active civil position.

Childhood and youth

On February 19, 1947, in the family of Frontovik, awarded the Order "For Combat Merit", the construction engineer Seeds of Lvovich Rubinstein, there was a joyful event - the youngest son Lion was born. The boy was born in the Moscow maternity hospital named after Grigory Graveerman, headed by a uncle of a newborn - Boris Lvovich Rubinstein.

At birth, the future poet and journalist weighed 4.2 kg and, according to the joking quotation of Alla Bossert, now weighs the same - throughout the biography, Lev Semenovich is characteristic of the elegant and grace. Children's photo of the writer are posted on his page in "Instagram".

The Childhood of Rubinstein Jrked in a huge communal apartment in the house at the corner of the Scarytinsky Lane and a large Nikitskaya street, in which the mother of Lvovich's seeds lived, who observed Kashrut and spoken in Russian with a strong Jewish accent, as well as all his numerous relatives. The corridor was so spacious that the children ride on it on 3-wheeled bikes. According to legends, in the XIX century, Alexander Pushkin has repeatedly been in the apartment.

At an early age, Lev had a lot and dreamed of becoming a doctor. To fix the health of the younger son, the parents exported the boy for the summer to the cottage. A part of the childhood, a native of Moscow spent in the extreme north, where his father participated in the construction of a transpolar railway.

A huge place in the life of Leva occupied books: Rubinstein Jr. read them not only during the day, but also at night under the blanket, illuminating the lines with a flashlight. In 14 years, the circle of reading a teenager has changed: instead of the adventure novels, Alexander Duma and Main Reed Moskvich began to read poems. Poetic lines were born in the head of the boy, but he shy to promise his opuses.

In an interview with the Jewish portal Jewish.ru (namely, all the ancestors of Leo Semenovich belonged to this nationality), the writer said that the main authority in childhood and adolescence was the elder brother. It was under the influence of the champion of Rubinsteins that their younger son in his youth joined the community of poets and artists who have formed a platform of Moscow conceptualism. The age difference between the brothers is 9 years old.

After school, Lev entered the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow Correspondence Pedagogical Institute, which is now attached to the IFSU. According to the received specialty, Rubinstein did not work.

Creativity and social activities

For several years after receiving a diploma of higher education, Lev improved the bibliography in the library of the Native University. Working with cards pushed Rubinstein to creating her own genre, located at the junction of visual and verbal arts, as well as a perforant, "poems on cards."

The works of Lion Semenovich were published after the author's 30th anniversary: ​​first in the West, and 10 years later, on the wave of restructuring, in Russia. From under the feather Rubinstein, the books of poetry and essayism "homemade Musication" came out, "chase behind a hat and other texts", "Signs of attention", "For a whole year. My calendar, "French, Swedish, Polish and other languages ​​subsequently translated into English, French, Swedish, Polish and other languages.

At the turn of the second and third millennium, the writer worked as a browser in the magazine "Results" and "Weekly magazine." Rubric Rubbishtein "Conversations easily", which unites the memories of the author and its reasoning on topical topics, was popular with readers. In 2012, the book "Signs of Attention" Lev Semenovich was awarded the Literary Prize "Nose".

In 2005-2015, Rubinstein wrote for the sites of the border and wall newsnets. Until spring 2014 led a blog in the "Live Journal", until May 2015 - a blog on the website "Echo Moscow". The writer repeatedly went to single pickets: in 2013 - for the liberation of the participants of Pussy Riot Punk Group, and in 2019 in support of the arrested actor Pavel Ustinov. In 2014, Lev Semenovich signed a letter with the requirement to "terminate the support of separatists" in the south-east of Ukraine.

Personal life

About the personal life of Rubinstein knows little. Lev Semenovich is married and calls the spouse Irina his most stringent criticism. The daughter of the poet Maria in adolescence went to read, as many teenagers go to the consumption of prohibited substances. Parents had to persuade a girl to go out to walk with his girlfriends. In February 2006, Rubinstein was a guest of the NTV "School of Crossing".

Lev Semenovich is friendly with Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Denis Dragunsky and Timur Kibirov, who dedicated him to the mini poem "Message L. S. Rubinstein." In 2017, the writer suffered an operation on the heart and, while in the hospital, learned about the death of Anton Noste; Rubinstein knew the future blogger from 8 years ago.

In 2012, Rubinstein admitted that he stopped buying books, because he "clamped" libraries of parents, wives and daughters. Judging by the pictures placed by Lvir Semenovich in social networks, the shelter with the family of a writer divides a striped cat, loving lying near the master's computer.

Lev Rubinstein now

In 2020, a new book of Rubinstein "Cemetery with WiFay" was published in the publishing house "New Literary Review". The writer is still responding with witty essays on social and political news. So, after the appearance of the World Wide Web Investigation Film, Alexei Navalny's Palace of Vladimir Putin, published a writer on the Mikhail Khodorkovsky platform "MBH Media" and interpretated on his page in Twitter "Palaces for dirt".

In the first February day of 2021, comrade and like-minded people Rubinstein died, Poet Viktor Koval, who was concluded with Lvom Semenovich, Sergey Gandalovsky and Timur Kibirov in the group of almanac poems. On February 19, 2021, the founder of the "poems on cards" genre noted the 74th anniversary and posted a photo of parents on the page in Facebook.


  • 1992 - "Little Night Serenade"
  • 1995 - "Furniture and further"
  • 1996 - "Regular Letter"
  • 1998 - "Cases from Language"
  • 2000 - "Home Musication"
  • 2004 - "Pursuit of a hat and other texts"
  • 2008 - "Vocabulary"
  • 2008 - "Spirits of Time"
  • 2011 - "Four texts from big card files"
  • 2012 - "From May to May"
  • 2012 - "Signs of Attention"
  • 2013 - "Most likely"
  • 2016 - "Causement"
  • 2018 - "For a whole year. My calendar "
  • 2020 - "WiFay Cemetery"

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